
Openwrt iptables分析

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-01-21 08:43:43
这里将载有Openwrt的WR841N的路由表dump出来分析一下。 这个是dump出iptables的命令 root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# iptables-save 这里分为4部分: 1.NAT表 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [37930:3638072] :INPUT ACCEPT [440:34479] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [1004:101848] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [149:36868] :MINIUPNPD - [0:0] :delegate_postrouting - [0:0] :delegate_prerouting - [0:0] :postrouting_lan_rule - [0:0] :postrouting_rule - [0:0] :postrouting_wan_rule - [0:0] :prerouting_lan_rule - [0:0] :prerouting_rule - [0:0] :prerouting_wan_rule - [0:0] :zone_lan_postrouting - [0:0] :zone_lan_prerouting - [0:0] :zone_wan_postrouting - [0:0] :zone_wan_prerouting - [0


回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-01-16 00:54:42
家用小路由器的WAN口是固化NAT转换的,单向,只向上转,无法将WAN口来的访问转向LAN口下面。不支持WAN口前面的任何静态路由跳转。 建议拿胶布封闭小路由器WAN口,网线改插小路由器LAN口,关闭小路由器的DHCP服务,当交换机用 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/fpcbk/p/12199359.html


我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-12 01:06:06
应用介绍   如果您希望在网络任何地方都可以管理到路由器,进行实时、安全的管控配置。远程WEB管理功能,可以实现在接入互联网的地方即可远程管理路由器。   我公司有多种类型的路由器,其中云路由器是通过手机APP进行远程管理,而其他路由器是通过设置远程WEB管理实现外网管理。本文将分别介绍这两种类型路由器的远程管理方法。 设置方法 一、云路由器   在云路由器和手机APP上都登录TP-LINK ID,即均连接到了云服务器。那么手机便可以在外网管理云路由器。 二、其他路由器    除云路由器之外,其他路由器均是通过在路由器界面开启远程WEB管理,实现外网访问路由器。具体设置方法如下: 1 、设置远程WEB管理 登录路由器界面,在 安全功能 > 远程 WEB 管理 ,WEB管理端口修改为9090, 远程 WEB 管理状态 选择 启用 ,远程WEB管理IP地址设置为255.255.255.255(即允许所有外网电脑都能访问到路由器界面),并点击 确定 。如下图所示: 请注意以下事项: [1] 80、8080等常用端口容易被宽带服务商屏蔽,因此建议将WEB管理端口设置为不常用端口,如9000以上的端口。 [2] 修改WEB管理端口后,局域网电脑管理时需要使用http://LAN口IP:端口(如http://。 新界面的无线路由器点击 高级设置 > 设备管理

Openwrt 刷机后配置WAN口,安装luci和设置中文、安装挂载USB存储。

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-01-11 12:45:10
官方版本的ROM编译时时没有把luci和uhttpd打包进去的,所以,要ssh登录到路由器后手动安装,默认用户名root,密码是空。 如果你的路由器是挂载在其他路由下面的,DHCP可以获取到IP,能正常上网的话,这一步不需要操作。 0x00:设置wan口以便路由器可以上网: 登录后 vi /etc/config/network/ 修改wan的配置信息。我的如下: config interface 'wan' option ifname 'eth0.2' option proto 'static' option ipaddr '' option netmask '' option gateway '' option dns '' 保存退出后重启network进程:/etc/init.d/network restart 测试下网络是否正常。 0x01安装uhttpd并设置开机自启动: 安装luci会自动安装uhttpd 更新opkg软件库: opkg update 安装uhttpd: opkg install uhttpd 安装完毕后,设置uhttpd开机自启动: /etc/init.d/uhttpd enable 启动uhttpd: /etc/init.d/uhttpd

TCP/UDP Socket server on WAN

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-01-11 06:55:10
问题 I have written a socket server in c# that will be used as the basic design for a small game project I am part of. The socket server works fine on lan. I able to communicate completely fine between the server and the client. However on the WAN the server receives all the correct messages from the client, but the client receives no messages from the server. Both the client and the server are behind a router but only the server's router has the ports forwarded. When the client connects to the

Is the Service serveo.net safe and private?

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-04 01:37:27
问题 I created a reverse tcp payload for android on port 3333. and forwarded it with serveo. But the main Concern is anyone in the world can listen on this port and get the reverse connection. How can i make this connection private so only i can access it ? 回答1: Used serveo and ngrok and stuck with ngrok. I believe them when they say it's safe but I also added additional layers of security to my host machine that issues the SSH, by hardening the SSH config and opening up the minimum ports required

Get my WAN IP address

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-01 06:27:36
问题 How can i go about programaticaly getting the IP address of my network as seen from the Internet? Its obviously a property that my router has access to when it connects to the ISP. Is there any way to get this info from a router using a standard protocol. My only other option is to either find a WS which returns my IP address (suprisingly difficult to do), or just go to something like whatismyip.com and strip out all the HTML (very dirty and susceptable to change). Is there any other way???

Get my WAN IP address

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-01 06:27:18
问题 How can i go about programaticaly getting the IP address of my network as seen from the Internet? Its obviously a property that my router has access to when it connects to the ISP. Is there any way to get this info from a router using a standard protocol. My only other option is to either find a WS which returns my IP address (suprisingly difficult to do), or just go to something like whatismyip.com and strip out all the HTML (very dirty and susceptable to change). Is there any other way???

Docker & Consul & Fabio & ASP.NET Core 2.0 微服务跨平台实践

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-29 00:59:31
Consul介绍    Consul是HashiCorp公司推出的开源工具[开源地址:https://github.com/hashicorp/consul],用于实现分布式系统的服务发现与配置。    与市面上其他系统比较如下:    总体而言, Consul用Golang实现,因此具有天然可移植性(支持Linux、windows和Mac OS X);安装包仅包含一个可执行文件,方便部署,与Docker等轻量级容器可 无缝配合 。 此外,关于Consul的架构以及相关的角色,如下图所示:    以Server模式运行的Consul Agent节点用于维护Consul集群的状态,官方建议每个Consul Cluster至少有 3个或以上的运行在Server Mode的Agent,Client节点不限。 Consul支持多数据中心,每个数据中心的Consul Cluster都会在运行于Server模式下的Agent节点中选出一个Leader节点,这个选举过程通过Consul实现的raft协议保证,多个 Server节点上的Consul数据信息是强一致的。处于Client Mode的Consul Agent节点比较简单,无状态,仅仅负责将请求转发给Server Agent节点。 集群搭建   笔者打算通过五台Centos7来搭建Consul集群,借助VMware