
How can i set route value in client side for Telerik combobox

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-11 15:24:50
问题 I have two combobox. I need get some value from first combobox1 after combobox1 has changed value and that put this value in Combobox2 route databinding.Ajax().Select("action","controller",-->route<<-) @(Html.Telerik() .ComboBoxFor(m => m.Country) .ClientEvents(e => e.OnChange"onCountryChange")) .BindTo(Model.ListCountry)) @(Html.Telerik() .ComboBoxFor(m => m.UnitOfAdministration) .ClientEvents(e => e.OnChange("onCityChange")) .BindTo(Model.ListUnitOfAdministration) .DataBinding(bind => bind

RadComboBox set number of items to display

可紊 提交于 2019-12-06 12:34:56
问题 Is there any way to specify the number of items to display for a RadComboBox dropdown? I have seen there is a property to set the lookup window height, which sets the dropdown's height on popup, but nothing related to the number of items to be displayed at a time in the dropdown. 回答1: You can specify a number of items when using ShowMoreResultsBox mechanism which provides a clickable button on the drop-down list to retrieve more results when they exist. The above link provides instructions

RadComboBox set number of items to display

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-04 19:33:43
Is there any way to specify the number of items to display for a RadComboBox dropdown? I have seen there is a property to set the lookup window height, which sets the dropdown's height on popup, but nothing related to the number of items to be displayed at a time in the dropdown. You can specify a number of items when using ShowMoreResultsBox mechanism which provides a clickable button on the drop-down list to retrieve more results when they exist. The above link provides instructions and here is a screenshot: Specifically, you will set the itemsPerRequest property to the value you need, which