

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-01 16:44:08
Harbor 是什么 Harbor是VMware公司开源的企业级DockerRegistry项目,其目标是帮助用户迅速搭建一个企业级的Dockerregistry服务。 它以Docker公司开源的registry为基础,提供了管理UI,基于角色的访问控制(Role Based Access Control),AD/LDAP集成、以及审计日志(Auditlogging) 等企业用户需求的功能,同时还原生支持中文。 简单说来,Harbor封装了Docker的registry v2,帮用户提供了许多便捷管理的特性,方便用户操作。 Harbor提供的特性 基于角色控制 用户和仓库都是基于项目进行组织的, 而用户基于项目可以拥有不同的权限。 基于镜像的复制策略 镜像可以在多个Harbor实例之间进行复制。 支持LDAP Harbor的用户授权可以使用已经存在LDAP用户。 镜像删除 & 垃圾回收 Image可以被删除并且回收Image占用的空间。 友好UI 用户可以轻松的浏览、搜索镜像仓库以及对项目进行管理。 便于扩展 绝大部分的用户操作API, 方便用户对系统进行扩展。 轻松部署 Harbor提供了online、offline安装,除此之外还提供了virtualappliance安装。 Harbor的安装与配置 Harbor的 github主页 上已经讲得很详细了,在此不再赘述。

Log4j and syslogappender

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-01 16:43:44
问题 I have a java application using log4j SyslogAppender (facility=USER) and I can see using tcpdump on port 514 that my application is sending intended log message as a datagram and also netstat shows me that syslogd (red hat) is running and listening on but I do not see any logging happening in /var/log/messages. In my syslog.conf, I have *.info /var/log/messages My conversion pattern for SyslogAppender is %d{MMM dd HH:mm:ss} %F %L %5p [%t] %m %n" I am clueless as why it is failing

Raspberry Pi 2 Crash: Internal error oops preempt smp arm

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-01 12:08:28
After 24 Hours i get on the Raspberry Pi 2 Syslogs Messages and after this i must Hard Reset/Reboot the Pi. Message from syslogd@raspberry at Mar 20 23:30:53 ... kernel:[12540.865789] Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1] PREEMPT SMP ARM Message from syslogd@raspberry at Mar 20 23:30:53 ... kernel:[12542.177016] Process motion (pid: 3151, stack limit = 0xb90c8238) Message from syslogd@raspberry at Mar 20 23:30:53 ... kernel:[12542.183009] Stack: (0xb90c9d18 to 0xb90ca000) Message from syslogd@raspberry at Mar 20 23:30:53 ... kernel:[12542.187356] 9d00: ba7b5280 b90bcc60 Message from syslogd@raspberry

Is there a way cast an object back to it original type without specifing every case?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-01 11:35:12
I have an array of different type objects and I use a BinaryWriter to convert each item to its binary equivalent so I can send the structure over the network. I currently do something like for ( i=0;i<tmpArrayList.Count;i++) { object x=tmpArrayList[i]; if (x.GetType() == typeof(byte)) { wrt.Write((byte)x); } ........ The problem is that if miss a type them my code might break in the future. I would like to do something like. object x=tmpArrayList[i]; wrt.Write(x); but it doesn't work unless I do each cast. Edit: After consulting the answers this is what I came up with for the function. For


∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-01 07:51:55
1 告警日志 1.1.1 字段说明 字段名称 字段含义 access_time 告警时间 alarm_sip 受害ip attack_org 攻击组织 attack_sip 攻击ip attack_type 攻击类型 file_md5 文件md5 file_name 文件名 hazard_level 威胁级别 host 域名 host_md5 域名md5 ioc ioc nid nid rule_key 规则类型 serial_num 联动设备序列号 skyeye_type 原始日志类型 type 告警二级分类 super_type 告警一级分类 type_chain 告警子类标签编码 host_state 攻击结果 confidence 确信度 vuln_type 威胁名称 attack_chain 攻击链标签二级编号 super_attack_chain 攻击链标签一级编号 is_web_attack 是否web攻击 1.1.2 字典类型字段说明 hazard_level威胁级别: 1、2、3 低危 4、5 中危 6、7 高危 8、9、10 危急 1.1.3 范例 发送syslog的格式为 : (facility = local3,日志级别为:warning) 发送时间 客户端IP 日志类型 日志 2018-04-23 15:16:37|!|

Is there a way cast an object back to it original type without specifing every case?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-01 07:28:26
问题 I have an array of different type objects and I use a BinaryWriter to convert each item to its binary equivalent so I can send the structure over the network. I currently do something like for ( i=0;i<tmpArrayList.Count;i++) { object x=tmpArrayList[i]; if (x.GetType() == typeof(byte)) { wrt.Write((byte)x); } ........ The problem is that if miss a type them my code might break in the future. I would like to do something like. object x=tmpArrayList[i]; wrt.Write(x); but it doesn't work unless I

Is there a way to redirect syslog messages to stdout?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-01 03:53:48
I have an application that can run in two modes, either with a CLI, or as a daemon. I am using syslog() for logging. However, when run in CLI mode I'd like all the logging, except those marked LOG_DEBUG , messages to be sent to the console instead of logged. I have tried to use setlogmask() , but that doesn't seem to redirect to console. What is the best way to do this? Brandon Yates As suggested in the comments by maverik, I wrote a wrapper around syslog that determines whether to send the output to the log or console. Here it is in case anyone ever needs this. void mylog (int level, const

glog Google开源日志库

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-01 02:08:06
glog为google开源库用于实现应用层日志记录,提供了基于C++ Stream流及各种帮助宏定义的日志记录接口,提供到控制台、文件的日志记录功能; 以下以基于windows平台下,最基本框架使用入手,分析该开源项目,示例代码; #define GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL   #define GLOG_NO_ABBREVIATED_SEVERITIES   #include "glog/logging.h"   int main(int argc, char* argv[])   {     FLAGS_log_dir = "./glog_log"; google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]);   LOG(INFO) <<"Found "<<15<<" cookies";   google::ShutdownGoogleLogging();   return 0;   } 该基本实例代码中,一般在静态链接libglog_static.lib时需预先声明的宏GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL,此外在包含logging.h 头文件前需要先声明宏 GLOG_NO_ABBREVIATED_SEVERITIES,因有时候用户可能使用到windows.h头文件并将该头文件放置在logging.h之后却没有声明WIN32_LEAN_AND

Is there a way to redirect syslog messages to stdout?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-01 00:30:21
问题 I have an application that can run in two modes, either with a CLI, or as a daemon. I am using syslog() for logging. However, when run in CLI mode I'd like all the logging, except those marked LOG_DEBUG , messages to be sent to the console instead of logged. I have tried to use setlogmask() , but that doesn't seem to redirect to console. What is the best way to do this? 回答1: As suggested in the comments by maverik, I wrote a wrapper around syslog that determines whether to send the output to

Writing log data to syslog using log4j

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-11-30 19:34:25
I'm unable to write log messages into syslog. Any help would be great. Here is my simple log4j program import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import*; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; public class log4jExample { /* Get actual class name to be printed on */ static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(log4jExample.class.getName()); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,SQLException { log.error("Hello this is an error message");"Hello this is an info message"); log.fatal("Fatal error message"); } } My syslog properties file # configure the root logger