
How to install ADB driver for any android device?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-11-26 16:32:19
问题 I am an android developer. I have a new HTC Inspire 4g phone but I don't know how to install usb driver for it. This is my android_winusb.inf file: ; ; Android WinUsb driver installation. ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = AndroidUsbDeviceClass ClassGuid = {3F966BD9-FA04-4ec5-991C-D326973B5128} Provider = %ProviderName% DriverVer = 12/06/2010,4.0.0000.00000 CatalogFile.NTx86 = CatalogFile.NTamd64 = ; ; This section seems to be required for