
Safari xhr drag'n'drop file upload seems to occur twice

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-05 02:35:37
It can be related to Webfaction configuration (they have nginx proxy, and my app is webpy running under apache2+mod_wsgi) because it works in my dev cherrypy server. Here are some bits from javascript code I use for upload: /* Bind drop events */ $(this).bind({ "dragover": function(e){ var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; if(!dt) return; if($.browser.webkit) dt.dropEffect = 'copy'; $(this).addClass("active"); return false; }, "dragleave": function(e){ $(this).removeClass("active") }, "dragenter": function(e){return false;}, "drop": function(e){ var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; if(!dt&&

Setting up Redis on Webfaction

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-04 07:25:46
问题 What are the steps required to set up Redis database on Webfaction shared hosting account? 回答1: Introduction Because of the special environment restrictions of Webfaction servers the installation instructions are not as straightforward as they would be. Nevertheless at the end you will have a fully functioning Redis server that stays up even after a reboot. I personally installed Redis by the following procedure about a half a year ago and it has been running flawlessy since. A little word of

Setting up Redis on Webfaction

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-02 13:59:44
What are the steps required to set up Redis database on Webfaction shared hosting account? Akseli Palén Introduction Because of the special environment restrictions of Webfaction servers the installation instructions are not as straightforward as they would be. Nevertheless at the end you will have a fully functioning Redis server that stays up even after a reboot. I personally installed Redis by the following procedure about a half a year ago and it has been running flawlessy since. A little word of a warning though, half a year is not a long time, especially because the server have not been

Can't deploy a simple Flask application on Webfaction

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-02 06:57:58
I have been trying to get Flask to work on my webfaction server for hours with no results. I followed the instructions at http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/65/ I have my index.py file stored under htdocs. import sys yourappname = "/home/<myusername>/webapps/myapp/htdocs" if not yourappname in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, yourappname) from yourappname import app as application Then I have added this to my httpd.conf file: WSGIPythonPath /home/yourusername/webapps/yourapp/htdocs/ #If you do not specify the following directive the app *will* work but you will #see index.py in the path of all URLs

Django Webfaction 'Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process'

佐手、 提交于 2019-11-30 08:28:20
My Django app on my production server hosted on Webfaction was working fine until I just tried to restart it after pushing a change to the settings.py file. I ran apache2/bin/restart as usual. Then I tried to access my app on my browser, and I got a 504 Gateway timeout. I looked into the mod_wsgi logs and saw this: [Thu Nov 03 23:46:53.605625 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 8027:tid 139641332168448] [client] Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process 'myapp' : /home/<me>/webapps/<myapp>/<ProjectName>/<myapp>/wsgi.py What does this mean and how do I fix it? The only thing

Scrapy project can't find django.core.management

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-29 12:18:20
I'm trying to follow the method here to 'Scrapy' data from the web and simultaneously save that data directly to my Django database using Scrapy's item pipeline. However, when I try to run scrapy crawl spidername , I'm getting the error: ImportError: No module named django.core.management At first I thought it was because my Scrapy project was outside of my Django project folder, but even after I moved the whole project into my Django project folder I kept getting the same error. If I open a python shell inside the Scrapy project folder in its new location (inside my Django project folder),

Django Webfaction 'Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process'

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-29 11:48:39
问题 My Django app on my production server hosted on Webfaction was working fine until I just tried to restart it after pushing a change to the settings.py file. I ran apache2/bin/restart as usual. Then I tried to access my app on my browser, and I got a 504 Gateway timeout. I looked into the mod_wsgi logs and saw this: [Thu Nov 03 23:46:53.605625 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 8027:tid 139641332168448] [client] Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process 'myapp' : /home/<me

Cloning a Mercurial repository over SSH

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-11-28 16:57:11
I'm having some difficulty cloning my mercurial repository over ssh. Here's what I have tried: hg clone ssh://username@username.webfactional.com/path/to/projectname projectname It's giving me this error: remote: bash: hg: command not found abort: no suitable response from remote hg! hg is installed on the server, however. I was trying to follow the instructions on this website . Richard Cook Sounds like hg is not on your path. The Mercurial FAQ mentions possible fixes for this issue: FAQ/CommonProblems . Add the remotecmd value to your Mercurial configuration by opening ~/.hgrc (or Mercurial

Cloning a Mercurial repository over SSH

北战南征 提交于 2019-11-27 10:05:08
问题 I'm having some difficulty cloning my mercurial repository over ssh. Here's what I have tried: hg clone ssh://username@username.webfactional.com/path/to/projectname projectname It's giving me this error: remote: bash: hg: command not found abort: no suitable response from remote hg! hg is installed on the server, however. I was trying to follow the instructions on this website. 回答1: Sounds like hg is not on your path. The Mercurial FAQ mentions possible fixes for this issue: FAQ