
Would you call it level or depth?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-24 02:59:06
问题 Which word would you pick to label the absolute stack level of an element—in other words its degree of nesting relative to the root/document element? Between level and depth which one would you choose and why? What is commonly used or preferred? Which one would you find less confusing in the absence of a meaningful context? I tried checking the XML specification without much success. 回答1: I call it Depth . As we know, XML is a Node based structure . We all know that in Data Structures we use

Are “65k” and “65KB” the same?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-23 07:35:10
问题 Are "65k" and "65KB" the same? 回答1: From xkcd: 回答2: 65KB normally means 66560 bytes. 65k means 65000, and says nothing about what it is 65000 of. If someone says 65k bytes, they might means 65KB...but they're mispeaking if so. Some people argue for the use of KiB to mean 66560 bytes, since k means 1000 in the metric system. Everyone ignores them, though. Note: a lowercase b would mean bit, rather than bytes. 8Kb = 1KB. When talking about transmission rates, bits are usually used. Edit: As

What do you call a variable that has a getter and setter defined, with no backing variable?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2020-01-16 12:06:22
问题 What is it called when you define a variable/property with a getter and setter , such that the language does not automatically generate a backing variable? E.g. in Swift, we could define a modalViewController property that doesn't create a backing variable: extension MyViewController { var modalViewController: UIViewController? { get { return self.presentedViewController } set { self.present(newValue, animated: true) } } } What's the proper term to describe the modalViewController property? I

What do you call a variable that has a getter and setter defined, with no backing variable?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-16 12:05:01
问题 What is it called when you define a variable/property with a getter and setter , such that the language does not automatically generate a backing variable? E.g. in Swift, we could define a modalViewController property that doesn't create a backing variable: extension MyViewController { var modalViewController: UIViewController? { get { return self.presentedViewController } set { self.present(newValue, animated: true) } } } What's the proper term to describe the modalViewController property? I

Equivalent term for 'receiver' in languages not Objective-C

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-01-14 12:42:27
问题 In Objective-C when you have [A something] A is referred to as the 'receiver'. I am wondering what the equivalent term is in other object-orientated languages, particularly method calling ones as opposed to message passing ones. Caller/Callee refers to the actual methods themselves I think, not the object. Also I'm not sure about 'instance' as in the language I'm working with, Vala, you can actually call methods on structs and namespaces, which you wouldn't classify as objects or instances.

OOP Terminology: “Container” & “Collection”

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-13 09:01:35
问题 Is the C++ term "Container" simply synonymous with the Java term "Collection" ? 回答1: Yes. Though, if I may speculate here, C++ term container better emphasizes ownership of contained items, as opposed to Java's collection , where there is no explicit memory ownership (due to garbage collection). Items in a C++ container are destroyed when a container is destroyed (hence items are contained or owned), in Java items may continue to exist if a collection itself is garbage collected. 回答2:

OOP Terminology: “Container” & “Collection”

余生颓废 提交于 2020-01-13 09:01:31
问题 Is the C++ term "Container" simply synonymous with the Java term "Collection" ? 回答1: Yes. Though, if I may speculate here, C++ term container better emphasizes ownership of contained items, as opposed to Java's collection , where there is no explicit memory ownership (due to garbage collection). Items in a C++ container are destroyed when a container is destroyed (hence items are contained or owned), in Java items may continue to exist if a collection itself is garbage collected. 回答2:

What is a skeleton in a network?

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-01-11 11:37:47
问题 In a J2EE application, clients (applications, JSPs, servlets, JavaBeans) access entity beans via their remote interfaces. Thus, every client invocation potentially routes through network stubs and skeletons, even if the client and the enterprise bean are in the same JVM, OS, or machine. What's a network skeleton? Some kind of proxy? I understand a stub to be a single use connection, is that correct? 回答1: In RMI lingo, the skeleton is the generated object that sits on the server, accepts calls

Homography and Affine Transformation

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-10 14:12:12
问题 Hi i am a beginner in computer vision and i wish to know what exactly is the difference between a homography and affine tranformation, if you want to find the translation between two images which one would you use and why?. From papers and definitions I found online, I am yet to find the difference between them and where one is used instead of the other. Thanks for your help. 回答1: I have set it down in the terms of a layman. Homography A homography, is a matrix that maps a given set of points

Origin of some of AOP's terminology

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-10 05:33:05
问题 I would think this question have been asked before, but I was not immediately able to find related SO questions, or articles elsewhere for that matter. It strikes me that certain terms in AOP are rather strange. It seems I'm not the only one - this article, for instance, notes that "unfortunately, AOP terminology is not particularly intuitive". However, I have not found a resource explaining why they are not more "intuitive", if that's possible. More specifically: I can somewhat understand