
How to batch resize images in Ubuntu recursively within the terminal?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-28 16:48:42
问题 I have multiple images stored in a set of organized folders. I need to re-size those images to a specific percentage recursively from their parent directory. I am running Ubuntu 11.10 and i prefer learning how to do that directly from the terminal. 回答1: You could use imagemagick. For instance, for resizing all the JPG images under the current directory to 50% of their original size, you could do: for f in `find . -name "*.jpg"` do convert $f -resize 50% $f.resized.jpg done The resulting files

Ubuntu error with apache: (98)Address already in use

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-11-28 15:40:37
问题 I am getting this error when I try to start Apache in Ubuntu. (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs Action 'start' failed. I have this in my ports.conf NameVirtualHost *:80 Listen 80 This is my vhost file <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin example@example.com ServerName rails.server.com # ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/www/sample_app/current/public ErrorLog /var/www/sample_app/error.log RailsEnv

When ColdFusion is maxing out the CPU, how do I find out what it's chewing/choking on?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-11-28 11:09:23
I'm running CF 9.0.1 on Ubuntu on an "Medium" Amazon EC2 instance. CF has been seizing-up intermittently (several times per day...but notably not isolated to hours of peak usage). At such times, running top gets me this (or something similar): PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+COMMAND 15855 wwwrun 20 0 1762m 730m 20m S 99.3 19.4 13:22.96 coldfusion9 So, it's obviously consuming most of the server resources. The following error has been showing up in my cfserver.log in the lead-up to each seize-up: java.lang.RuntimeException: Request timed out waiting for an available thread to run.

arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-11-28 06:33:17
I am trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices. I am following tutorial by roman10.net His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7-a devices. I want to build it for armeabi. My ultimate aim is to run ffmpeg commands on android armeabi and armv7-a devices. So I change the script's CPU part from #arm v7vfpv3 CPU=armv7-a OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -marm -march=$CPU " PREFIX=./android/$CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG= build_one to #arm v6 CPU=armv6 OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-marm -march=$CPU" PREFIX=./android/$CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG= build_one (I thought changing

Ubuntu - Run command on start-up with “sudo”

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-11-28 02:56:37
I would like to run a sudo command when Ubuntu starts up (before anyone logs in): sudo searchd How would I do this? Didier Trosset You can add the command in the /etc/rc.local script that is executed at the end of startup. Write the command before exit 0 . Anything written after exit 0 will never be executed. Edit the tty configuration in /etc/init/tty*.conf with a shellscript as a parameter : (...) exec /sbin/getty -n -l theInputScript.sh -8 38400 tty1 (...) This is assuming that we're editing tty1 and the script that reads input is theInputScript.sh. A word of warning this script is run as

Rails 3.2, FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user (PG::Error)

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-27 16:35:36
I am running my development on Ubuntu 11.10, and RubyMine Here is my development settings for the database.yml: which RubyMine created for me development: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: mydb_development pool: 5 username: myuser password: when I try to run the app, I get this error below, it seems that I didn't create a 'project' user yet, but, how can I create a user and grant it a database in postgres ? if this is the problem, then, what is the recommended tool to use in Ubuntu for this task ? if this is not the problem, then, please advice. Exiting /home/sam/.rvm/gems/ruby-1

Ubuntu and undefined symbol for SSLv2_method

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-11-27 05:23:49
Is Canonical renaming symbols in their package version of openssl, and if so for what purpose? When I compile openssl-1.0.0e.tar.gz (downloaded from openssl.org directly) from scratch I see the necessary symbol, but Python (and I) can't seem to find it in the packaged version. Read on for more information about how I diagnosed this problem... I am trying to compile Python 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 11.10, and get the error message above. The reason I am using this older Python is that I am trying to make my Ubuntu installation 100% compatible with a production system for development purposes. When

Rails 3.2, FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user (PG::Error)

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-27 04:08:39
问题 I am running my development on Ubuntu 11.10, and RubyMine Here is my development settings for the database.yml: which RubyMine created for me development: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: mydb_development pool: 5 username: myuser password: when I try to run the app, I get this error below, it seems that I didn't create a 'project' user yet, but, how can I create a user and grant it a database in postgres ? if this is the problem, then, what is the recommended tool to use in

arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-11-27 01:24:06
问题 I am trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices. I am following tutorial by roman10.net His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7-a devices. I want to build it for armeabi. My ultimate aim is to run ffmpeg commands on android armeabi and armv7-a devices. So I change the script's CPU part from #arm v7vfpv3 CPU=armv7-a OPTIMIZE_CFLAGS="-mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -marm -march=$CPU " PREFIX=./android/$CPU ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURE_FLAG= build_one to #arm v6 CPU=armv6 OPTIMIZE

Installing IDEA on Ubuntu 11.10

Deadly 提交于 2019-11-26 11:44:11
I am trying to install IDEA on Ubuntu 11.10. First, I installed openjdk-7-jdk . Then I tried running the idea.sh file as instructed. However it complains: ERROR: cannot start IntelliJ IDEA. No JDK found to run IDEA. Please validate either IDEA_JDK, JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation. Press Enter to continue. Trying to echo these three variables prints an empty line to the screen. How (and to what values) do I set these variables and proceed with the installation? Thanks. UPDATE : It's recommended to use the bundled JetBrains Runtime on Linux to run