
Need python interface for moving a machine to another folder

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-23 23:23:28
问题 I am trying to find a code support in python for moving a machine between Datacenter's folders without success, I saw in pysphere that you can define the folder just in the clone stage and not after machine already cloned. This seems as a solution for my problem but it is in powershell, do anybody know a wrapping support for it in python 回答1: You can do this with pyVmomi. I would avoid pysphere because pyVmomi is maintained by VMWare and pysphere hasnt been updated in 4 years or more. That

原创:vsphere概念深入系列四:Nic Teaming若干问题

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-23 10:27:21
参考文档: http://www.hyper-v.nu/archives/marcve/2013/01/lbfo-hyper-v-switch-qos-and-actual-performance-part-1/ EtherChannel Negotiation An EtherChannel can be established using one of three mechanisms: PAgP - Cisco's proprietary negotiation protocol LACP (IEEE 802.3ad) - Standards-based negotiation protocol Static Persistence ("On") - No negotiation protocol is used 没有配置etherchannel之前:stp会禁用端口 配置之后: 问题1:Nic Teaming可以聚合带宽,但是不会提升单个连接所获得带宽,为什么? 同一个Session中的数据包为啥不能做到Load Balancing?这是因为网络的7层模型中,一个Session在传输过程中会被拆分成多个数据包,并且到目的之后再重组,他们必须具有一定的顺序,如果这个顺序弄乱了,那么到达目的重组出来的信息就是一堆无意义的乱码

vSphere vCenter 6.5 安装文档

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-19 19:10:00
安装esxi 1.刻录镜像 将ESXI6.5镜像(VMware-VMvisor-Installer-201701001-4887370.x86_64.iso)刻录到U盘,比较简单,过程省略。 2.U盘启动 将U盘插到服务器usb口,开机启动,选择usb首选项。这里我们出了点问题,系统就是不从usb启动,重置bios设置解决。 3.系统安装 启动安装界面,显示硬件信息 4.先确认安装,然后按F11同意相关协议 5.这里选择安装盘,注意选择要安装系统的盘,不要错选到U盘。 6.键盘设置默认回车,然后设置系统root密码 7.这里有个cpu的告警,不管它,回车继续 8.按F11,开始安装esxi6.5,然后就等它安装完。 恭喜,到这里就安装完了,回车重启 安装vCenter Server vsphere6.5的vcenter安装非常简单,只需要在已装好的ESXI6.5上安装vcenter虚拟机就好,用官方提供的软件傻瓜式操作。 挂载镜像 随便找一台内网的机器挂载或者解压镜像文件(VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-4944578.iso),找到vcsa-ui-installer目录,下面对应ubuntu,mac,windows三个不同OS平台的安装软件。这里选择win32,进去直接运行installer.exe文件。 安装第一阶段 这是启动界面,选择安装 然后同意许可

VMware vSphere 6.5 配置文档

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-19 19:09:53
一. 添加管理主机 1.1 新建数据中心 1.2 新建集群 1.3 集群的配置,DRS动态迁移功能,HA功能,是否打开 1.4 添加主机 1.5 输入主机ip 1.6 账号密码 1.7 分配许可证(如果没有,跳过即可) 1.8 保持默认设置就好,如果启用,将无法直接登录主机了 1.9 下一步 1.10 完成 二. 证书注册 1.添加许可证 2.点这个加号进入创建许可证界面 3.一个一行,可添加多个许可证,重点是vCenter 用vCenter server6 standard这个许可,ESXI主机用vSphere 6 Enterprise Plus (支持6个cpu,也就是3台主机)这个许可。 4.添加完成界面 5.给vCenter分配许可证 三. 集群功能配置 选中集群右键,然后设置 点击编辑,就可以对集群的功能进行设置 DRS 分布式资源调度,可以持续不断地监控资源池的利用率,动态地分配和平衡计算容量.通过vMotion功能能够在不需要停机的情况下将整台正在运行的虚拟机在物理服务器之间迁移。十分有用的一个功能,选择打开。 HA我们也打开,保证vSphere的高可用性。这里需要注意,HA要用到存储,所以我们需要先挂载存储,而且需要挂载至少2个存储。如果只有一个,会有×××感叹号报错。 “Configuration Issues,该主机的vSphere HA

