
PHPUnit picking up on syslog messages?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-23 19:18:06
问题 I am testing a logger class with a method that opens a log like so: openlog($this->identifier, $this->option, $this->facility); syslog($level, $message) closelog(); The $facility that my logger writes to is currently set as LOCAL0 When I unit test my logger I get the following message: Broadcast message from systemd-journald@myWS: phpserver7.0[9125]: Logger message How can I suppress this message with PHPUnit or in my code? Edit: This only seems to happen when I log a message with a severity

Log4j2 Syslog appender(TCP protocol) sending exception stacktrace in multiple lines and showing wrong log levels

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-22 09:15:02
问题 I am using log4j2 and syslog appender. I am using TCP as protocol and Kiwi syslog server. While sending the error messages, the exception stacktrace is being sent over TCP in multiple lines, each line in one one packet. The first line of the stacktrace is shwoing correct log level in Kiwi syslog server, but the subsequent of the same stacktrace is shwoing wrong log level and facility. This is not happening in case of UDP protocol. 01-22-2015 10:25:40 Local0.Error 1 2015-01-23T00

How can I use `syslog` in Swift

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-22 08:16:04
问题 Looks like syslog() function is not available in Swift 2. How can I send a message to syslog on OS X? 回答1: The problem is that void syslog(int priority, const char *message, ...); takes a variable argument list and is not imported to Swift. You can use void vsyslog(int priority, const char *message, va_list args); instead and define a wrapper function in Swift: func syslog(priority : Int32, _ message : String, _ args : CVarArgType...) { withVaList(args) { vsyslog(priority, message, $0) } }

Where do DEBUG and INFO messages go when using Python's SyslogHandler on MAC OSX?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-22 07:20:40
问题 I configured a Python logger with a SysLogHandler and as a test logged some messages using all the levels: debug, info, warning, error, critical. I see all my messages if I run 'syslog' or if I look at the display. So, all the messages are logged correctly. But, when I tail /var/log/messages.log I don't see the DEBUG and INFO messages. I read about ASL and I see a directory called /var/log/asl full of binary files, but I didn't understand exactly how it interacts with syslog if at


自作多情 提交于 2019-12-21 23:47:06
Juniper SRX采用Junos操作系统,简单介绍Junos的基础操作命令: set: 建立一个配置(set system hostname srx-test); delete:删除一个配置(delete system hostname srx-test); commit: 建立,删除,修改配置都需要保存配置,使生效; commit check: 检测候选配置的合法性; show | compare: 查看当前配置与激活配置的区别; system层级,用于配置防火墙系统配置,在系统配置中涉及用户,远程接入方式,日志等信息的配置: 一、创建用户(修改root用户密码,创建普通用户) 修改root用户的密码 admin@SRX# set system root-authentication plain-text-password New password: Retype new password: [edit] admin@SRX# 创建普通用户 admin@SRX# set system login user admin class super-user authentication plain-text-password New password: Retype new password: [edit] admin@SRX# Junos默认的用户权限 [edit] admin


☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-21 23:36:37
Juniper vSRX的安装与部署 一、准备工作 Juniper官网下载15.1的.ova模板的junos 一台安装ESXI5.1, 5.5 ,6.0的服务器 两台vmx模拟PC测试,一台vsrx防火墙(15.1x49-d170) 二、操作部署 使用vSphere Client登录ESXI服务器 在登录的界面中,点击文件部署”OVA模板“ 根据提示,点击完成 编辑虚拟机,设置相关参数 启动vsrx虚拟机,直至进入login界面 启动完成后,进入Login界面,用户名root,密码为空 通过root用户名,直接进入shell界面,输入cli进入操作界面 从操作界面进入到配置界面,输入configuration 至此,vsrx换安装已经完成; 二、实验拓扑搭建 实现通过vmx、vsrx、isp链路组成逻辑拓扑图 vmx-1网卡与vsrx ge-0/0/0在虚拟网卡vm2中 vmx-2网卡与vsrx ge-0/0/1在虚拟网卡vm3中 vsrx ge-0/0/0与isp在虚拟网卡vm中 连通性测试: vmx-1 ping vsrx ge-0/0/0 vmx-2 ping vsrx ge-0/0/1 vsrx ge-0/0/2 ping isp, ping vmx-1与vmx-2的连通性测试 vmx-1与vmx


僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-21 11:34:13
rsyslog: 日志:历史日志 历史事件: 时间,事件 日志级别:事件的关键性程度,Loglevel 系统日志服务: syslog:(centos5)分两种进程 syslogd: system 记录系统日志,为用户空间的用户进程记录日志, klogd: kernel 记录内核日志 rsyslog:(centos6) syslogd klogd rsyslog:特性(适用于小公司) 多线程:由于服务需要记录的越来越多,而且syslog不但可以为本机进程记录日志,还可以为非本机上的其他主机的进程所产生事件接收,记录日志,所以rsyslog要支持更好的并发性。 支持的协议:UDP, TCP, SSL, TLS, RELP; MySQL, PGSQL, Oralce实现日志存储; 强大的过滤器,可实现过滤日志信息中任何部分; 自定义输出格式 elasticsearch(分布式存储系统), logstash(日志收集系统), kibana(前端日志展示工具) = elk(适用于大公司) elasticsearch是存储和分析系统,但无法收集日志,所以logstash是日志收集,有了日志收集,也有存储和分析,就需要展示日志,但elasticsearch是展示风格是命令行接口,所以需要另一个前端展示工具kibana 日志收集方: facility :设施,从功能或程序上对日志进行分类;

Is there a robust java.util.logging handler implementation of syslog?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-21 05:06:07
问题 I'm looking into hooking up a 3rd party Java application to our log aggregation/analysis solution (probably Splunk, we haven't finalized our selection yet though). It seems to be easiest to hook the Splunk agent to syslog, so I'm looking for a way to redirect the application logs to a local syslog daemon on the server. The Java application uses java.util.logging, which unfortunately does not feature a syslog handler out of the box (I believe log4j does, though). Are there any proven libraries

Writing in separate log files

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-21 04:41:03
问题 I am trying to write different type of entries in separate log files from an application. For reason which I am trying to find out, all entries appear in all log files. What could I be doing wrong ? I want only critical entries to go in /tmp/log/critical.log and debug entries to go into /tmp/log/debug.log file while all enteries can go into /tmp/log/all.log log file. Following are entries in /etc/rsyslog.conf file local0.* /tmp/log/all.log local0.alert /tmp/log/alert.log local0.crit /tmp/log

Making a Perl daemon that runs 24/7 and reads from named pipes

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-21 04:29:31
问题 I'm trying to make a log analyser using perl. The analyser would run 24/7 in the background on an AIX server and read from pipes that syslog directs logs to (from the entire network). Basically: logs from network ----> named pipe A --------> | perl daemon ----> named pipe B --------> | * reads pipes ----> named pipe c --------> | * decides what to do based on which pipe So, for example, I want my daemon to be able to be configured to mail all logs that are written to named