linux tigase (IM服务器)安装
官方指导: 安装的为 derby db,有人说是个内存数据库(也不是,数据会保留到磁盘) 1 下载安装包 从中选一个,tigase-server-5.2.0-b3447-dist-max.tar.gz /** Starting from version 5.2.0 there will be two separate archives: minimal version (-dist) containing only tigase-server, tigase-xmltools and tigase-utils max version (-dist-max) containing all additional tigase components (MUC, PubSub, HTTP API, OSGi support, etc.) as well as dependencies required by those components.*/ 2 上传到linux服务器 ,解压 tar -zxvf tigase-server-5.2.0-b3447