
URL routing in PHP Codeigniter

假如想象 提交于 2020-07-08 20:42:46
问题 I am having entry in my route.php like - $route['admin/students'] = 'view_student' . Here view_student is controller name. Now when from "localhost/school/admin" page I call <a href="admin/students">Students</a> , than everything works fine; But when I change my route like - $route['/school/admin/students'] = 'view_student' , and call it from "localhost/school/admin" page as <a href="/school/admin/students">Students</a> , than 404 page is shown. Whats wrong in here? 回答1: Try this code it

Issues with Angular 5 URL Rewrite

故事扮演 提交于 2020-06-16 03:52:08
问题 I built an Angular 5 application with two routes. I currently have: Home/DailySummary and Home/Documents. When I publish the application to the server (IIS 6.0 w/ URL Rewrite) and navigate to the Home.aspx page everything runs perfectly and my Routing directs me to DailySummary and Documents if I click those links. The issue I'm having is refreshing or navigating to the page without going to Home.aspx, it directs me to the root folder. I'm certain this has something to do with my URL rewrite

How can I make title bar dynamic on vuetify?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-06-01 05:41:27
问题 I see vuetify project have title bar. But the title in public/index.html. Outside src folder So I had trouble making it dynamic. Every page must have different title. If it's same, it's very influential on SEO My public/index.html like this : <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="icon" href="<%= BASE_URL %>favicon.ico"> <title>test-vuetify</title>

React router:I don't want user to directly navigate to pages by typing urls but allow going to pages only using links inside the app.

随声附和 提交于 2020-05-28 06:57:06
问题 My Routes.js <Route path="/game-center" component={GameCenter} /> <Route path="/game-center/pickAndWin" component={PickAndWin} /> <Route path="/game-center/memory" component={Memory} /> <Route path="/game-center/summary" component={GameSummary} /> </Route> </Router> On Card Click i'm routing him to the game or summary depending whther game is live or expired. cardClick=(type, name, status, gameId) => { console.log(`here${type}${status}`, name); this.props.dispatch(GameCenterActions

Getting unexpected directory name in json output in Golang server

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-05-17 08:50:08
问题 I am new in Golang and I am trying to store image in the files on server and save its directory in MySQL Database. The code is running fine the DB is also storing the directory of the stored image correctly but the output json is showing the directory not correctly and I am not able to solve this. If also possible I want to give proper name to the saved file while creating and storing the image in the directory.I know should use jpeg or png but don't know how to set directory for these. The

Getting unexpected directory name in json output in Golang server

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-05-17 08:50:00
问题 I am new in Golang and I am trying to store image in the files on server and save its directory in MySQL Database. The code is running fine the DB is also storing the directory of the stored image correctly but the output json is showing the directory not correctly and I am not able to solve this. If also possible I want to give proper name to the saved file while creating and storing the image in the directory.I know should use jpeg or png but don't know how to set directory for these. The

getting 404 in GET request in Go

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-05-17 05:56:31
问题 When I use http://localhost:8080/login?id=ddfd@vcv.com&pwd=dccccf in postman or use it in android app I am getting 404 . On curl I get {"name":"Miss Moneypenny","email":"ddfd@vcv.com","password":"dccccf","mobile":27,"address":"dscsdacc"} I am not able to understand what can I do to achieve json output in postman and on other platforms like Apps in ios as well as android when I use this api and also on the browser window. My Main.go code func getSession() *mgo.Session { s, err := mgo.Dial(

Flask URL Route: Route All other URLs to some function

十年热恋 提交于 2020-05-09 21:49:08
问题 I am working with Flask 0.9. I have experience with Google App Engine. In GAE, the url match patterns are evaluated in the order they appear, first come first serve. Is it the same case in Flask? In Flask, how to write a url match pattern to deal with all other unmatched urls. In GAE, you only need to put /.* in the end, like: ('/.*', Not_Found) . How to do the same thing in Flask since Flask wont support Regex. 回答1: I think this is the answer http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/design/#the-routing

Flask URL Route: Route All other URLs to some function

感情迁移 提交于 2020-05-09 21:48:02
问题 I am working with Flask 0.9. I have experience with Google App Engine. In GAE, the url match patterns are evaluated in the order they appear, first come first serve. Is it the same case in Flask? In Flask, how to write a url match pattern to deal with all other unmatched urls. In GAE, you only need to put /.* in the end, like: ('/.*', Not_Found) . How to do the same thing in Flask since Flask wont support Regex. 回答1: I think this is the answer http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/design/#the-routing

Flask URL Route: Route All other URLs to some function

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-05-09 21:45:46
问题 I am working with Flask 0.9. I have experience with Google App Engine. In GAE, the url match patterns are evaluated in the order they appear, first come first serve. Is it the same case in Flask? In Flask, how to write a url match pattern to deal with all other unmatched urls. In GAE, you only need to put /.* in the end, like: ('/.*', Not_Found) . How to do the same thing in Flask since Flask wont support Regex. 回答1: I think this is the answer http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/design/#the-routing