
Trim an MP3 Programmatically

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-22 01:02:04
问题 What is the best way to trim a mp3 file programmatically. For example, say I want to get rid of the first 2 minutes or last 2 minutes or both. Is there a good way to do this from .NET? Or .NET calling out to a command line tool? 回答1: There are two approaches to trimming MP3 files: First, convert to WAV, trim off the samples you don't want, and then convert back to MP3. The disadvantage is that there will be a very slight loss of quality in the process. The advantage is that you will find

following a log file over http

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-21 12:18:52
问题 For security reasons (I'm a developer) I do not have command line access to our Production servers where log files are written. I can , however access those log files over HTTP. Is there a utility in the manner of "tail -f" that can "follow" a plain text file using only HTTP? 回答1: You can do this if the HTTP server accepts requests to return parts of a resource. For example, if an HTTP request contains the header: Range: bytes=-500 the response will contain the last 500 bytes of the resource.

line-end agnostic diff?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-21 03:17:14
问题 I'm working on a mac, with some fairly old files. Different files were created by different programs, so some of them end with \r (mac) and some with \n (unix). I want to be able to run commands like diff, grep, etc on these files, but the ones that have \r are treated as one giant line. does anyone know of a version of diff, grep, etc that will work correctly with all new-lines? ETA: I'd also like them to be unix utilities so I can use them in scripts, emacs, etc... 回答1: As Jay said, Diff

Creating a Utilities Class?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-21 03:17:10
问题 I'm very new to OOP and am trying my hardest to keep things strictly class based, while using good coding principles. I'm a fair ways into my project now and I have a lot of general use methods I want to put into an utilities class. Is there a best way to create a utilities class? public class Utilities { int test; public Utilities() { } public int sum(int number1, int number2) { test = number1 + number2; } return test; } After creating this Utilities class, do I just create an Utilities

*FREE* Screencasting Apps & Utilities [closed]

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-20 08:52:09
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 6 years ago . I know there has been previous talk on here about screencasting tools/apps, however I thought I would be more specific in what I am after in the hope that it can help me and others :) I am looking at trialling some screencasts on my blog. There are numerous reasons for this (hopefully being more helpful to

Pyomo Util Module Not Found

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-20 03:37:12
问题 So I asked a question a month ago. I had a really nice answer to that question. I wanted to test if the answer works right now. But I am getting ModuleNotFoundError . I did following before testing: conda install -c conda-forge pyomo conda install -c conda-forge pyomo.extras I want to run this script in my code (copy/pasted from the other question): from pyomo.util.infeasible import log_infeasible_constraints ... SolverFactory('your_solver').solve(model) ... log_infeasible_constraints(model)

MySQL Utilities - ~/.my.cnf option file

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-17 15:23:20
问题 I am trying to use 2 of the mysql utilities, mysqldiff and mysqldbcompare and want to avoid putting my password on the command line Is it possible to use an option file to specify the password for my DB connection to prevent me having to specify the password? This is the sort of command that I currently have... /usr/share/mysql-workbench/python/mysqldiff --server1=root@localhost --server2=root@localhost --difftype=sql db1:db2 I also have a file at ~/.my.cnf that has "600" permissions and

Command line command to auto-kill a command after a certain amount of time

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-17 01:46:22
问题 I'd like to automatically kill a command after a certain amount of time. I have in mind an interface like this: % constrain 300 ./foo args Which would run "./foo" with "args" but automatically kill it if it's still running after 5 minutes. It might be useful to generalize the idea to other constraints, such as autokilling a process if it uses too much memory. Are there any existing tools that do that, or has anyone written such a thing? ADDED: Jonathan's solution is precisely what I had in

Best way to build an UI utility class

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-12 04:11:51
问题 I want to build an utility class. It should read values from an database an providing typical UI or interaction features e.g. setting the title of the application, setting a background picture, playing background music. Because of asking a other question How to use UI functions in non UI methods? i realized that i have a bunch of different ways to do that. I tested different ways for setting the titel every, every way worked. But which is the cleanest / correct / confident way, and why? In

byte toPositiveInt method

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-11 15:45:14
问题 is there anything like this in JDK or Apache Commons (or in other jar)? /** * Return the integer positive value of the byte. (e.g. -128 will return * 128; -127 will return 129; -126 will return 130...) */ public static int toPositiveInt(byte b) { int intV = b; if (intV < 0) { intV = -intV; int diff = ((Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1) - intV) + 1; intV = Byte.MAX_VALUE + diff; } return intV; } 回答1: Usually, you use some basic bit manipulation for this: public static int toPositiveInt(byte b) { return b &