VMware vSphere Client数据中心已装载了带有同一UUID

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-16 08:34:13
主机版本是:ESXi 5.5.0 报错信息:有关此实体的“解析VMFS卷”操作失败,并且提示一下错误消息。 数据中心已装载了带有同一UUID""的VMFS卷。 1、首先登录:ssh登入esxi主机, ~ # esxcli storage vmfs snapshot list #查看未加载的UUID的硬盘 ~ # esxcli storage vmfs snapshot resignature -u 587f213c-5143c130-694b-90b11c33e009 重新加载vmfs的587f213c-5143c130-694b-90b11c33e009卷 ~ # esxcli storage vmfs snapshot resignature -u 587f214a-eba11f24-e7dc-90b11c33e009 重新加载vmfs的587f214a-eba11f24-e7dc-90b11c33e009卷 2、操作之后,回到VMware vSphere Client就可以看得到了。 好了,希望帮到你。 来源: 51CTO 作者: 奋斗者励志 链接: https://blog.51cto.com/chentongsan/2458686

Can I manage guest VMs in vSphere free using Ansible without vCenter?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-12 05:27:11
问题 Seems to me that most of the existing Ansible modules require vCenter. For example guest_module has required parameter vcenter_hostname. The question is - is there an ability to manage 2-3 vSphere hosts using Ansible? I need creating virtual environments(virtual networks, guest VMs, load balancing endpoints). I also considered Hyper-v but it doesn't have Ansible modules. Direct powershell management considered as a last resort for Hyper-v. 回答1: Yes, you can do things that are allowed by free

To Get the VM Created Date

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-12 01:43:06
问题 I am new to the VMWare Sdk Programming,i have a requirement to get the Virtual Machine (VM) Deployed date. I have written the below code to get the other required details. package com.vmware.vim25.mo.samples; import java.net.URL; import com.vmware.vim25.*; import com.vmware.vim25.mo.*; public class HelloVM { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int i; ServiceInstance si = new ServiceInstance(new URL("https://bgl-clvs-vc.bgl.com/sdk

Vagrant creating an incorrect client.pem on chef node (I think)

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-11 20:56:48
问题 I'm using Vagrant to create a chef node, and it spins up the image and then the initial chef-client run fails. When I ssh into the machine, delete /etc/chef/client.pem , and run sudo chef-client again, it succeeds, but without the run_list that I passed in from vagrant. This is what the failure looks like: $ vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'vsphere' provider... ==> default: Calling vSphere CloneVM with the following settings: ==> default: -- Template VM: myOrg/vm/myFolder

VMWARE VSphere VIX clone function

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 12:38:07
问题 I have problem with cloning a virtual machine using VMware VIX api in C#. I am using following code to do so and getting following error. Code: VMWareVirtualHost virtualhost = new VMWareVirtualHost(); virtualhost.ConnectToVMWareVIServer("ip", "username", "password"); VMWareVirtualMachine vm = virtualhost.Open("Machine path"); Console.WriteLine("vm is open"); vm.Clone(VMWareVirtualMachineCloneType.Full, "CLone path"); I am getting this error: operation is not supported. 来源: https:/

vsphere web client 的语言设置

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-11 10:39:54
初始登录显示的语言跟系统设置的一样,如果需要更改请参照一下方式: vsphere web client的默认URL为: https://IP/vsphere-client 要指定语言,在URL后加入以下参数: 英语:/?locale=en_US 中文:/?locale=zh_CN 例如要显示英文就输入: https://ip/vsphere-client/?local=en_US 来源: 51CTO 作者: ikez 链接: https://blog.51cto.com/337962/2120361