

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-04-08 17:40:46
(IDC彭帅) 什么是异地容灾备份 首先说下容灾备份其实是两个不同的概念,容灾是指企业为了保证业务系统在遭受意外原因的情况下能保证原有的业务系统正常运转而在异地部署了一套与现有的业务系统一样的生产环境,保证业务的正常运转。 备份是指因为意外的删除等灾难性的原因造成的数据丢失而在硬盘或是利用其它的软件而做的备份。其实在容灾备份一体化还未出现时,容灾系统和备份还都是独立的。随着容灾备份产品的出现,最终目标是帮助企业应对人为误操作、软件错误、病毒***等“软”性灾害以及硬件故障、自然灾害等“硬”性灾害。 容灾分类:容灾系统分为两类,一类是数据系统容灾,一类是应用系统容灾所谓的数据系统备份就是在异地建立一个和本地相同的一个系统,相当于本地的一个复制品,异地的数据容灾就是在本地数据及整个应用系统出现灾难时,系统至少在异地保存有一份可用的关键业务的数据。该数据可以是与本地生产数据的完全实时复制,也可以比本地数据略微落后,但一定是可用的。采用的主要技术是数据备份和数据复制技术。所谓应用容灾,是在数据容灾的基础上,在异地建立一套完整的与本地生产系统相当的备份应用系统(可以是互为备份),在意外或灾难情况下,异地的备份机制能远程系统迅速接管业务运行,在选择容灾系统的构造时,还要建立多层次的广域网络故障切换机制。本地的高可用系统指在多个服务器运行一个或多种应用的情况下,应确保任意服务器出现任何故障时

Problems with loading native library/missing methods: no ttJdbcCS in java.library.path

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-15 06:58:50
问题 Iam facing one problem while connecting the timesten client to the server The SQL Exception which Iam getting is pasted below:- Problems with loading native library/missing methods: no ttJdbcCS in java.library.path I am working with MAC OS X 10.7.2 and my timesten client version is I have also changed the Java Preferences from 64-bit to 32-bit but still whenever i tried to connect with the SQL Developer it gives me the above error. Please help me as it is required for my graduation

What about problems with loading native library/missing methods: libttJdbc.so, libtten.so

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-25 18:26:13
问题 java.sql.SQLException: Problems with loading native library/missing methods: /home/timesten/TimesTen/tt1122/lib/libttJdbc.so: libtten.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at com.timesten.jdbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.connect(JdbcOdbcConnection.java:1794) at com.timesten.jdbc.TimesTenDriver.connect(TimesTenDriver.java:305) at com.timesten.jdbc.TimesTenDriver.connect(TimesTenDriver.java:161) at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:620) at java.sql

How to reference .so files in spark-submit command

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-24 11:13:20
问题 I am using TimesTen Database with Spark 2.3.0 I need to refer to .so files in spark-submit command in order to connect to Timesten db. Is there any option for same in spark-submit ? I tried adding so file in --conf spark.executor.extraLibraryPath still it doesn't resolve the error. Error I am getting is : Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 135 in stage 8.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 135.3 in stage 8.0 (TID

python access to TimesTen

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-22 17:06:04
问题 I googled a lot to find any python module to access TimesTen (in memory database). I am writing a automated testing framework (more like for System Test and not Unit Test). Is anyone aware of such module? The last resort is write the wrapper myself but this is something I really want to avoid. 回答1: To use Python with TimesTen (11.2 or 18.1), you should use cx_Oracle cx_Oracle works the same for both TimesTen and the Oracle RDBMS cx_Oracle uses ODPI-C which is a C library wrapper to OCI For

python access to TimesTen

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-22 17:05:50
问题 I googled a lot to find any python module to access TimesTen (in memory database). I am writing a automated testing framework (more like for System Test and not Unit Test). Is anyone aware of such module? The last resort is write the wrapper myself but this is something I really want to avoid. 回答1: To use Python with TimesTen (11.2 or 18.1), you should use cx_Oracle cx_Oracle works the same for both TimesTen and the Oracle RDBMS cx_Oracle uses ODPI-C which is a C library wrapper to OCI For

python access to TimesTen

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-06 05:56:11
I googled a lot to find any python module to access TimesTen (in memory database). I am writing a automated testing framework (more like for System Test and not Unit Test). Is anyone aware of such module? The last resort is write the wrapper myself but this is something I really want to avoid. To use Python with TimesTen (11.2 or 18.1), you should use cx_Oracle cx_Oracle works the same for both TimesTen and the Oracle RDBMS cx_Oracle uses ODPI-C which is a C library wrapper to OCI For both TimesTen and the Oracle RDBMS, cx_Oracle can either use the Easy connect method or tnsnames.ora in the

Ignite内存计算平台与Oracle TimesTen Scaleout对比

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-30 08:30:44
1.产品介绍 Ignite Ignite内存计算平台是一个高性能、集成化、混合式的企业级分布式架构解决方案,功能强大,有先进的集群管理功能,对于分布式内存数据库、流处理技术、分布式计算、分布式服务、分布式数据结构、持久化、Hadoop和Spark加速等功能,提供了广泛的支持,用于大规模的数据处理,比传统的基于磁盘或闪存的技术在性能上有指数级的提升。最新的版本在基于ZooKeeper的发现机制基础上,支持扩展至上千个节点。该软件由美国GridGain公司开发,于2014年将绝大部分功能捐赠给Apache基金会,命名为Ignite,目前为Apache基金会的顶级项目,GridGain公司还提供Ignite的企业版,具体可以根据需要进行选择。 Oracle TimesTen Scaleout TimesTen Scaleout是Oracle TimesTen 18.1版本的一个新的产品分支,是Oracle第一个商用关系型内存分布式数据库,支持分布式,横向扩展。这种新的体系结构使TimesTen内存数据库能够扩展至几十台主机,达到数百TB的容量,并且每秒支持数百万次事务,而无需手动数据库分片或应用程序分区,特别适合有着高并发、高吞吐量事务处理需求的业务场景。 2.产品对比 基本属性 序号 对比项目 Ignite TimesTen Scaleout 1 是否支持开源

Alternative to the TimesTen in memory database [closed]

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-11-29 04:06:40
I just found " Has anyone published a detailed comparison between different in-memory RDBMSs ?" that is related to my question. TimesTen (see also ) is a In-Memory Database from oracle. It has a lot going for it including. Fast, consistent response time High transaction throughput Standard SQL, no application rewrite Persistent and recoverable High availability and no data loss However it is priced out of the reach of most people ( $41,500.00 / Processor ). So what alternatives are there, and what are there pros and cons. (I am using .NET if it changes your answer) A popular in-memory database

Alternative to the TimesTen in memory database [closed]

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-11-27 17:59:50
问题 I just found "Has anyone published a detailed comparison between different in-memory RDBMSs?" that is related to my question. TimesTen (see also) is a In-Memory Database from oracle. It has a lot going for it including. Fast, consistent response time High transaction throughput Standard SQL, no application rewrite Persistent and recoverable High availability and no data loss However it is priced out of the reach of most people ($41,500.00 / Processor). So what alternatives are there, and what