
wildcards in mvc routes

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:04:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: i'm using mvc with vs2008 and IIS7. What i want to accomplish is that all requests that START WITH 'summer' are routed to the same controller. 'till now i've built tons of routes, but they were all for one path (with parameters offcourse) but this one must route: to the same controller. the only solution i've come up with is 'summer*', but that didn't work :) Michel 回答1: You can use: /Summer{*Data} 文章来源: wildcards in mvc

How can I get the current season using .NET? (Summer, Winter, etc…)

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:02:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: Is there a way to, given a date, retrieve the season of the year? For any place on the globe? Is this based on time zone as well as hemisphere? Note that, In the southern hemisphere that summer is still during the warm months. EDIT: To clarify, I am talking about the astronomical seasons . 回答1: I don't think this is standardized. Nor is this part of the well known globalization datasets. 回答2: You can use this simple code: private int getSeason(DateTime date) { float value = (float)date.Month + date.Day / 100; // <month>.<day(2 digit)> if

Combining P values using Fisher method matlab?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:00:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: After doing CDF I received following values of P (Sample of them) [0.43 0.12 0.0021 0.05 0.017 0.001 0.025 0.038 0.35 0.29] I want to combine my P values with the help of Fisher method and get the output in the following way: Select first 3 P values and combines them and get result from this (using fisher method). For example, my first combine P value would be : 0.43 ,0.12 0.0021 and my next P combine value would be 0.12, 0.0021 ,0.05 and so on. Can anyone tell me how we can apply Fisher method using MATLAB for this problem? I wasn't able to

Python 面向对象的基本概念

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-28 08:18:01
Python使用类(class)和对象(object),进行面向对象(object-oriented programming,简称OOP)的编程。 面向对象的最主要目的是提高程序的重复使用性。我们这么早切入面向对象编程的原因是,Python的整个概念是基于对象的。了解OOP是进一步学习Python的关键。 下面是对面向对象的一种理解,基于分类。 相近对象,归为类 在人类认知中,会根据属性相近把东西归类,并且给类别命名。比如说,鸟类的共同属性是有羽毛,通过产卵生育后代。任何一只特别的鸟都在鸟类的原型基础上的。 面向对象就是模拟了以上人类认知过程。在Python语言,为了听起来酷,我们把上面说的“东西”称为对象(object)。 先定义鸟类 class Bird(object): have_feather = True way_of_reproduction = 'egg' 我们定义了一个类别(class),就是鸟(Bird)。在隶属于这个类比的语句块中,我们定义了两个变量,一个是有羽毛(have_feather),一个是生殖方式(way_of_reproduction),这两个变量对应我们刚才说的属性(attribute)。我们暂时先不说明括号以及其中的内容,记为问题1。 假设我养了一只小鸡,叫summer。它是个对象,且属于鸟类。使用前面定义的类: summer = Bird()


允我心安 提交于 2019-11-28 08:11:27
Python3.4以前并不提供枚举类型,于是人们利用Python的动态性这个特征,想出了枚举的各种替代实现方式。 使用类属性 class Seasons : Spring , Summer , Autumn , Winter = range ( 4 ) print ( Seasons . Summer ) # 1 借助函数 def enum ( * args , ** kwargs ) : return type ( "Enum" , ( object , ) , dict ( zip ( args , range ( len ( args ) ) ) , ** kwargs ) ) Seasons = enum ( "Spring" , "Summer" , "Autumn" , "Winter" ) print ( Seasons . Summer ) # 1 使用 collections.namedtuple from collections import namedtuple Seasons = namedtuple ( 'Seasons' , 'Spring Summer Autumn Winter' ) . _make ( range ( 4 ) ) print ( Seasons . Summer ) # 1 显然,这些替代实现有其不合理的地方。 允许枚举值重复


99封情书 提交于 2019-11-27 21:58:36
什么是枚举?java中枚举如何定义 枚举是将变量的值一一列举出来,变量的值只限定于列举出来的值,java中的枚举是jdk1.5后引入的,以前通常会在接口中定义静态常量的方式来表示枚举.我们只讨论1.5以后引入的枚举类.下面的例子定义了一个简单的枚举类用于表示四季.定义枚举使用关键字 enum 1 public enum Season { 2 SPRING,SUMMER,AUTUMN,WINTER; 3 } 可以看出,定义一个枚举类是非常容易的,只需要将枚举常量的名称一一列举出来,并用逗号分隔如果不添加任何方法,枚举的默认值是从0开始的有序数值,也就是说Season的枚举常量依次是SPRING:0,SUMMER:1,AUTUMN:2,WINTER:3. 使用枚举类 1 public class TestEunm { 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 // 0. 不能创建枚举类的对象 4 //Season season = new Season(); //编译报错 5 6 7 // 1.直接使用类名.枚举常量名 8 System.out.println(Season.SPRING); //SPRING 9 System.out.println(Season.SUMMER); //SUMMER 10 System.out