

好久不见. 提交于 2020-04-26 16:58:32
5大安全产品全面升级,抢先了解 : 预约观看发布会 : 新基建大势之下的物联网 近日,中央政治局常委会会议提出,加快发展5G、数据中心、人工智能、物联网等新型基础设施建设进度。北京、上海、江苏等8个省份公布了近34万亿的投资额。国家的高度重视与重点扶持成为经济转型升级与未来经济增长的核心推进器。 作为国家科技、经济长期快速发展的“发力点”,新基建也符合了“科技兴国”的概念。新基建涵盖了5G基站建设、新能源汽车充电桩、大数据中心、人工智能、工业互联网,特高压,城际以及城轨交通,涉及了七大领域和相关产业链。物联网技术已深度融入新基建所涉及的每个模块当中,与之融为一体。在未来信息基础发展浪潮迭代中,物联网技术将“无处不在”。 根据全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)统计数据显示,2010-2018年全球物联网设备数量高速增长,复合增长率近21%;2018年,全球物联网设备连接数量高达91亿个。据GSMA预测,2025年全球物联网设备(包括蜂窝及非蜂窝)联网数量将达到252亿个。在2019年底,中国已成为全球最大的物联网市场,全球15亿台蜂窝网络连接设备中9.6亿台来自中国,占比64%。 物联网安全成新基建最快赛道 在国家新基建大势下


梦想与她 提交于 2020-04-25 06:26:00
常见的分布式文件系统有,GFS、HDFS、Lustre 、Ceph 、GridFS 、mogileFS、TFS、FastDFS等。各自适用于不同的领域。它们都不是系统级的分布式文件系统,而是应用级的分布式文件存储服务。 Google学术论文,这是众多分布式文件系统的起源 ================================== Google File System(大规模分散文件系统) MapReduce (大规模分散FrameWork) BigTable(大规模分散数据库) Chubby(分散锁服务) 一般你搜索Google_三大论文中文版(Bigtable、 GFS、 Google MapReduce)就有了。 做个中文版下载源: 做个原版地址链接: GFS(Google File System) --------------------------------------


不羁岁月 提交于 2020-04-24 15:27:23
导读:数据清晰地勾勒出了中国乳制品行业的现状,规模大、增长停滞。这是一个成熟市场的标志,也是乳制品行业面临的第一个痛点——全行业正在进入“中年瓶颈期”。 4月27日将为大家详细解读《2020年中国乳制品行业数据中台研究报告》 直播直达: 中国乳制品市场是一个超千亿元的成熟市场。根据中国奶业年鉴数据,2018年中国乳制品市场规模达到3590.41亿元,同比增长-5.3%;总销量3099万吨,同比增长1.0%。 这组数据可清晰地看出中国乳制品行业的现状,规模大、增长停滞,这是一个成熟市场的标志,也是乳制品行业面临的第一个痛点。亿欧智库最新发布的《2020年中国乳制品行业数据中台研究报告》中也同样揭示了当前乳业面临的发展问题:增长、升级、多样化。 在已经过去的2019年国内乳企已经使出浑身解数:蒙牛持续发力海外业务布局全球化,新希望在低温市场找到发力路径,三元借势“肉菜奶”组合大打“食品包”,贝因美触电网红经济玩起社群营销……在激烈的市场竞争中保有甚至扩大自身那一杯“羹”。 而《2020年中国乳制品行业数据中台研究报告》则非常明确地认为,国内乳企曾经的单点数字化已经不足以支撑它们目前的发展。全流程、可快速响应的数字化方案将成为中国乳制品新的方向。 谁将成为这一新方向的推力? 同样是2019年,飞鹤

Azure Devops - Can't get deployment status to board

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-04-18 05:35:36
问题 I would like to integrate the deployment control into my work items but to do so the Microsoft site recommends to: Select the "Preview: Report deployment status to Boards" option and configure the stages and deployment types ...but on my Azure DevOps Server, I don't have this choice. What can I do to get this choice or to enable the Deployment control in my work items / bug items? Here is my view: From :

