

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-26 11:12:01
摘要:文章介绍了UPnP结构规范和开发流程,指出:UP nP协议使所有联网的设备实现互联,设备工作不需要传统的驱动程序,便可以实现设备间的 相互控制。 关键词:UPnP协议;开发流程;电子技术;工作流程 中图分类号:TP393文献标识码:A文章编号:1007—6921(2009)17—0072—02 UPnP首先是由微软公司于1999年提出,现今已经是开放的标准,由非盈利的论坛组织UPnP F orum 负责体系架构和标准的维护和更新升级。至2003年末,世界范围内宣称支持它的组织 已经达到600多家。目前UPnP尚处于1.0版本已经实现了智能设备的互联互用。 1UPnP结构规范 1.1UPnP基本单元 组成UPnP的基本单元主要有以下3种: 1.1.1设备(Devices)。在U PnP规范中设备是最基本单元。设备代表了一个物理设备或包含多个物理设备的逻辑设 备,它是U PnP服务或嵌入设备的载体, 不同类型的设备对应一组不同的服务和嵌入设备。 1.1.2服务(Services)。在U PnP规范中服务是最小控制单元。服务是设备所能向外提供的功能,定义了设备的功能调 用接口以及描述设备状态的变量。服务由一个状态表、一个控制服务期和一个事件服务期构 成。 1.1.3控制点(Control Points)。在U PnP规范中控制点是U PnP网络中的控制者


半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-25 09:36:45
摘要:文章介绍了UPnP结构规范和开发流程,指出:UP nP协议使所有联网的设备实现互联,设备工作不需要传统的驱动程序,便可以实现设备间的 相互控制。 关键词:UPnP协议;开发流程;电子技术;工作流程 中图分类号:TP393文献标识码:A文章编号:1007—6921(2009)17—0072—02 UPnP首先是由微软公司于1999年提出,现今已经是开放的标准,由非盈利的论坛组织UPnP F orum 负责体系架构和标准的维护和更新升级。至2003年末,世界范围内宣称支持它的组织 已经达到600多家。目前UPnP尚处于1.0版本已经实现了智能设备的互联互用。 1UPnP结构规范 1.1UPnP基本单元 组成UPnP的基本单元主要有以下3种: 1.1.1设备(Devices)。在U PnP规范中设备是最基本单元。设备代表了一个物理设备或包含多个物理设备的逻辑设 备,它是U PnP服务或嵌入设备的载体, 不同类型的设备对应一组不同的服务和嵌入设备。 1.1.2服务(Services)。在U PnP规范中服务是最小控制单元。服务是设备所能向外提供的功能,定义了设备的功能调 用接口以及描述设备状态的变量。服务由一个状态表、一个控制服务期和一个事件服务期构 成。 1.1.3控制点(Control Points)。在U PnP规范中控制点是U PnP网络中的控制者,能发现和控制网络中其他U


浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-22 16:05:58
上一篇文章分析了比特币P2P网络中,一个节点是如何发现并连接到相邻节点的。在P2P网络中,一个节点既是客户又是服务器,它还要接受其他节点的连接,为网络中其他节点提供服务。这篇文章着重分析一下比特币P2P网络中是如何通过upnp来实现端口映射的。 1 从腾讯的一道面试题说起 笔者所在团队的总监在面试的时候必然要问面试者这样一个问题: 有两台手机同时连到了一个WIFI上,然后它们都访问了外网中某个服务器,那么网络是如何做到区分出这两台设备,把服务器的应答数据分发到合适的手机上呢? 如果在毫无准备的情况下来回答这个问题,自己还真是答不出来。 再想象一个场景:假设我们自己写了个小的服务器程序,然后在家里的电脑上运行,此时你想让另一个同事连接你的服务器,来验证你的服务器程序是不是能正确运行,但是明显你的网络和同事家的网络是两个不同的局域网,所以除非你去同事家或者让同事提上电脑到你家,否则无法连通。那么有什么办法做到让同事在自己家里就能点对点连上你的服务来调试么? 2 NAT和NAT穿透 上一节提到的两个问题,实际上都和NAT有关。要弄清楚上一节的问题,需要先了解NAT,所以这里先来补点网络课,了解一下NAT以及NAT穿透。 2.1 NAT 2.1.1 NAT是什么 NAT是个什么鬼?它的全称是Network Address Translation,翻译过来就是网络地址转换

Understanding CORS on UPnP/DLNA browsing

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-07 08:14:36
问题 I've been playing around with home-grown UPNP/DLNA Browsing. What I manage to do is a shell script based approach using curl to query the Server and xsl processing to make html pages out of the answers. Next I thought I could build all this into javascript/kind of interactive browser page. But now I hit the CORS issue as the requests are preflighted by the browser (they are not preflighted when using curl and the server speaks no CORS, just UPnP). Some simplest code trying to get the root of

Understanding CORS on UPnP/DLNA browsing

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-07 08:13:10
问题 I've been playing around with home-grown UPNP/DLNA Browsing. What I manage to do is a shell script based approach using curl to query the Server and xsl processing to make html pages out of the answers. Next I thought I could build all this into javascript/kind of interactive browser page. But now I hit the CORS issue as the requests are preflighted by the browser (they are not preflighted when using curl and the server speaks no CORS, just UPnP). Some simplest code trying to get the root of

UPnP: intel: generate stack: java android: invoking actions on network light sample

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-01-06 15:14:46
问题 I`m looking into UPnP with the help of the generated stack for java/android created with the device builder with came with the UPnP tools from intel. to make an android application that is the control point in the UPnP system. source of tools: http://opentools.homeip.net/dev-tools-for-upnp To help me understand the principle of these tools I created a network light and generated the stack for android. But i can`t seem to work out how to turn on and off the networklight. can someone give my a

PnP-X and automatic installation of network storage to Windows 7

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-06 03:37:24
问题 I tested successfully with Linux by using Avahi(Bonjour) and Netatalk(AFP) to provide network storage to Mac OS X seamlessly (as like Time Capsule). I want to make one another question for Windows 7. As I searched Windows 7 uses PnP-X and UPnP to provide Bonjour like zero configuration experience. What I want to achieve is: Use Samba on Linux to share one folder Publish this shared folder as NAS service by using PnP-X and UPnP If a Windows 7 PC attached to the LAN which have the Linux it will

Listen to UPnP Broadcast with UdpClient

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-02 16:41:28
问题 Just trying to receive a UPnP broadcast from a device in my local network. I did find a lot of similar questions and tried a bunch of suggestions, none of theme where successful. I do see the UDP packets with Wireshark, so they are actually received on my computer. Any suggestions? using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; public class UDPListener { private const int listenPort = 1900; private static void StartListener() { bool done = false; IPEndPoint

Cling UPnP not returning Actions

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-01 19:00:12
问题 I am using cling UPnP framework in android to connect to UPnP enabled device. I am successful in creating a device and browsing for available devices in the network. But for the samsung TV in the network the framework in not returning any actions. Here I am adding the service detail for the RenderingControl <service> <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1</serviceType> <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl</serviceId> <controlURL>/upnp/control

How can I add a prefix to a WCF ServiceContract Namespace

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-01-01 15:35:12
问题 I'm trying to implement an UPnP MediaServer in WCF. I'm slowly getting there, but now I've hit a brick wall. I need to add a prefix to the ServiceContract namespace. Right now I have the following: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1")] public interface IContentDirectory { [OperationContract(Action = "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse")] void Browse(string ObjectID, string BrowseFlag, string Filter, ulong StartingIndex, ulong