
Plot lines and vector in graphical gnuplot

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-11 13:57:47
问题 Hello everyone does anyone have any idea how to do this type of graph. I tried to plot the combination of lines and points but it still fails. I think I have put a range to plot point to get the example I below. dat.txt 0.936 1.735E-5 0.9317 1.682E-5 0.9274 1.633E-5 0.9232 1.588E-5 0.9189 1.545E-5 0.9146 1.504E-5 0.9103 1.466E-5 0.9061 1.431E-5 0.9018 1.396E-5 0.8975 1.364E-5 0.8932 1.333E-5 0.889 1.304E-5 0.8847 1.277E-5 For Plot set xl 'Potential / V' set yl 'Current / A' plot 'dat.txt' u 1

Why isn't my homing missile algorithm working?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-11 08:49:43
问题 I've taken code that's heavily inspired by this answer but my projectile is not homing in the way I expect. The initial projectile direction is often perpendicular to the target. At which point, it does seem to home in on his direction, but if it "passes" him, it seems to get stuck in place like it's frozen at a point but then seems to follow the movements the target makes without moving at its intended speed. I've commented a line of code that I'm concerned about. He's using V3 and V4 in his

Fill colors associated with SVG clip paths - what is the expected behaviour?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-11 07:54:14
问题 This is related to my earlier post where I try to extract vector graphics in a PDF to an SVG file. I obtained this SVG corresponding to a page in a PDF. Unfortunately, though the shapes in the SVG are correct, the fill colors seen in the PDF are not seen when the SVG is rendered by any of the standard browsers. The upper left triangle in the SVG is supposed to have a yellow fill and the lower right triangle is expected to have a light blue-green fill. I do see 2 rectangular clip paths (ids

R, export a file to keynote

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-11 03:26:44
问题 Is there a way to export a graph made in R in a way that keynote can read the objects of the graph as separate objects and not like a single image? Usually I export graphs in R as pdf but then Keynote import them as a single object. 回答1: As suggested in the comments: try exporting in svg and converting it to keynote shapes. Several tools exist, for instance (or through illustrator) and

Convert 2 vector2 points to a rectangle in xna/monogame

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-11 01:40:07
问题 I have some code which will detect the start and end point of a click-and-drag action, and will save it to 2 vector2 points. I then use this code to convert: public Rectangle toRect(Vector2 a, Vector2 b) { return new Rectangle((int)a.X, (int)a.Y, (int)(b.X - a.X), (int)(b.Y - a.Y)); } The code above does not work and googling, so far has come up inconclusive. Could anyone please provide me with some code or a formula to properly convert this? Note: a vector2 has an x and a y, and a rectangle

app:srcCompat does not work for ImageView

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-10 23:45:37
问题 I'm adding vector drawable support to a library project, and using app:srcCompat to reference the vector drawable. The only view that appears to work is ImageButton and I'm not sure why. Here's the relevant piece of my build.gradle android { defaultConfig { vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true } } dependencies { testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' compile '' compile '' compile '

Mapsforge analog for iphone

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-10 21:53:42
问题 I need some framework for my iPhone app, which is using maps. Now these maps are raster images and I'd like to optimize my app by doing vector maps instead. I know that my colleagues from Android development had used Mapsforge framework for this purposes. Is there any analog of this library for iPhone? I need framework that could quickly render vector maps using hardware acceleration, caching maps, offline rendering and (optinal) be cross-platform. Any suggestions? Thanks! 回答1: Have a look at

SVG Drop Shadow - opacity, feOffset and viewBox difficulties

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-10 21:43:04
问题 I want to apply a simple drop shadow to an SVG file. As this is really my first dive into SVG filters, I am stuck and can't find a solution for the (probably simple) problem: Why is the feColorMatrix not being applied to the shadow? Here is the filter: <defs> <filter id="drop-shadow" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="120" height="120"> <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" result="blur-out" stdDeviation="1" /> <feOffset in="blur-out" result="the-shadow" dx="0" dy="1"/> <feColorMatrix in="the

What is the correct way to achieve intersection of multiple clip paths?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-10 19:23:05
问题 As described in another post, I am trying to recreate an SVG from vector graphics commands in a PDF and I am facing some difficulty in the part where I need to intersect a set of clip paths. For instance, the raw SVG has a few clip path elements line #16 which need to be intersected and applied on the rectangle fill (line #17) to obtain what looks like this: . I am not clear about the correct and the best way to achieve intersection of multiple clip paths in an SVG. I wasn't able to find much

Auto Mirroring for RTL layout doesn't work in Android versions below 6.0

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-10 15:23:32
问题 As you know Vector Drawables was added in Android Support Library 23.2 which announced in Android Developer Blog that for all versions of android we can use it instead of adding extra icons in different sizes. However "enable auto mirroring for RTL layout" option doesn't work in android versions below 6.0! Is there any additional setting to use it in other android versions? My Test Project uses a simple method to changing the Locale of my application. These are results of my test: Nexus 6P