
测试自动化工具Telerik Test Studio 2020年新功能全解

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-03-02 13:10:00
Telerik Test Studio最新试用版下载 Telerik Test Studio 是一个用于功能性Web、桌面和移动测试的直观测试自动化工具,它能轻松地实现自动化测试。同时会为GUI、性能、加载和API测试提供完整的自动化测试解决方案。 Telerik Test Studio是支持新的基于Microsoft Edge Chromium浏览器的首批工具之一。提供工具来构建具有完整浏览器覆盖范围的高效、快速测试一直是团队的主要目标之一。开箱即用的跨浏览器支持是用户非常重视的东西,在新版本中添加了对Edge Chromium官方版本的支持。在最新版本的Test Studio Service Pack中,您可以在新的Edge,IE,Chrome和Firefox上记录和回放测试。 提供对Edge的支持并不是产品唯一重要补充,以下是具有其他功能和改进的列表: 能在Test Studio重新启动时保留打开测试状态的功能——如果启用该选项,则在重新启动Test Studio时,将重新打开所有以前打开的测试。 项目设置导入——当您现有的Test Studio项目中进行所有工作并进行排列时,但需要启动一个新项目时,您希望转移一些设置来更快地进行项目设置。现在,您可以选择要导入到新项目中的设置。 转换器优化: 现在可以在Project Settings中按组选择或者取消选择转换器。

How to call method inside of usercontrol which is nested inside of RadDockableObject from content page?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-03-02 08:59:28
问题 Here is my code. I'm able to find UserControl and play with attributes but I need to call specific method inside of it. Can anyone tell me how to do it? var usercontrol = (UserControl)RadDockableObject1.FindControl("ControlName"); usercontrol.Visible = true; usercontrol.MethodName(); 回答1: You need to cast it to the appropriate type. Right now you are casting it to UserControl. That will give you access to a set of properties and methods, but not all. Cast it to the particular type and

How to call method inside of usercontrol which is nested inside of RadDockableObject from content page?

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-03-02 08:59:13
问题 Here is my code. I'm able to find UserControl and play with attributes but I need to call specific method inside of it. Can anyone tell me how to do it? var usercontrol = (UserControl)RadDockableObject1.FindControl("ControlName"); usercontrol.Visible = true; usercontrol.MethodName(); 回答1: You need to cast it to the appropriate type. Right now you are casting it to UserControl. That will give you access to a set of properties and methods, but not all. Cast it to the particular type and

Kendo UI dropdownlist mobile scrolling

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-01-25 18:08:18
问题 I am currently developing an application using Kendo UI. I use a dropdownlist like this Kendo UI dropdownlist On the browser it work's fine. I can open the list an scroll with the mousewheel, but when I try to use it on a device with touch (tablet or smartphone) i cannot scroll in the dropdownlist. How can i add a listener or something else on the dropdownlist, that this makes it possible to scroll? 回答1: From here: Kendo Support Forum - Unable to scroll on iPad To enable scrolling of the

RadGridView detect CellClick event button

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-24 11:08:09
问题 How can I detect which mouse button was pressed in event CellClick, or how can I detect which cell was pressed in event MouseClick. 回答1: You can detect which cell was clicked by using Mouse Click event. Then you have to cast sender to RadGridView, and then use CurrentCell property. GridViewCellInfo dataCell = (sender as RadGridView).CurrentCell; If you want to which mouse button was clicked use: if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { //your code here } 回答2: I have written this answer thinking

Using EditorFor in Foreach or For loop (ASP.NET MVC + RAZOR)

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-24 10:49:46
问题 I'm currently implementing a Family Tree system in my ASP.NET MVC project. In order to set the relationship between family members, I need to display two ComboBox/DropDownList per row to define relationships from one member to the other. First I will share my codes and then I will explain what ways I've tried so far and what was the result at the end. ViewModel public class FamilyTreeRelationshipViewModel { [ScaffoldColumn(false)] public string FromMemberId { get; set; } [ScaffoldColumn(false

How to calculate RadGrid cell value on Client side?

主宰稳场 提交于 2020-01-23 03:42:05
问题 I have telerik RadGrid which is in edit mode. Each cell contains NumericTextBox. Is it possible to calculate one cell based on other cells in the same row (on client side). For example if I have a row which contains cells like price and item I want on every change to calculate total price but on client side, without going to server side. Is this possible with RadGrid? 回答1: Thanks for all your answers but I found the solution here at telerik forum. I'll just paste the solution here in case

Refresh after update Telerik Kendo Grid (MVC)

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-23 02:07:06
问题 I have a Kendo Grid with some environments data. One of the fields of the grid is "isDefault" wich recieve 1 or 0 (for true or false). In the database I have a trigger that when some record is set to isDefault = 1 any other record is update to isDefault = 0, just to make sure there is only one default environment. The Kendo grid is working fine, it binds the data and updates the records just fine but after the update, the grid is not refreshing all the records and if there was, lets say,

Refresh after update Telerik Kendo Grid (MVC)

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-23 02:06:36
问题 I have a Kendo Grid with some environments data. One of the fields of the grid is "isDefault" wich recieve 1 or 0 (for true or false). In the database I have a trigger that when some record is set to isDefault = 1 any other record is update to isDefault = 0, just to make sure there is only one default environment. The Kendo grid is working fine, it binds the data and updates the records just fine but after the update, the grid is not refreshing all the records and if there was, lets say,

Kendo UI Grid: Select single cell, get back DataItem, and prevent specific cells from being selected?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-01-22 15:11:45
问题 I've got a Kendo UI Grid displaying a set of data and I need to be able to select specific cells (cells in specific columns), and when selected, return the DataItem for the row the selected cell is in, and the property of that DataItem that was clicked on. I don't know if this is possible, but I've been working on it all day and have concluded that I need some help. Here's my grid and dataBound function, which currently gets me the DataItem, but that's it: var hhGrid = hhDiv.kendoGrid({