
idea上 svn 更新报错

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-03-11 09:08:03
The path to the Subversion executable is probably wrong 问题所在:在 安装的 TortoiseSVN工具时,本身是带有command-line功能的(我没有安装)如图: 所以报这个错误。 如果安装的TortoiseSVN工具,本身是不带有command-line功能的,必须要安装VisualSVN, 而且须要单独安装 。 处理方法: 下载svn command-line , 下载后解压,放到指定目录 来源: oschina 链接:

Creating a Subversion branch

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-03-06 03:24:06
问题 I have a Subversion repository (running SVN 1.6.6) on an Ubuntu Linux server, and I'm trying to create a branch using the TortoiseSVN GUI; However, I get an error back: COPY c:\work\repositoryWorkingcopy\ to http://svnserver/svn/repository/Oct13, Revision HEAD Error '/svn/repository/!svn/bc/234/branches' path not found I logged into my Linux box to see if the "branches" folder was NOT available. However, I could see that /var/svn/repository/branches existed. So, what's the problem and how do

What are the hurdles and dangers when migrating from Visual SourceSafe to SVN?

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-03-05 17:28:56
问题 A client still uses Visual SourceSafe, but after showing the numerous dangers and deficiencies of VSS, they've decided to migrate from VSS to SVN Subversion. The choice-to-be seems Tortoise SVN with AnkhSVN (good choice?). A migration aid is described here. The project contains two websites, a few web applications, several control and function libraries. It seems to me that a "sweep all VSS related" and then "import in SVN" is the way to go. But worlds aren't perfect. What are the problems we

What are the hurdles and dangers when migrating from Visual SourceSafe to SVN?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-03-05 17:28:18
问题 A client still uses Visual SourceSafe, but after showing the numerous dangers and deficiencies of VSS, they've decided to migrate from VSS to SVN Subversion. The choice-to-be seems Tortoise SVN with AnkhSVN (good choice?). A migration aid is described here. The project contains two websites, a few web applications, several control and function libraries. It seems to me that a "sweep all VSS related" and then "import in SVN" is the way to go. But worlds aren't perfect. What are the problems we

How to update TortoiseSVN over the network?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-03-05 06:37:05
问题 I want to import my project from the repository that is on another computer on the network. I have TortoiseSVN installed. I right click the folder -> SVN Check out -> Which prompts me for repository. My repository exist on my system in c:\repositary\myprojects\trunk\project1. How to I access from remote PC. On Local machine I use this syntax. file:/// c:/repositary/myprojects/trunk/project1 ( three forward slashes) The documentation says I should use this syntax. file://servername /repositary

安装TortoiseGit 状态图标不能正常显示

百般思念 提交于 2020-02-29 07:51:36 如果你安装 TortoiseSVN 之后,功能使用正常,但是文件夹或文件左上角就是不显示图标,那么你可能 1. 64bit 系统上装了 32bit 的 TortoiseSVN 解决方法是,再安装 64bit 的 TortoiseSVN,两者可并行运行 2. Windows Explorer Shell 支持的 Overlay Icon 最多 15 个,Windows 自身使用了 4 个,只剩 11 个可扩展使用,如果你之前还安装诸如 Groove 这样的软件,可能这 11 个位置都被他们剥夺了,轮不到 Tortoise 了。不过,还是可以给 Tortoise 优先腾出位置的:调整 Tortoise 图标名称的字母顺序。因为 Windows 内部就是按图标名称的字母顺序来优先显示的。 如下图,为 Tortoise 加上 0 1 2 3 … 提升顺序: 编辑HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers,修改tortoise相关的名称(如加一个.前缀,并加数字),让他们排序到前面(刷新可见),重启资源管理器即可


余生颓废 提交于 2020-02-28 14:25:54
1.首先,我们要确保电脑上已经安装了TortoiseSVN。 2.打开IDEA-File-Settings-Version Control-Subversion,在右边的界面上选择TortoiseSvn/bin/svn.exe。但是我发现我的bin目录下没有svn.exe? 解决方法如下: 参考博客: (1)找到TortoiseSVN的安装包,双击打开: (2)点击Modify: (3)勾选command line client tools项,选择第一个选项: (4)然后就解决啦! 3.我们在回过头来设置IDEA中的SVN: 4.ok,解决! 来源:

TortoiseSVN图标未显示在Windows 7下

风格不统一 提交于 2020-02-26 15:04:12
我似乎无法在Windows 7下显示图标,我真的很想念Windows XP。 怎么修好? #1楼 他们在这里展示得很好 您使用的是64位版本的Windows 7以及32位版本的TortoiseSVN吗? 如果是这样,那么它们只会出现在32位资源管理器中(或32位应用程序的差价合约中)。 但是,您可以并排安装32位和64位版本。 #2楼 要 完成Johannes的答案 ,你可以检查 这个线程 ,它提到另一个原因(第一个是安装32位客户端而不是64位客户端)(强调我的): 只有更新版本的TSVN和TCVS能够共享叠加图标,并且 由于资源管理器总共限制了14个叠加图像,而无法显示多余的叠加图标,您可能会有太多 ... 如果它的叠加图标出现,您必须实际使用32位Windows资源管理器,这当然意味着您还必须安装32位版本的TSVN。 当一个安装第一个TortoiseVCS时,问题可能会出现,因为: 看看在文件系统和注册表中安装了什么,看起来他们试图用我的Shell扩展做的 - 安装64和32位版本,所以没有人说“我看不到我的覆盖/菜单“! ;) 不幸的是,它看起来像32位的注册表项被软管,所以32位扩展DLL,即使存在,没有正确的注册表项。 如有疑问,我建议卸载TCVS和TSVN。 然后安装TSVN。 也许安装后重启两次,不仅一次。 如果他们仍然没有出现,请转到软件控制面板并选择修复安装。

How to merge branch back to main branch and avoid tree conflicts - TortoiseSVN

安稳与你 提交于 2020-02-06 07:26:25
问题 I have source files managed in SVN using TortoiseSVN. I had added files and committed them to a revision, and subsequently decided to branch. I branched with the files I needed, and performed a delete on the trunk of the files that wasn't intended to be used. Now I'm attempting to reintegrate the branch to the main trunk. Using tortoise, I have merged from trunk to branch the range of revisions from AFTER the delete on the trunk to head. This brings the branch up to date. Now I switch to the


最后都变了- 提交于 2020-02-04 13:23:10
我在安装目录下没有时,犯了一个错误,没有注意看安装选项直接点下一步了。导致TortoiseSVN的bin目录下没有svn.exe 这个文件(导致了我无法在IDEA上使用TortoiseSVN)。 解决办法很简单: 1、打开我们TortoiseSVN的安装包,双击打开,选中Modify(点那个电脑小图标),然后按我的截图操作即可。 备注:如果你电脑不能右键后没有TortoiseSVN的菜单的话,打开我们TortoiseSVN的安装包,选择Repair(第二张图的第二个选项) 来源: CSDN 作者: Z_RenYong 链接: