

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-01-22 18:41:08
在“httpd.conf”文件中查找:Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf,去掉前面的注释#。 打开extra/httpd-vhosts.conf文件;在最后加入类似内容:(文件路径是自己安装程序的路径) <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "D:/wamp/www/aaa"(这是你放程序的文件路径) ServerName www.aaa.com (这是自己定义的域名) </VirtualHost> 找到下图这个文件最后添加: www.aaa.com (这是自己定义的域名) 3 保存,重启服务即可。在浏览器输入:www.aaa.com查看效果。 注意事项 默认的根目录也要添加到httpd-vhosts.conf 不然默认路径就用不了了。 最终结果: 以后每次添加新站点都如上在后面增加一个: <VirtualHost *:80>   DocumentRoot "D:/wamp/www/xxx"(这是你放程序的文件路径) ServerName www.xxx.com (这是自己定义的域名) </VirtualHost> 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/tinkeihei/p/5361547.html

Wampserver 2.5安装

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-01-21 18:47:51
PHP服务器组件 PHP服务器组件非常多有WampServer、XAMPP、AppServ、phpStudy、phpnow等。 菜鸟教程推荐: WampServer ,这也是目前window平台上使用最广泛的,操作也非常简单。WampServer内部还集成了PhpMyAdmin 数据库管理工具。 我的windows版本太低,装最新版本的wampserver总是出错,下载Wampserver 2.5。 https://wamp.soft32.com/ 成功 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lovely7/p/12222682.html

wampserver 虚拟主机

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-20 20:42:45
转载:http://blog.csdn.net/knight_quan/article/details/51830683 1.背景: 在进行网站开发的时候,通常需要以http://localhost或者127.0.0.1等地址来访问本地环境的网站。不过随着开发项目的增多,需要每次先访问localhost然后再选项目,显得繁琐。比如,你开发一个crm项目,你想在浏览器直接输入www.crm.com来访问本地网站,这时就要进行以下配置。 注:以下是在windows下wampserver中Apache配置虚拟主机的方法。 2.配置本地host文件: Host文件用于本地DNS解析,并且优先于寻找网络上的DNS服务器。 在目录:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc 中找到hosts文件 用记事本或其他IDE打开; 添加一行: www.crm.com 然后保存。 3. 配置httpd-vhosts.conf 文件: 打开目录Apache的安装目录/conf/extra/, 找到 httpd-vhosts.conf 文件; 我的目录是:D:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\extra 添加一段代码来指定某一域名的网站,如我配置虚拟域名是: www.crm.com,文件目录指向的是项目所在目录; ServerAdmin

wampserver 2.4 配置虚拟主机

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-20 20:41:30
最近用到了wamp环境,想创建一个虚拟主机,可是忘记了,于是百度了一下,把它写下来: 环境wampserver 2.4 找到安装目录,进入apache安装目录:找到conf 下的 httpd.conf 默认是 C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.21\conf 下的httpd.conf 找到这么一句 # Virtual hosts #Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 改为 # Virtual hosts Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 意思是开始虚拟主机配置,在conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 下配置 模式的配置地址 C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.21\conf\extra httpd-vhosts.conf 找到和下面一样的代码,原本是不带#号的: #<VirtualHost *:80> # ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host.example.com # DocumentRoot "c:/Apache2/docs/dummy-host.example.com" # ServerName dummy-host.example.com # ServerAlias www.dummy-host


孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-20 20:32:51
1.配置wamp网站地址: 找到wamp的安装目录,如~\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf 打开httpd-vhosts.conf文件 其中有默认的样例: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host2.example.com DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/docs/dummy-host2.example.com" ServerName dummy-host2.example.com ErrorLog "logs/dummy-host2.example.com-error.log" CustomLog "logs/dummy-host2.example.com-access.log" common </VirtualHost> 我们配置自己的网站时,可以简单点: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "e:demo/test01" (这里是要设置站点的路径) ServerName test01.com (这里是要设置站点的域名) </VirtualHost> 设置好后保存, 有任何改动了配置的操作都要重新启动wamp 。 2.配置Apache: 打开httpd.conf文件,可参考:http:/


◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-20 20:30:38
备忘录 软件版本wampserver2.5-Apache-2.4.9-Mysql-5.6.17-php5.5.12-64b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 配置修改 自定义网站根目录:    1、 修改Apache配置:找到 " 盘符:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf "下Apache配置文件,查找documentroot关键字,修改230行位置documentroot路径和252行<Directory "路径">标签对中的路径    2、 修改WAMP菜单[www目录(W)]:在wamp根目录 " 盘符:\wamp "下,找到wampmanager.ini文件,查找Menu.Left关键字,在[Menu.Left]下的   Type: item; Caption: "www 目录"; Action: shellexecute; FileName: "d:/wamp/www"; Glyph: 2  中修改Caption(名字)和FileName(路径)   Type: item; Caption:

Wampserver icon not going green fully, mysql services not starting up?

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-19 11:19:08
问题 I'm running an application on localhost , it's been running successfully for at least a year now, but suddenly today wampserver isn't starting up. Whenever I rightclick on the taskbar icon and "start all services", it gets orange, but never green. Yesterday there was a data loss problem because one of the mysql tables crashed and had to be repaired, if that's related to this in any way. If I try http://localhost/phpmyadmin , I get a 403 Forbidden error, which I never got before. I checked the

Wampserver icon not going green fully, mysql services not starting up?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-19 11:15:26
问题 I'm running an application on localhost , it's been running successfully for at least a year now, but suddenly today wampserver isn't starting up. Whenever I rightclick on the taskbar icon and "start all services", it gets orange, but never green. Yesterday there was a data loss problem because one of the mysql tables crashed and had to be repaired, if that's related to this in any way. If I try http://localhost/phpmyadmin , I get a 403 Forbidden error, which I never got before. I checked the

Wampserver icon not going green fully, mysql services not starting up?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-01-19 11:14:43
问题 I'm running an application on localhost , it's been running successfully for at least a year now, but suddenly today wampserver isn't starting up. Whenever I rightclick on the taskbar icon and "start all services", it gets orange, but never green. Yesterday there was a data loss problem because one of the mysql tables crashed and had to be repaired, if that's related to this in any way. If I try http://localhost/phpmyadmin , I get a 403 Forbidden error, which I never got before. I checked the

Error 1045 using password yes and restore data from wampserver

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-17 14:09:26
问题 I have wamp running locally on my computer and was working just fine. I have a web application based on PHP and MySQL. I am using a password for the connection. Suddenly, I got the following error: MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) I tried to follow the answers of this post on stack. But nothing worked. Ounce I open the mysql cmd and write down the password, it will close immediately. I even used MySQL workbench, and I was successful to