Access licence number for UPS

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-10 10:15:55


I am using Mark Sanborn UPS Function to calculate UPS shipping rates with php

In this function you have to change some values of variables already defined

 // ========== CHANGE THESE VALUES TO MATCH YOUR OWN ===========  

 $AccessLicenseNumber = '12345678910'; // Your license number  
 $UserId = 'username'; // Username  
 $Password = 'password'; // Password  
 $PostalCode = '12345'; // Zipcode you are shipping FROM  
 $ShipperNumber = '98765'; // Your UPS shipper number 

but I could not figure out my $AccessLicenseNumber for UPS account also my $ShipperNumber.

Please any one used this API give me a start.

Thanks in Advance.


Both of those values are issued by UPS when you request API credentials.

UPS credentials are made up of 4 distinct values- user id, password, access key (license number) and shipper number. Shipper number is optional, but including can affect which rates are returned.

UPS API credentials can be requested here:


UserID and Password are the credentials you use for and the shipper number is your UPS account number. The access license number is provided by UPS when you signup for the OnLine tools.


My UPS ID & Password

You can easily create in 1 min at UPS website, as long as you have an email.

UPS account number

First you need to open a UPS account to get the UPS account number. Each country has a different process to open an account, e.g. In USA, you can simply submit a form to open account at UPS website.

Access Key

You have to login to My UPS account to connect your UPS account, and then request Access key to start using UPS shipping and rates API.

  1. Create a My UPS account and open a UPS shipper account
  2. Login to My UPS account > click Account Summery > Connect your existing shipper account
  3. Click "Request an access key" at UPS Developer Kit site
  4. Then you should be able to get the access key.

You can refer to this detailed guide to get UPS credentials.

