Remove Timestamp element from Security
All the geeks will say WSE is outdated.. Thats ok for me right now.. Just trying to find a solution for my problem Trying to consume a Java webservice using WSE. In the outgoing soap request has an security has additional time stamp node. My outgoing soap request looks like this <soap:Header> <wsa:Action wsu:Id="Id-6209d12b-20bf-407e-ac72-533d0f671a2c"></wsa:Action> <wsa:MessageID wsu:Id="Id-280fe225-2f80-4f37-b5d4-120146fc7dec">urn:uuid:a427b687-6f52-4689-9df2-c2e3c6d9ea1a</wsa:MessageID>< wsa:ReplyTo wsu:Id="Id-bc623f16-761c-4e03-a23e-aa70bd9b8d34"><wsa:Address>