How to add member in VSTS team programmatically?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-04-16 01:35:49
问题 I want to add user / member (who has already VSTS account) in a particular team (Under a particular project) programmatically. From portal we can always do the same. But, I am looking for some REST service that will do the same for me. In the below documentation is from Microsoft, we get several api related to the team. But it does not provide anything related to 'how do I add existing VSTS account holder to a team' Thanks in


隐身守侯 提交于 2020-04-13 07:54:48
原文: 玩转VSCode-完整构建VSCode开发调试环境 随着VSCode的不断完善和强大,是时候将部分开发迁移到VS Code中了。 目前使用VS2019开发.NET Core应用,一直有一个想法,在VS Code中复刻VS的开发环境,同时迁移到VS Code。 那么现在就开始吧。 首先,安装最新版的VS Code: ,安装完成后可能会提示升级,升级即可,升级后的版本信息: 版本: 1.40 . 1 (system setup) 提交: 8795a9889db74563ddd43eb0a897a2384129a619 日期: 2019 - 11 -13T16: 49 : 35 .976Z Electron: 6.1 . 2 Chrome: 76.0 . 3809.146 Node.js: 12.4 . 0 V8: 7.6 . 303.31 -electron. 0 OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0 . 16299 接下来的操作分为几个步骤: 1. 安装各种强大VS Code插件 2. 创建.NET Core解决方案和工程 3. 调试运行 好的,那我们开始吧。 一、安装各种强大的VS Code插件 1. C# extension for Visual Studio Code 这个插件最重要的功能:

Where does Visual Studio is referring the actual NuGet referenced DLL?

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-04-13 06:58:29
问题 I've added Autofac library using NuGet and I see it in my references as shown below. But when I check the properties [F4] of Autofac by clicking on it, it shows empty property box in Visual Studio. Also, I don't see Autofac folder under packages folder. I see only Package reference in .csproj file. Then how does it locates the DLL? Where is the actual DLL? I see it's automatically coming inside BIN . How does it come? Main Issue : Locally I'm able to build the solution but same solution fails

TFS web portal: Possible to link/URI directly to line number in file?

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-04-12 20:49:47
问题 I would like to send my coworkers a link directly to a line number in a file in our TFS repo. Is this possible? If so, how? We are using TFS 2015. Currently, the best way I have found is to link to the file like so: http[s]://{TFS-SERVER}[:{PORT}]/tfs/{PROJECT-COLLECTION}/_versionControl#path={PATH-TO-FILE} Then, Ctrl+G to manually enter the line number. Before I dig through the JavaScript to find how Ctrl+G works, I am hoping someone can help me out. I have tried variations on this theme,

TFS web portal: Possible to link/URI directly to line number in file?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-04-12 20:41:34
问题 I would like to send my coworkers a link directly to a line number in a file in our TFS repo. Is this possible? If so, how? We are using TFS 2015. Currently, the best way I have found is to link to the file like so: http[s]://{TFS-SERVER}[:{PORT}]/tfs/{PROJECT-COLLECTION}/_versionControl#path={PATH-TO-FILE} Then, Ctrl+G to manually enter the line number. Before I dig through the JavaScript to find how Ctrl+G works, I am hoping someone can help me out. I have tried variations on this theme,

How to connect Visual Studio 2019 to TFS?

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-04-08 06:30:13
问题 Visual Studio Professional 2019 looks to be all set for use of Azure DevOps. We are using Azure DevOps but also have a large code base still in TFS. I was using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise (with TFS) but it seemed this was a 90 day trial. I have now been issued with Visual Studio Professional 2019. I should be able to connect Visual Studio Professional 2019 to TFS also ? How do I do this? 回答1: Richard suggested: Team | Manage Connections then click on manage connections, from where you can