
Incorrect header when exporting to PDF with yadcf filter

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-02 10:52:53
问题 When I am trying to export to pdf my Datatable with a filter yadcf, the header show always every case from my filter, how can I hide that? My javascript is : var vsan = $('#vsan').DataTable( { "lengthMenu": [ [-1, 10, 40, 50], ["All", 10, 40, 50] ], "sDom": '<"top"i>fBltif', "buttons": [ { extend: 'print', exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' } }, { extend: 'excel', exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' } }, { extend: 'pdfHtml5', exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' } }, { extend: 'copyHtml5',

yadcf - custom_select selectize bizarre behavior

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-01 12:15:22
Trying to use custom_select with selectize and I am seeing bizarre behavior. The select field gets duplicated as do the reset buttons, and when I pick one of the selects, the fields multiply. Initializing selectize with var _selectize; yadcf.initSelectPluginCustomTriggers( function($filterSelector) { _selectize = $filterSelector.selectize({}); }, function($filterSelector) { _selectize.refreshItems() }, function($filterSelector) { _selectize.destroy() }); Initializing yadcf with var yadcf_options = [{ 'column_number': 0, 'filter_container_id': "_rrwebapp_filtername", 'filter_type': "multi

YADCF + Datatables Server Side Populate Select with Php

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-01 08:47:48
I literally have searched Every Single Page that mentions the argument, but cant seem to figure this one out I am using Datatables with Yadcf , ajax source, server_side.php and ssp.class.php Now i want to populate the select filters with All the data, not just the current page, I read and saw the yadcf showcase - -> yadcf-showcase.appspot.com/server_side_source.html that the only mention is a JQuery (java) part to populate the yadcf_data_n But cant find one single example to do the same using the server_side.php and ssp.class.php to retrieve the data. I (and from what i saw around a lot of