
How do I get a tabbed pane component in JSF 2.0 (Sun Mojarra)

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-18 13:36:56
问题 I am learning/using JSF 2.0 (Sun Mojarra) now and I want to have a tabbed pane in my webapp (single tabs could named be General, Detail1,Detail2,...). How do I achieve this? I haven't found any documetation for this so far :( 回答1: Others have already hinted it: Mojarra is a basic JSF implementation. It offers the minimum set of mandatory components to cover the most of existing HTML elements (forms, input fields and tables). Since HTML does not offer a tabbed panel in a single element, the

tabbed document interface in WPF using only on-board means?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-01 05:45:35
I've seen two threads here about TDI & C#. Both of them didn't really answer the questions I have ... Since TDIs are pretty much like a standard nowadays, I can hardly imagine, that I have to buy a special control (like AvalonDock or SandDock). This must be possible with built in the tab-control(?) somehow! I don't need special features like dock- and draggable tabitems. Just open every form in a new tab. Thats it. Like putting every forms content controls into user controls and by request (button, menu click ...) add a new tab and put the corresponding user control on it ... something like

tabbed document interface in WPF using only on-board means?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-01 04:14:24
问题 I've seen two threads here about TDI & C#. Both of them didn't really answer the questions I have ... Since TDIs are pretty much like a standard nowadays, I can hardly imagine, that I have to buy a special control (like AvalonDock or SandDock). This must be possible with built in the tab-control(?) somehow! I don't need special features like dock- and draggable tabitems. Just open every form in a new tab. Thats it. Like putting every forms content controls into user controls and by request

Google Chrome style tabs on glass in Delphi

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-28 17:37:55
I am trying to implement Google Chrome style tabs, in Windows 7, in a Delphi application. The elements of this are: tabs may extend into the non-client area as they do in google chrome itself. draws properly on Vista and Windows 7 when glass is enabled tabs work just like google chrome, and look like google chrome, over glass. I have found that the challenges I have to overcome are: How do I get a control (VCL control) to extend into the non-client area? (A good sample of a control that does this is the Ribbon control included in the VCL sources, but I haven't seen anybody else do it, and it

Google Chrome style tabs on glass in Delphi

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-11-27 20:13:26
问题 I am trying to implement Google Chrome style tabs, in Windows 7, in a Delphi application. The elements of this are: tabs may extend into the non-client area as they do in google chrome itself. draws properly on Vista and Windows 7 when glass is enabled tabs work just like google chrome, and look like google chrome, over glass. I have found that the challenges I have to overcome are: How do I get a control (VCL control) to extend into the non-client area? (A good sample of a control that does