

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-11-29 09:41:08
The GNU C Library ( glibc ): glibc 是linux系统中最底层的api glibc 和 libc 都是 Linux 下的 C 函数库。libc 是 Linux 下的 ANSI C 函数库;glibc 是 Linux 下的 GUN C 函数库。 TCMalloc : Thread-Caching 来源:

tcmalloc: how can I get my malloc calls overridden when compiling statically?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-11-29 09:21:56
问题 When I use LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ , all my calls to malloc become tcmalloc calls. However, when I link statically against libtcmalloc, I find that straight malloc is getting called unless I still use the LD_PRELOAD setting. So how can I statically compile against tcmalloc in such a way that my mallocs hook into tcmalloc? Notes: I'm using lots of C++ new etc, so just #defining malloc to tcmalloc won't work Possibly I have to use malloc_hook myself, but I would have thought I

实战课堂 | MongoDB如何使用内存?内存满了怎么破?

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-11-29 04:07:25
最近接到多个MongoDB内存方面的线上case及社区问题咨询,主要集中在: 为什么我的 MongoDB 使用了 XX GB 内存? 一个机器上部署多个 Mongod 实例/进程,WiredTiger cache 应该如何配置? MongoDB 是否应该使用 SWAP 空间来降低内存压力? MongoDB 内存用在哪? Mongod 进程启动后,除了跟普通进程一样,加载 binary、依赖的各种library 到内存,其作为一个DBMS,还需要负责客户端连接管理,请求处理,数据库元数据、存储引擎等很多工作,这些工作都涉及内存的分配与释放,默认情况下,MongoDB 使用 Google tcmalloc 作为内存分配器,内存占用的大头主要是「存储引擎」与 「客户端连接及请求的处理」。 存储引擎 Cache MongoDB 3.2 及以后,默认使用 WiredTiger 存储引擎,可通过 cacheSizeGB 选项配置 WiredTiger 引擎使用内存的上限,一般建议配置在系统可用内存的60%左右(默认配置)。 举个例子,如果 cacheSizeGB 配置为 10GB,可以认为 WiredTiger 引擎通过tcmalloc分配的内存总量不会超过10GB。为了控制内存的使用,WiredTiger 在内存使用接近一定阈值就会开始做淘汰,避免内存使用满了阻塞用户请求。

C++ memory allocation mechanism performance comparison (tcmalloc vs. jemalloc)

风格不统一 提交于 2019-11-28 16:01:05
I have an application which allocates lots of memory and I am considering using a better memory allocation mechanism than malloc. My main options are: jemalloc and tcmalloc. Is there any benefits in using any of them over the other? There is a good comparison between some mechanisms (including the author's proprietary mechanism -- lockless) in and it mentions some pros and cons of each of them. Given that both of the mechanisms are active and constantly improving. Does anyone have any insight or experience about the relative performance of these two?

C++ memory allocation mechanism performance comparison (tcmalloc vs. jemalloc)

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-27 09:29:54
问题 I have an application which allocates lots of memory and I am considering using a better memory allocation mechanism than malloc. My main options are: jemalloc and tcmalloc. Is there any benefits in using any of them over the other? There is a good comparison between some mechanisms (including the author's proprietary mechanism -- lockless) in and it mentions some pros and cons of each of them. Given that both of the mechanisms are active and constantly

Tensorflow C++接口内存泄漏 使用tcmalloc方法

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-27 03:31:03
ubuntu 16.04上使用TCMalloc 1.sudo apt-get install google-perftools 2.在CMakeList.txt中连接动态库 target_link_libraries(smartkit4-svs /usr/lib/ 参考网址: 来源:

Will malloc implementations return free-ed memory back to the system?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-11-26 00:43:38
问题 I have a long-living application with frequent memory allocation-deallocation. Will any malloc implementation return freed memory back to the system? What is, in this respect, the behavior of: ptmalloc 1, 2 (glibc default) or 3 dlmalloc tcmalloc (google threaded malloc) solaris 10-11 default malloc and mtmalloc FreeBSD 8 default malloc (jemalloc) Hoard malloc? Update If I have an application whose memory consumption can be very different in daytime and nighttime (e.g.), can I force any of

Will malloc implementations return free-ed memory back to the system?

自作多情 提交于 2019-11-25 19:21:36
I have a long-living application with frequent memory allocation-deallocation. Will any malloc implementation return freed memory back to the system? What is, in this respect, the behavior of: ptmalloc 1, 2 (glibc default) or 3 dlmalloc tcmalloc (google threaded malloc) solaris 10-11 default malloc and mtmalloc FreeBSD 8 default malloc (jemalloc) Hoard malloc? Update If I have an application whose memory consumption can be very different in daytime and nighttime (e.g.), can I force any of malloc's to return freed memory to the system? Without such return freed memory will be swapped out and in