
Should I use inherited tests?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-02-11 14:46:30
问题 I am reviewing some code where the developer has some classes ClassA and ClassB. They both inherit from ParentClass so both must implement a number of abstract methods (e.g. return5Values(2) ) In ClassA the values are all double the previous value: [2,4,8,16,32] In ClassB the values are all +1 the previous value [2,3,4,5,6] There are also other constraints such as raising an error if the parameter is negative etc. Other tests like getting the 3rd value only, also exist etc. (Obviously these

Should I use inherited tests?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-11 14:42:36
问题 I am reviewing some code where the developer has some classes ClassA and ClassB. They both inherit from ParentClass so both must implement a number of abstract methods (e.g. return5Values(2) ) In ClassA the values are all double the previous value: [2,4,8,16,32] In ClassB the values are all +1 the previous value [2,3,4,5,6] There are also other constraints such as raising an error if the parameter is negative etc. Other tests like getting the 3rd value only, also exist etc. (Obviously these

How to run unit tests with Cypress.io?

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-11 13:23:42
问题 I have been using Cypress.io to run end-to-end tests. Recently, I have been using it to run unit tests as well. However, I have some issues with some small helper functions that I have built with NodeJs. I have a create file called utils.spec.js in the following path <my-project-name>/cypress/integration/unit/utils.spec.js & I have written the following tests: File: utils.spec.js // Path to utils.js which holds the regular helper javascript functions import { getTicketBySummary } from '../..

Python unittest patch mock entier class

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-11 13:14:33
问题 I have a class that I want to patch in my unittests. class OriginalClass(): def method_a(): # do something def method_b(): # do another thing Now I created another class to patch it with, so the code for patching it is like class MockClass(OriginalClass): def method_a(): # This will override the original method and return custom response for testing. patcher = patch('OriginalClass', new=MockClass) mock_instance = patcher.start() This works exactly as I want it to and I can return whatever

Python unittest patch mock entier class

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-11 13:11:42
问题 I have a class that I want to patch in my unittests. class OriginalClass(): def method_a(): # do something def method_b(): # do another thing Now I created another class to patch it with, so the code for patching it is like class MockClass(OriginalClass): def method_a(): # This will override the original method and return custom response for testing. patcher = patch('OriginalClass', new=MockClass) mock_instance = patcher.start() This works exactly as I want it to and I can return whatever

Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 21 to the 15 allowed. How to refactor and reduce the complexity

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-11 12:46:56
问题 how to reduce the complexity of the given piece of code? I am getting this error in Sonarqube---> Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 21 to the 15 allowed. this.deviceDetails = this.data && {...this.data.deviceInfo} || {}; if (this.data && this.data.deviceInfo) { this.getSessionInfo(); // tslint:disable-next-line: no-shadowed-variable const { device, driver, ipAddress, port, active, connectionType } = this.data.deviceInfo; this.deviceDetails = { name: device.name || '

Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 21 to the 15 allowed. How to refactor and reduce the complexity

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-11 12:46:41
问题 how to reduce the complexity of the given piece of code? I am getting this error in Sonarqube---> Refactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 21 to the 15 allowed. this.deviceDetails = this.data && {...this.data.deviceInfo} || {}; if (this.data && this.data.deviceInfo) { this.getSessionInfo(); // tslint:disable-next-line: no-shadowed-variable const { device, driver, ipAddress, port, active, connectionType } = this.data.deviceInfo; this.deviceDetails = { name: device.name || '

Why does the second test method appear to share the context of the first test method?

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-11 12:40:22
问题 I'm absolutely new to unit-testing, so forgive me if that question is either too vague or appears to be off the mark. The problem is that I'm at a loss in identifying the source of this issue. I'm unsure if the problem is with my limited understanding of unit-testing or if I have not considered another core Python concept. The questing reflects the conclusion that I have come to at this point. Allow me to explanation to you my situation. I'm building a tic tac toe game, which I set out to do

Why does the second test method appear to share the context of the first test method?

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-11 12:39:21
问题 I'm absolutely new to unit-testing, so forgive me if that question is either too vague or appears to be off the mark. The problem is that I'm at a loss in identifying the source of this issue. I'm unsure if the problem is with my limited understanding of unit-testing or if I have not considered another core Python concept. The questing reflects the conclusion that I have come to at this point. Allow me to explanation to you my situation. I'm building a tic tac toe game, which I set out to do

Azure CloudFile DownloadToStream method mocking with Callback not working

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-11 12:33:33
问题 This is the code for reading file from azure file storage and process the data. I am using latest file storage nuget packages. CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("FileStorageConnectionString"); CloudFileClient fileClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient(); CloudFileShare cloudShare = fileClient.GetShareReference("FileShareName"); var cloudFile = this.cloudShare.GetRootDirectoryReference().GetFileReference("file.txt"); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();