
How to develop a custom shipping module for a new carrier in Netsuite?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-23 04:43:33
问题 I'm interested in developing a custom plugin for a new carrier. I see Netsuite offers UPS, FedEx, USPS, Endecia, etc. I found this page on Netsuite ( but it's not very clear how a developer like me can go about developing this. Does Netsuite even let outside developers create their own shipping modules? I'm interested in developing my own tax module as well one day. 回答1: One possible solution (Assuming the shipping provider has the

How to decode U.P.S. Information from UPS MaxiCode Barcode?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-22 09:25:09
问题 I recently purchased a 2D Barcode reader. When scanning a U.P.S. barcode, I get about half of the information I want, and about half of it looks to be encrypted in some way. I have heard there is a UPS DLL. Example - Everything in bold seems to be encrypted, while the non-bold text contains valuable, legitimate data. [)>01961163522424800031Z50978063UPSN12312307G:%"6*AH537&M9&QXP2E:)16(E&539R'64O In other words, this text seems OK - and I can parse the information [)

How to get Rates from UPS Rate API?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-20 03:21:27
问题 I am using nopcommerce 3.5. I have added plugin of UPS of TransitInTime and Rate API. I want to get rates by calling UPS Rate API. I want all Rates in dropdown on page load. So for the first I am using test application using webservices of RateWebReference and in which I get only one Rate but I want Rates for all shipping option. Here is my code of RateWSClient.cs RateService rate = new RateService(); RateRequest rateRequest = new RateRequest(); UPSSecurity upss = new UPSSecurity();


自作多情 提交于 2019-12-18 04:03:43
作为数据中心运营商,需要了解不间断电源(UPS)在最大限度地减少停机时间和数据丢失方面的重要性。这是其防止市电供应中断的第一道防线。如果最糟糕的情况发生,并且功率下降,一个强大而可靠的UPS供电系统可以为其服务器和IT设备提供安全关机的关键时刻,而不会擦除数据。 但是人们知道UPS是如何工作的吗?更重要的是,需要知道不同类型的UPS电池,以及哪些UPS可能最适合其数据中心? 以下概述了三种主要类型的UPS: 后备UPS-这是最简单、成本最低的电源保护形式。负载始终由市电供电,如果停电,电源系统会切换到UPS及其充满电的蓄电池作为备用电源。对于数据中心等关键任务环境,离线UPS并不是最合适的电源保护方法。 在线互动式UPS-这种类型与离线UPS类似,但增加了对自动稳压器或AVS的保护。这最大限度地降低了任何电压不可预测性的风险。在线互动式UPS单元通常用于电话交换机、服务器和小型电机应用。 在线UPS-也称为在线双变换UPS。在这种类型的电源保护系统中,负载不直接连接到电源。电源进入UPS并通过整流器,将整流器从交流电(AC)转换为直流电(DC)。然后,UPS逆变器将其转换回交流电,然后为实际负载供电。与前面提到的两种方法不同,如果在线电源保护系统中存在电源故障或*,则电源不会中断,即使只有几毫秒,它会立即切换到备用电源。 来源: CSDN 作者: ssiom 链接: https:/

UPS Bill to Third Party Shipper?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-13 15:23:16
问题 I'm trying to figure out how to bill a third party UPS Shipper Account Number using the API, When I try what I have listed below it doesn't work! It says "A single billing option is required per shipment" in the error message. Anyone have any idea whats wrong? $ShipmentConfirmRequestXML->push('PaymentInformation'); $ShipmentConfirmRequestXML->push('Prepaid'); $ShipmentConfirmRequestXML->push('BillThirdParty'); $ShipmentConfirmRequestXML->element('AccountNumber', 'XXXXX');

UPS API Shipping rates in the UK returning way too high

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-11 10:49:07
问题 I'm building a Magento store with US and UK storefronts using UPS for shipping. UPS rates, as returned by the API, are fine in the US, but extremely high for the UK -- £20+ for a 2.5 KG package shipping from and to fairly approximate addresses in the UK. I get the feeling it's returning rates for shipping from the UK to the US so maybe I need to make a UK-specific account, or use a different access URL, I'm not really sure. Here's my request: <?xml version="1.0"?> <AccessRequest xml:lang="en

UPS API wsdl soap call - cannot set multiple packages

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-11 05:17:36
问题 I am using wsdl SOAP call in PHP for UPS API. The request object have package information, from/to zipcodes, and other information. I want to set multiple packages but it shows error when more than one package is added in the request object. I am trying to assign multiple packages by pushing package array in the $request['Shipment']['Package'] array. Something is wrong in this part. Here is my code: $request['Request'] = array('RequestOption' => 'Shop'); $request['PickupType'] = array('Code'

UPS rate request using .net web service

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-11 04:11:19
问题 I have an existing web service using .NET C#. Our in house application call the service and the service connects to UPS using XML to handle the request. It stopped working a few weeks ago. I connect to UPS and they said to update the URLs which I have done. They also mentioned they were seeing lots of TLS failure for but our IIS 8 and Windows Server 2012 are both up to date. I also have run security checks and both SSL3 and TLS have been disabled. On my development system I am attempting to

Access licence number for UPS

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-10 10:15:55
问题 I am using Mark Sanborn UPS Function to calculate UPS shipping rates with php In this function you have to change some values of variables already defined // ========== CHANGE THESE VALUES TO MATCH YOUR OWN =========== $AccessLicenseNumber = '12345678910'; // Your license number $UserId = 'username'; // Username $Password = 'password'; // Password $PostalCode = '12345'; // Zipcode you are shipping FROM $ShipperNumber = '98765'; // Your UPS shipper number but I could not figure out my


狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-09 14:20:16
UPS电源是针对中国电网环境和网络监控及网络系统、医疗系统等对电源的可靠性要求,克服中、大型计算机网络系统集中供电所造成的供电电网环境日益恶劣的问题,以全新的数字技术研制出的第三代工频纯在线式智能型UPS。直流电源,是维持电路中形成稳恒电流的装置。如干电池、蓄电池、直流发电机等。那么在使用UPS电源的时候该注意哪些事项呢? UPS电源使用的9大注意事项: 1、UPS电源在选配上要留一定余量,如4kVA的负载,UPS电源的应配置5kVA以上。 2、UPS电源应避免频繁开、停机,最好在长时间开机状态。 3、新购的UPS电源应进行充放电,这样有利于延长UPS电源电池的使用寿命。一般采用恒压充电,充电初始电流不得大于0.5*C5A(C5可以用电池的额定容量计算出),每个电池的电压控制在2.30~2.35V,以免损坏电池。充电电流连续3小时不变,证明电池已充足,一般充电时间为12~24小时。 4、机器用电一直正常,UPS电源就没有工作的机会,其电池在长期浮充状态有可能损坏,因此需要定期对UPS电源进行充放电,这样不仅可以活化电池,也可检验UPS电源是否处于正常工作状态。 5、要定期检查UPS电源,每月检查一次浮充电压,如浮充电压低于2.2V,应对整组电池进行均衡充电。 6、要经常用软布擦试电池,以保持电池表面清洁。 7、UPS电源运行过程中的温度控制