
copy files from TFS to build drop location using copy directory activity

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-24 01:45:32
问题 my case , i want to copy from Folder TFS to build drop location when my build succeeded i am using copy directory activity, in copy activity directory destination directory =" Build Drop Location " BuildDetail.DropLocation source directory =" TFS Floder " i know that build agent get source code from TFS to its machine on to this path $(SystemDrive)\Builds\$(BuildAgentId)\$(BuildDefinitionPath) , so how i want to get this path to use it in copy activity 回答1: There is property in build workflow

How can I prohibit State change from Proposed to Active in TFS Requirement work-item based on value of another field?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-22 11:04:28
问题 I've added department approvals to the standard CMMI-Template Requirement work-item. I'd like to limit the System.State field such that it can only be changed from Proposed to Active when all department approvals are set to "Yes". I've tried the following change to Requirement.xml <FIELD name="State" refname="System.State" type="String" reportable="dimension"> <WHEN field="Approval.Marketing" value="No"> <READONLY /> </WHEN> <WHEN field="Approval.Quality" value="No"> <READONLY /> </WHEN>

How to determine used process template in Team Foundation Server after creation of team project

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-18 11:47:55
问题 I'm looking for a way to determine what process template was used for a team project after it has been created. I can now only guess by looking at the work item types. I could not find any option in Visual Studio to retrieve this information. I need to know what processs template was used for team projects not created by myself. 回答1: If you check your work item type: Scrum = Product Backlog Item Agile = User Story CMMI = Requirement 回答2: For TFS 2010 & TFS 2012, you can follow below process

TFS show iteration Start and End Date on PBI

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-11 20:11:54
问题 I use TFS 2012 with the Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.2 process template. I would like to see the iteration start and end date a Product Backlog item (PBI) is associated to on the PBI form itself? If it's possible what fields do I need to refer to in the Work Item type definition? If it's not possible, why not? 回答1: You could put the dates right in the Iteration names. So instead of "Iteration 1" you could call it "I1 - Oct 1-20" 来源:

Tfs project creation results in error: TF400930: Field 'System.ExternalLinkCount' is defined multiple times

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-11 01:54:02
问题 I have recently upgraded an on-premises Team Foundation Server from Tfs 2015 to Tfs2015.Update3 (14.102.25423.0) The upgrade was completed and all other functionality seems to work as usual. A day or so ago I attempted to create a new Tfs project (TFVC) and that resulted in an error. When I look at the application tier log files, I see the following: [10:31:30.153] Executing step: Create the Team Project. [10:31:30.167] Executing step: 'Create the Team Project.' WorkItemTracking

“TF237124: Work Item is not ready to save” on associated workitem, but code is checked in regardless

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-10 23:58:53
问题 We made a few fields in bugs required before allowing to resolve. However, when a developer tries to resolve with a checkin and those fields are not filled in, it still allows the checkin to occur w/out associating that bug - is there a way to NOT allow the checkin to occur so the developer fixes it, and the bug can be associated with it properly? here is the full message: Failed to update the following work item: ID 9073. Reason: TF237124: Work Item is not ready to save Changeset 548

How can I prohibit State change from Proposed to Active in TFS Requirement work-item based on value of another field?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-06 03:25:28
I've added department approvals to the standard CMMI-Template Requirement work-item. I'd like to limit the System.State field such that it can only be changed from Proposed to Active when all department approvals are set to "Yes". I've tried the following change to Requirement.xml <FIELD name="State" refname="System.State" type="String" reportable="dimension"> <WHEN field="Approval.Marketing" value="No"> <READONLY /> </WHEN> <WHEN field="Approval.Quality" value="No"> <READONLY /> </WHEN> <WHEN field="Approval.RD" value="No"> <READONLY /> </WHEN> <WHEN field="Approval.System" value="No">

What is the difference between microsoft visual studio scrum 2.0 vs MSF for Agile Software Development 6.0

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-03 11:06:49
问题 What is the difference between Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.0 vs MSF for Agile Software Development 6.0. I am looking to get feedback on what is the best template to use for Visual Studio and TFS for agile development. I was mostly wondering if anyone can tell me the difference between the two latest templates in Visual Studio. 回答1: The scrum template has been created specifically to follow the scrum process and terminology as closely as possible and was built as a collaborative effort

What is the difference between microsoft visual studio scrum 2.0 vs MSF for Agile Software Development 6.0

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-03 02:36:37
What is the difference between Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.0 vs MSF for Agile Software Development 6.0. I am looking to get feedback on what is the best template to use for Visual Studio and TFS for agile development. I was mostly wondering if anyone can tell me the difference between the two latest templates in Visual Studio. jessehouwing The scrum template has been created specifically to follow the scrum process and terminology as closely as possible and was built as a collaborative effort between Microsoft and The MSF for agile template was originally created as a generic

Steps for changing process template for an existing project in TFS 2010

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-02 17:31:33
I have an TFS server installation that through time has gone through upgrades from TFS 2005 to TFS 2008 and then to TFS 2010. During the lifetime of the installation a lot of projects have been created and different project templates have been used. MSF Agile 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 5.0. and a few MSF CMMI ones. What I would like to do is "replace" the project template used for all these projects to use a new one common one: Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0. I am aware that TFS project templates are used as templates for creating new projects and cannot modify the tfs projects definitions after