
What Does Y2K Compliant Mean?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-13 07:42:30
问题 I was reading basics of Perl programming language and I came across the following statement Perl is Y2K compliant. Did not quite get what it meant even after some Googling. Is it some kind of standard established. if yes then by whom? Any info is appreciated. 回答1: For those who were programming in the late 1990s, Y2K was of crucial importance. Literally: Y2K = Year 2000 . Software that was not Y2K-compliant included, most obviously, software that stored year numbers as 2 digits (often to save

How Do I Convert a Y2K Date to SQL DATE In SSIS?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-08 03:37:59
问题 I am using SSIS (SQL 2008) to bring data over from an AS400. The date values are stored in the 400 as a 7 digit numeric. Here is the format: "CYYMMDD" C is a "century digit" where 0 = 1900 and 1 = 2000. I have been looking into derived columns and script components. I am very new to SSIS and all the casting required compounded with different cases is making me a dull boy. Also, I am losing leading zeros. I am not sure if that is b/c they are numeric type and I would see them correctly if I

What is causing the 2010 bugs?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-03 08:44:40
问题 There are a lot of reports of systems failing to understand the year 2010 but I've no idea why. Current systems I look after are working fine as far as I could tell but I'd like to know what the actual problem is to search better. Could anyone shed some light on it please? Edit: http://www.rte.ie/business/2010/0105/bug.html - Information about it affecting credit cards in Germany 回答1: Several protocols used in banking and telecommunications - including the SMS protocol - encode the year as

How to parse string dates with 2-digit year?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-11-29 09:04:18
I need to parse strings representing 6-digit dates in the format yymmdd where yy ranges from 59 to 05 (1959 to 2005). According to the time module docs, Python's default pivot year is 1969 which won't work for me. Is there an easy way to override the pivot year, or can you suggest some other solution? I am using Python 2.7. Thanks! I'd use datetime and parse it out normally. Then I'd use datetime.datetime.replace on the object if it is past your ceiling date -- Adjusting it back 100 yrs.: import datetime dd = datetime.datetime.strptime(date,'%y%m%d') if dd.year > 2005: dd = dd.replace(year=dd

How to parse string dates with 2-digit year?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-11-27 22:57:13
问题 I need to parse strings representing 6-digit dates in the format yymmdd where yy ranges from 59 to 05 (1959 to 2005). According to the time module docs, Python's default pivot year is 1969 which won't work for me. Is there an easy way to override the pivot year, or can you suggest some other solution? I am using Python 2.7. Thanks! 回答1: I'd use datetime and parse it out normally. Then I'd use datetime.datetime.replace on the object if it is past your ceiling date -- Adjusting it back 100 yrs.