
Circular Dependency for multinode module (Xodus)

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-06 06:34:25
问题 After quite some trials, I find that it is not possible to use the multinode module at all. Since the multinode depends on entity-store module and vice versa. Thus including the multinode module into Gradle config of entity-store causes circular dependency. Anyhow, I am still trying some hacks. Essentially the major issue I find is the creation of the S3BlobVault , since it is easy to (re)create the S3DataReaderWriterProvider from outside the Xodus project, the major issue is the S3BlobVault

Nested Cursors over two different Stores

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-24 03:37:18
问题 I have following code: ... Transaction xodusTransaction = xodusEnvironment.beginReadonlyTransaction(); Store leftStore = xodusEnvironment.openStore(leftName, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, xodusTransaction, false); Store rightStore = xodusEnvironment.openStore(rightName, StoreConfig.USE_EXISTING, xodusTransaction, false); try(Cursor leftCursor = leftStore.openCursor(xodusTransaction); Cursor rightCursor = rightStore.openCursor(xodusTransaction)) { while(leftCursor.getNext()) { while(rightCursor

Multiple Xodus app to access/share single directory

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-20 04:37:06
问题 According to the comment from this post "I have xodus directory I wan to share between two applications.. But one with read /write access and other with read-only access.. Is the any other way to create Environment apart from Environments.newInstance("xodusDir"); for read-only access to xodus database.. I need only read only access to xodus from other application.." Answered with "This would be possible with upcoming version 1.3.0." Does it mean that it is possible to have multiple processes