
Germany quotation marks broken in tinytex/rmarkdown - even when using package `csquotes`

烈酒焚心 提交于 2021-02-05 06:09:44
问题 What I want: I'd like to have German quotation marks in my TeX-PDF via rmarkdown and tinytex on MacOS (Catalina). See for example: The problem: It used to work following the guidelines as proposed here. But now, it stopped working. I only get English quotation marks, but not German ones: What I tried, without success : I updated my R packages I updated TeX packages I checked that the TeX package "csquotes" is installed I changed the language from "de" to "de-De" R-Code : --- title: "German

Germany quotation marks broken in tinytex/rmarkdown - even when using package `csquotes`

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-02-05 06:06:05
问题 What I want: I'd like to have German quotation marks in my TeX-PDF via rmarkdown and tinytex on MacOS (Catalina). See for example: The problem: It used to work following the guidelines as proposed here. But now, it stopped working. I only get English quotation marks, but not German ones: What I tried, without success : I updated my R packages I updated TeX packages I checked that the TeX package "csquotes" is installed I changed the language from "de" to "de-De" R-Code : --- title: "German

Germany quotation marks broken in tinytex/rmarkdown - even when using package `csquotes`

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-05 06:05:34
问题 What I want: I'd like to have German quotation marks in my TeX-PDF via rmarkdown and tinytex on MacOS (Catalina). See for example: The problem: It used to work following the guidelines as proposed here. But now, it stopped working. I only get English quotation marks, but not German ones: What I tried, without success : I updated my R packages I updated TeX packages I checked that the TeX package "csquotes" is installed I changed the language from "de" to "de-De" R-Code : --- title: "German

Bookdown does not render image in output pdf

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-01-29 14:09:43
问题 I'm trying to include an image in the example index.rmd file that comes with the bookdown-package within RStudio. (New Project -> Book Project using bookdown) I then simply appended the following code within an R code-chunk. ```{r} knitr::include_graphics("png_logo.png") ``` Running the code chunk on its own produces the expected output (shows figure). However, if I use the following command in the terminal: bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", "bookdown::pdf_book") a pdf-file is produced, that

Unable to knit pdf, receiving tinytex error with failed tlmgr search

若如初见. 提交于 2020-12-13 01:22:19
问题 Using - RStudio Version 1.2.1335 - R version I am able to knit the R markdown file to HTML and Word, but fail with PDF. I keep receiving the same error message telling me that it is unable to locate the "Palatino" font. The file is successfully processed (all chunks run). I have tried re-installing and resetting Miktex and Tinytex, as well as R itself. I am pretty new to this, so I am unsure how to proceed. Should I install TexLive? This is the header of the file I am trying to run: -- title:

Unable to knit pdf, receiving tinytex error with failed tlmgr search

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-12-13 01:22:18
问题 Using - RStudio Version 1.2.1335 - R version I am able to knit the R markdown file to HTML and Word, but fail with PDF. I keep receiving the same error message telling me that it is unable to locate the "Palatino" font. The file is successfully processed (all chunks run). I have tried re-installing and resetting Miktex and Tinytex, as well as R itself. I am pretty new to this, so I am unsure how to proceed. Should I install TexLive? This is the header of the file I am trying to run: -- title:

RMarkdown can't find 'pdflatex.fmt' file

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-05-16 08:56:06
问题 I am trying RMarkdown for the first time, using the very first example in Yihui's book "R Markdown A Definitive Guide": --- title: "Hello R Markdown" author: "Awesome Me" date: "2018-02-14" output: pdf_document --- This is a paragraph in an R Markdown document. Below is a code chunk: options(tinytex.verbose = TRUE) fit = lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars) b = coef(fit) plot(cars) abline(fit) The slope of the regression is `r b[1] I installed TinyTex using the following as per Yihui's comments here

Error generating PDF with RMarkdown

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-03-23 08:07:30
问题 I just bought a new Mac. I've cloned my git repo onto it, and ran the following, which worked fine on the old Mac: rmarkdown::render(input = "statement.Rmd", output_format="pdf_document", output_file = paste(Payees$Payee[i], "identifying text", i, "2018_02", ".pdf", sep=''), output_dir = "~/Desktop/path/to/directory") I've installed tinytex on the new box, and I've run install_tinytex() . Here's the error I get: tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/systems