

感情迁移 提交于 2020-03-01 07:46:19
四种优秀的数据库设计工具 【51CTO.com快译】众所周知,良好的数据库设计能够大幅减少后期的运维工作,同时也能最大程度地减少软件项目出错的可能。由于我们所面临的真实项目需求往往五花八门,因此需要找到合适的设计工具,来实现事半功倍的效果。 本文将从如下四个方面和您一起比较四种优秀数据库设计工具的各自优缺点。 用户界面 可支持的数据库 数据工具 售价 1.DbSchema 官网: DbSchema是一种可用于复杂数据库设计和管理的可视化工具。该工具已经集成在大多数主流操作系统之中。 用户界面 DbSchema具有友好的用户界面,可简化数据库的设计。它能够为管理大型数据库提供友好的界面布局,以便用户更专注于数据库的特定功能。 如下图所示,DbSchema界面能够让用户自由地浏览各种视图,在布局中拖放表格,或通过双击的方式来编辑表格中的数据。 逆向工程 DbSchema可以轻松地对现有数据库的架构模式(schema)进行反向工程。 项目文件和架构模式同步 DbSchema将本地的模式设计保存到一个项目文件之中。使用此类项目文件,用户在无需连接数据库的情况下,直接修改目标架构模式的设计。这些更改将会被保存在对应的项目文件中。当再次与数据库连接时

Toad 所有 菜单说明(太多)

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-02-28 15:33:02
菜单说明 新版本 toad 软件中, 比较有用的菜单 session 菜单 Session Information: 显示当前session的用户的情况, 比如权限, 授权等 Database 菜单 (很多功能都是重复的) administrator: 审计, 参数, redo, tablespace 等 monitor: ~ top session finder(监控session), ~ database browser : database 的全部内容, 包括参数, 表空间, 数据文件等 ~ database monitor : 动态监视, 包括 logical I/O, session, sga, physical IO, call rates, shared pool, waitevent 等等. ~ server statistics: 包括, waits, latches, sessions 等等 ~ session browser : 可以用来 kill session, 另外还有针对 session 的 wait event 等. ~ SGA Trace : 针对 SGA 的使用情况, 详细列出了所有的 sql list. ~ SQL Tracker : 打开这个, 你在toad中的所有操作, 都会有对应的SQL语句被输出. diagnose: alert log


痴心易碎 提交于 2020-02-14 21:47:03
1、toad 如何进行表分析? (1)选中表名按F4,然后弹出对话框有个按钮叫Analyze table,点击后按绿色的三角符号 (2)进行表分析的作用是整理索引,提高执行效率 2、toad中如何查看sql的执行计划 (1)通过toad中的Run explain plan for current statement或者通过快捷键Ctrl+e来看 3、toad中常用快捷键 F4 看表的结构 F5 执行对话框中的SQL,注意最后需要以;结尾 F7 清除当前编辑框中所有的sql F8 查看历史的sql语句 F9 执行当前行的sql F10 看菜单 Ctrl + F12 保存sql为文档 Ctrl +. 补全table_name Ctrl + t 补全table_name,或者显示字段 Ctrl + e 查看当前Sql的执行计划 Ctrl+Enter 直接执行当前sql    Ctrl+Shift+F 格式化sql语句    Alt+箭头上下 看sql history Ctrl+F 查找 Ctrl+R 替换 要全部替换需要选中对话框中的Entire scope Ctrl+U 将选中SQL语句全部大写 Ctrl+L 将选中SQL语句全部小写 Ctrl+B 将选中SQL语句语句注释,commet block Ctrl++Shift+B 将选中SQL语句取消注释,uncommet block

Select all rows which occure in list of 2927 id's

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-25 21:01:07
问题 I have a list of 2927 id's. I want to get all rows which id's are in that list. How can I achieve this? It is a comma seperated list of id's. An in statement won't work since there is a limit of 1000. I've tried solutions like this Loop through pre defined values but it doesn't do what I expect. I'm using toad and I wish to see the rows in the datagrid (multiple rows, multiple columns). Thanks in advance! How a list of id's may look like: 67,122,173,256,284,285,288,289,291,294,296,298,301,320

Run multiple sql statements using only execute in TOAD

早过忘川 提交于 2020-01-14 04:52:11
问题 I am trying to run multiple select SQL statements in TOAD using Execute command and not as execute as a script, Each statement ending with a semicolon but unfortunately TOAD is not allowing me to do this. Tried running as a single block by using begin and end but that attempt also failed. Is there any way to achive this.. 回答1: you can run it as a script in Toad: exec dbms_output.put_line('aaa'); exec dbms_output.put_line('bbb'); or use the following anonymous PL/SQL block and execute it as a

Query Help - String in where clause has & character

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-01-11 03:10:07
问题 I am running an SQL (Oracle) statement like that select * from table where table_id in ('265&310', '266&320') While running through TOAD, it consider & as some variable placeholder and it asks for its value. If it was for 1-2 place holders then I could have set it in TOAD but the in clause has like 200 of strings. How to put this query? I want to export the DATASET as SQL INSERT statement, so I can't use this in SQL-PLUS. 回答1: In TOAD, you can disable the prompt for substitution variables

How to view the content of a resultset in Toad from a stored procedure with unknown number of columns?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-01-06 20:01:05
问题 In Tsql I can execute a stored procedure in Query Analyzer and view the content of a resultset right there query analyzer window without know anything about the query structure (tables, columns, ...) --Tsql sample exec myproc parm1, parm2, parm3 Now I am working with PLsql and Toad (which I am relatively new at for Toad). I need to view the content of a resultset of a convoluted stored procedure, and I don't know what the number of columns is -- let alone their data types (this proc is

trace oracle statements

风格不统一 提交于 2020-01-03 03:31:11
问题 I'm developing an app using Oracle database and I would surely like to have an SQL statements tracer that could trace sessions and processes statements - like Toad's SQL Tracker/Monitor. But since the good one cost alot of money I'm thinking about building a small one myself. Any ideeas about wich would be the best solution for tracing oracle sql statements? 回答1: Sql Plus + tkprof. alter session set timed_statistics = true; alter session set sql_trace = true; show parameter user_dump_dest

Why can't I see Tables/Sequences in Toad's Schema Browser?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-02 07:33:33
问题 Using Toad 9.7.2 against a network Oracle DB (10g) I can't see any objects in the schema browser using the account information provided to me by my DBA. Using Oracle 10g installed locally, I see all objects in my local Oracle instance using the account I created which has all privileges. I believe this is an instance where the account provided to me by my DBA does not have sufficient privileges in the DB or to the Oracle catalog? Is there a specific privilege I need to request of my DBA for

ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option - Toad

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-01-02 03:28:10
问题 When i execute below SQL in Toad its throws " ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option ". ALTER TABLE CALCULATE ADD (CAL_METHOD VARCHAR2(50), REMARKS VARCHAR2(500)); But when execute in SQL Developer its running successful, Is there any issue with SQL / Toad. Please advice me. 回答1: In TOAD I suppose, you need to execute it as a script (press F5 ) rather that running it as a statement. 回答2: Your SQL is correct but the problem is TOAD restrict Statements and Scripts for each button. I assume the