
Browsers in 2013 with Web MIDI API?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-02 10:30:14
问题 Does anybody knows if there's a browser whith Web MIDI support? ... I've tried the samples on http://webaudio.github.io/web-midi-api/ but they throw me an error that my navigator has not such properties. Im working on google-chrome and firefox. If, there's no browsers that support MIDI, when do u estimate we will have one, maybe in the next 2 years? 回答1: According to this posting (dated June 28th 2013), "initial experimental support" for Web MIDI is now available in Chrome Canary. 回答2: As of

Detect if a MIDI interface is connected in Web MIDI API

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-09 18:40:44
问题 I am experimenting with the Web Midi API in Chrome/OS X. So far I get good results but I am wondering: Is there a way to detect if a MIDI interface is connected/disconnected WHILE an application is running? The way it works for now is to restart the browser to let the application know that an interface is present or not ... There seems to be a MIDIAccess onconnect / ondisconnect event but I don't know what to do to make them fire. Is this implemented yet in Chrome (Canary)? 回答1: The current

Accessing a USB Midi device via the web

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-07 18:51:43
问题 I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to access a Midi device (like a piano/keyboard or electronic drum set) that is plugged into to a clients USB port over the web. Obviously the browser security model makes this impossible using just javascript and while it looks like the emerging html5 device standard might help in the future it's apparently not there yet. So what about flash, silverlight or java? The closest I've found is that silverlight seems to be able to do it if the app is

Browsers in 2013 with Web MIDI API?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-06 09:53:51
Does anybody knows if there's a browser whith Web MIDI support? ... I've tried the samples on http://webaudio.github.io/web-midi-api/ but they throw me an error that my navigator has not such properties. Im working on google-chrome and firefox. If, there's no browsers that support MIDI, when do u estimate we will have one, maybe in the next 2 years? According to this posting (dated June 28th 2013), "initial experimental support" for Web MIDI is now available in Chrome Canary. As of now, there are no browsers that support the Web MIDI API yet. First off, the spec isn't finalized yet and there

Accessing a USB Midi device via the web

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-06 07:32:37
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to access a Midi device (like a piano/keyboard or electronic drum set) that is plugged into to a clients USB port over the web. Obviously the browser security model makes this impossible using just javascript and while it looks like the emerging html5 device standard might help in the future it's apparently not there yet. So what about flash, silverlight or java? The closest I've found is that silverlight seems to be able to do it if the app is trusted, but that's not a very easy thing to convince a user to do. Any options? The only practical way (that

How to discover midi keyboard in web midi api?

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-01 12:29:28
reference: Browsers in 2013 with Web MIDI API? I'm currently running Chrome 34.0.1847.116 on OS 10.9.2 and experimenting with the Web Midi API. After enabling chrome://flags/#enable-web-midi, I'm able to get a midiAccess object by pasting the following code from http://www.w3.org/TR/webmidi/ into the DevTools console. var midi = null; // global MIDIAccess object function onMIDISuccess( midiAccess ) { console.log( "MIDI ready!" ); midi = midiAccess; // store in the global (in real usage, would probably keep in an object instance) } function onMIDIFailure(msg) { console.log( "Failed to get MIDI

How to discover midi keyboard in web midi api?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-01 11:26:42
问题 reference: Browsers in 2013 with Web MIDI API? I'm currently running Chrome 34.0.1847.116 on OS 10.9.2 and experimenting with the Web Midi API. After enabling chrome://flags/#enable-web-midi, I'm able to get a midiAccess object by pasting the following code from http://www.w3.org/TR/webmidi/ into the DevTools console. var midi = null; // global MIDIAccess object function onMIDISuccess( midiAccess ) { console.log( "MIDI ready!" ); midi = midiAccess; // store in the global (in real usage, would