
Intermittent curl error when posting to SMS gateway (bad DNS record?)

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-01-29 08:41:29
问题 The php system I am supporting posts data to an SMS gateway to send SMS messages. It successfully posts the data over 99% of the time. Very occasionally it will fail with the curl error SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name '' . This can happen in the middle of sending dozens of SMS messages, several will post and get sent, one or two will fail and then the rest will post successfully. I have discussed this error with the SMS gateway provider

Identify Whatsapp phone number when listing Twilio phone number

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-01-29 06:25:29
问题 When listing our Twilio phone numbers using the Twilio REST API (, a Whatsapp phone number appears as any other phone number. There doesn't seem to be a specific capability for Whatsapp. We can only see voice, sms, mms and fax capabilities: "capabilities": { "voice": true, "sms": false, "mms": false, "fax": true }, What info can we use to identify a phone number as a Whatsapp phone number when using the Twilio REST API? We

Twilio recording and voicemail function

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-01-28 11:26:13
问题 Hello guys im treyng to implement a new call foward ivr system for my twilio number but i been having a problem with one of my function and i hope you guys cam help in some way. So Im trying to record all the calls that i receive and on top of that have a voicemail option. Here is how im going. On twiml i crate an action to go to reddirect to voicemail after time out, Than i use recordingStatusCallback to record the call tha dont go to voicemail and both work perfectly but when i receive the

Twilio - how to send an SMS based on body of incoming message?

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-01-28 09:33:18
问题 I'm using the Twilio PHP API on my site. The goal is for members of our gaming clan to fill out a form which includes their name and the issue at hand. A text will then be sent to a predetermined list of admins with access to fix the server. This part is working great. I can fill in the form on my site and it sends the text without issue. <?php require_once "autoload.php"; use Twilio\Rest\Client; $AccountSid = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; $AuthToken = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy";

Twilio - how to send an SMS based on body of incoming message?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-01-28 09:24:37
问题 I'm using the Twilio PHP API on my site. The goal is for members of our gaming clan to fill out a form which includes their name and the issue at hand. A text will then be sent to a predetermined list of admins with access to fix the server. This part is working great. I can fill in the form on my site and it sends the text without issue. <?php require_once "autoload.php"; use Twilio\Rest\Client; $AccountSid = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; $AuthToken = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy";

Twilio Studio: Forward SMS conversation log to email

邮差的信 提交于 2021-01-28 09:20:55
问题 I'm using SMS studio do have a quick chat bot conversation with inbound SMS messages, and would like to forward the conversation log to email after it's complete. I've written a function that uses the SendGrid API to forward SMSes to email. It works independently - ie, if I configure the phone number to run the function immediately as a text comes in, it will email that single SMS input. However, I'd like to add the function to the end of of Twilio Studio flow, so that it emails the entire

Multiple twilio numbers forward to single number, how do I indicate to operator what number was called?

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-01-07 02:52:51
问题 My parents-in-law are opening a second business, but want to be able to answer calls from customers on their cell phone. They are having multiple twilio numbers forward to their cell phone. The problem now is that they don't know which business the customer is calling for, so they don't know how to answer the phone. In a perfect world, when the phone is answered, I'd be able to play a message to the operator telling them the name of the business called, before actually connecting the calls

Twilio conference voicemail/machine detection

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-01-01 06:16:40
问题 I am building an application in which we add 20 people to a conference for an important discussion, and suppose one or two of participants (From the 20 people added to the conference) is not available and their voicemail is active, then in the middle of an important discussion those prerecorded voicemail messages/audio starts, this is very annoying for others in the conference. I want to prevent this from happening. I have tried using ifMachine but it did not help, MachineDetection callback

Twilio conference voicemail/machine detection

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-01-01 06:16:31
问题 I am building an application in which we add 20 people to a conference for an important discussion, and suppose one or two of participants (From the 20 people added to the conference) is not available and their voicemail is active, then in the middle of an important discussion those prerecorded voicemail messages/audio starts, this is very annoying for others in the conference. I want to prevent this from happening. I have tried using ifMachine but it did not help, MachineDetection callback

Twilio conference voicemail/machine detection

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-01-01 06:12:29
问题 I am building an application in which we add 20 people to a conference for an important discussion, and suppose one or two of participants (From the 20 people added to the conference) is not available and their voicemail is active, then in the middle of an important discussion those prerecorded voicemail messages/audio starts, this is very annoying for others in the conference. I want to prevent this from happening. I have tried using ifMachine but it did not help, MachineDetection callback