
Unity+高通Vuforia SDK——AR

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-01-12 07:14:51
一、AR概念: 增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR),是在虚拟现实的基础上发展起来的新技术,也被称之为混合现实。是通过计算机系统提供的信息增加用户对现实世界感知的技术,将虚拟的信息应用到真实世界,并将计算机生成的虚拟物体、场景或系统提示信息叠加到真实场景中,从而实现对现实的增强。 二、工具: 在这里我们主要是用高通的Vuforia SDK来演示如何在Unity下制作一个简单的AR的demo,Vuforia SDK是一套很完整的可以直接调用的AR API,而假如想深入了解SDK内部的关于AR中图片识别以及跟踪的算法,我们需要从Open CV入手。 1.Unity——我使用的是Unity5.3.1f版本 2.Vuforia SDK插件——从官网(下载最新的5.5的Unity专用版本 三、实战: 1.在Unity中新建一个3D项目,取名为TestAR 2.导入下载好的Vuforia SDK插件包:vuforia-unity-5-5-9.unitypackage 3.导入成功后,再Assets目录下回多出一个Vuforia文件目录和一些其他的辅助文件 4.将默认场景中的Main Camera删掉,并将Vuforia/Prefabs目录下的ARCamera相机拖至场景中 5

Vuforia AR SDK入门

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-11 23:22:51
Vuforia是一个能让应用拥有视觉的软件平台。开发者借助它可以很轻松地为任何应用添加先进计算机视觉功能,允许你识别图片和物体,或者在真实世界中重建环境内容。 如果你现在正在制作一些可交互的市场活动项目或者一款游戏、或者一款用于提升购物体验的产品可视化应用,Vuforia SDK都能满足你的需求。 Vuforia的关键特性包括对图片、物体、文本和标记的识别和追踪,以及重建环境。 Vuforia 5.5版本引入了对头部转动和手势追踪的支持,同时还具备带失真校正的立体渲染能力,使得它可以在数字眼睛上的AR/VR应用中正常运行。它同时还引入了Mixed Reality Controller API来开发具有AR和VR互补模式的混合现实应用。这些混合现实应用可以在真实产品上显示AR虚拟内容,也可以让用户沉浸在全虚拟的VR内容中。Vuforia允许你通过扫描目标来解锁额外的VR内容。 特性 Features Vuforia的识别和追踪能力即使是在大量的图片和物体情况下都可以正常使用。 Image Targets 是指平面图像,例如打印出的媒体内容,或者商品包装 Multi-Targets 是指多个Image Target创建的图片集合,能被分配到不同几何形状(比如盒子,我觉得这里是指类似于Unity天空盒子一样的东西),或者可以任意排列在平坦表面上。 Cylinder Targets

Get Pure View Matrix in Vuforia

久未见 提交于 2020-01-11 10:13:29
问题 I am using Vuforia SDK to build my AR app. By using trackableResult->getPose(), I can get a model view matrix of the target frame marker. But I also need pure view matrix to do some calculations. Is there any way to get it? 回答1: To follow on from peedee's comment above, here is a picture I found extremely helpful, linked to from this web page. Sorry I couldn't leave this as a comment, but they don't allow pictures in comments. Note that different texts may use slightly different names for


送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-01-10 20:59:12
给大家分享一些AR资源,对AR感兴趣的可以看下 AR定义 增强现实 (Augmented Reality,简称AR),是一种实时地计算摄影机影像的位置及角度并加上相应图像的技术,这种技术的目标是在屏幕上把虚拟世界套在现实世界并进行互动。这种技术估计由1990年提出。随着随身电子产品运算能力的提升,预期增强现实的用途将会越来越广。 增强现实包括三个方面的内容: 将虚拟物与现实结合 即时互动 三维 AR 平台 Vuforia --不用多说,最流行的AR应用开发引擎。 EasyAR --EasyAR是国内最专业的AR引擎,是国内首款投入应用的AR SDK。EasyAR是好用且免费的增强现实(Augmented Reality)开发者引擎。 HiAR --HiAR 增强现实开发平台 HiAR 是亮风台信息科技打造的新一代移动增强现实(AR)开发平台,提供一整套世界领先的增强现实(AR)技术服务。 太虚AR --成都米有网络科技有限公司自主研发集成于Unity3d实现增强现实的SDK开发包,虚拟现实SDK太虚官方网站。 Wikitud e--Wikitude是一家专门从事智能手机增强现实的应用,分别出品了两款应用Wikitude drive与Wikitude World Browser。 ** Intel RealSense**--RealSense 3D是一套感知计算解决方案

Unity vuforia xcode (iOS: armv7, arm64)

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-01-07 09:45:33
问题 If you have built an app for iOS(armv7, arm64) recently using these softwares, care to share: what versions of unity, vuforia, xcode you used. 回答1: Note: This answer is based on the information from the questions comments. iOS 64-bit requirement Since Feb 1, 2015 Apple forces iOS developers to supply a 64-bit binary when submitting new apps to the App Store. Source: For app updates this got relevant on June 1, 2015. Source: https://developer

Unity vuforia xcode (iOS: armv7, arm64)

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-07 09:45:12
问题 If you have built an app for iOS(armv7, arm64) recently using these softwares, care to share: what versions of unity, vuforia, xcode you used. 回答1: Note: This answer is based on the information from the questions comments. iOS 64-bit requirement Since Feb 1, 2015 Apple forces iOS developers to supply a 64-bit binary when submitting new apps to the App Store. Source: For app updates this got relevant on June 1, 2015. Source: https://developer

Images issue in vuforia

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-05 21:07:14
问题 When I tried to import an image from vuforia target manager, it appears in unity3D as a white plane, whatever the image is, especially if it is a black image. how can I solve this issue 回答1: Maybe you didn't do it right in one of these steps: Verify your image target in the site: (show features) Download as Unity package In Unity, import package… Drag and drop a prefab for AR Camera Check the box for your Image Target to make sure it is enabled Drag and drop a prefab for Image target Set the

Create objects with ground plane detection only once with Vuforia & Unity

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-03 11:34:33
问题 I am trying to create an AR app using Unity & Vuforia. I have a 3D model that needs to be spawned when ground plane is detected.But this needs to happen only once. The way Vuforia work is, it keeps on spawning objects when new plane is detected. So what i need to do is either detect plane only once or spawn the object only once. As i am new to Unity, i need help doing this. Great if someone could tell me what i need to do to achieve this. 回答1: In your app you should have a Plane Finder object

Create objects with ground plane detection only once with Vuforia & Unity

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-03 11:34:25
问题 I am trying to create an AR app using Unity & Vuforia. I have a 3D model that needs to be spawned when ground plane is detected.But this needs to happen only once. The way Vuforia work is, it keeps on spawning objects when new plane is detected. So what i need to do is either detect plane only once or spawn the object only once. As i am new to Unity, i need help doing this. Great if someone could tell me what i need to do to achieve this. 回答1: In your app you should have a Plane Finder object

Toolbar disappears when using Vuforia versions below 4.4

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-25 06:43:00
问题 I am using the SDK Vuforia and testing on devices with version 4.4 below the toolbar disappears, the menu buttons are there but invisible where would be the correct buttons are visible. The drawerlayout button with recyclerview I use the side menu does not work in version below 4.4, and its icon disappears. With much effort can swipe to activate the side menu. Above this version of the menu functions and buttons are displayed. The following images and correct the problem and xml layouts.