
Windows Azure virtual machine is slow to access network when scaling

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-07 16:02:09
问题 I'm running some startup scripts (cmd/bat) on my small azure VM which include a file-transfer operation from a mounted VHD, and normally it finishes in about 3 minutes (copying files and extracting ~500Mb zip file with command-line 7z). When I scale out to ~150 instances, the same operation is very slow (up to 15 minutes in total, most of which is used by 7z). Also, the nodes which are the slowest to complete the bootup procedure are very hard to access at first using mstsc(animation is

Java library for Windows VHD API

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-07 11:39:05
问题 I need to mount and navigate a Windows VHD from Java. Anyone know of a Java library that wraps the Windows Virtual Hard Drive API or is there perhaps source code that uses JNA that I can look at. My google searches did not give me much. Even some sample code on how to convert the OpenVirtualDisk function to JNA structures would give me enough to do the rest I believe. 回答1: The VHD APIs are on MSDN. Here is a link to one of the APIs. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop

Trying to create. initialize, and format VHD disks

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-07 05:53:48
问题 Some background: I work in a lab environment and have a number of issues that come through that require VHDs to be created and attached to VMs for stress testing. I have come up with a script that allows the user to make the process as simple as possible, which is the following: $vms=Get-VM $val = 0 Write-Host "This script is set up for quickly creating and initilizing VHDs" $Path = Read-Host "Please enter the path you want to create the drives to. Use the formate in this example <E:\VHDS\>"

How to get the VHD of an Azure managed disk?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-06 13:15:05
问题 I have created a VM with a managed disk. Managed disks are no longer stored into the blob storage by default. Problem is that I now need the vhd file of the osdisk, but I am unable to find a proper way to retrieve it. The only method I found is to open the disk in the azure portal and press Export to create a download link to the vhd file. This method is undesired. 回答1: Make sure your AzureRM Powershell Module is up to date: Install-Module AzureRM -allowclobber -force Your Set-AzureRMVMOSDisk

How to to create include files in vhdl?

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-06 12:58:40
I need to use one module, I created previously using vhdl in another module and I cant find any info on how to do this. I'm forced to use maxplus2, and the only thing I found there is that I can create include file there (will have .inc extension), but I still cant get it included in my second module. I've spent the whole morning searching for this info but found nothing. Can anybody help me with it? You don't. VHDL doesn't have include files, it avoids that whole horrid disastrous unreliable mess. VHDL uses separate compilation, and good VHDL tools (not all of them!) track all the

Windows Azure virtual machine is slow to access network when scaling

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-06 01:13:49
I'm running some startup scripts (cmd/bat) on my small azure VM which include a file-transfer operation from a mounted VHD, and normally it finishes in about 3 minutes (copying files and extracting ~500Mb zip file with command-line 7z). When I scale out to ~150 instances, the same operation is very slow (up to 15 minutes in total, most of which is used by 7z). Also, the nodes which are the slowest to complete the bootup procedure are very hard to access at first using mstsc(animation is lagging and takes a lot of time to log in), but that might not be related. What could be the problem? We had

Java library for Windows VHD API

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-05 15:39:50
I need to mount and navigate a Windows VHD from Java. Anyone know of a Java library that wraps the Windows Virtual Hard Drive API or is there perhaps source code that uses JNA that I can look at. My google searches did not give me much. Even some sample code on how to convert the OpenVirtualDisk function to JNA structures would give me enough to do the rest I believe. The VHD APIs are on MSDN. Here is a link to one of the APIs. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd323692(v=vs.85).aspx Here is a JNA usage example to load the VHD library with JNA (adjust/define types as

Create VM from existing VHD: Preview portal

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-05 09:53:38
Does anyone now how to create a VM from an existing VHD in the new azure portal ? I can find lots of info on how to do this in manage.windowsazure.com, but nothing on this functionality in portal.azure.com. It can't be done literally in the portal. You will have to use powershell. Create a storageaccount. For example in the portal. Upload the VHD to azure. To do this, run the following line in powershell after logging in with Login-AzureRmAccount (change the parameters between <> and the path to the vhd on your harddisk): Add-AzurermVhd -Destination "https://<StorageAccountName>.blob.core

How to get the VHD of an Azure managed disk?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-04 19:40:47
I have created a VM with a managed disk. Managed disks are no longer stored into the blob storage by default. Problem is that I now need the vhd file of the osdisk, but I am unable to find a proper way to retrieve it. The only method I found is to open the disk in the azure portal and press Export to create a download link to the vhd file. This method is undesired. Make sure your AzureRM Powershell Module is up to date: Install-Module AzureRM -allowclobber -force Your Set-AzureRMVMOSDisk command should now have -ManagedDiskID. Just enter the resource ID for the managed disk and it should work.


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-04 17:01:11
微软推出的虚拟硬盘vhd同vmdk,qcow2等一样,是一种磁盘镜像格式。磁盘镜像一般多用于虚拟化计算,但微软支持将Win7/Win8/Win2012等直接安装进vhd文件中,并且不通过任何虚拟机,让bootmgr直接引导vhd文件启动系统,就好像这个vhd是真的硬盘一样。 除了方便封装操作系统之外,也有不少工具和方法可以在不同的操作系统下挂载vhd,就好像vhd文件就是移动硬盘一样。因此,vhd也可以是一个不错的数据载体。我将我的程序、数据等归类放到不同的vhd虚拟磁盘中,需要用时可以像移动硬盘那样挂载,需要带走时, 复制 vhd文件就可以了。 ### 使用场景1: Linux 在 Linux下,可以通过QEMU来创建和管理vhd文件。我可以使用 qemu-img 来创建和维护 vhd 文件,通过 qemu-nbd 来挂载 vhd 文件。当然,对 vhdx 格式的管理也不在话下。通过 qemu 可以很方便地管理和维护许多格式的磁盘镜像,而且这些操作都可以通过脚本来完成。事实上,在 Linux 下,对虚拟磁盘的管理要比在 Windows 下强大得多,vhd格式在这里就不起眼了,比如,QEMU 推荐使用的格式是 qcow2。 在 Linux 下,可以编写 shell 脚本来完成虚拟磁盘的挂载等管理工作,并且可以控制这些脚本的执行时机。 另外,如果一个vhd文件是固定大小的