
Nested strong parameters in rails - AssociationTypeMismatch MYMODEL expected, got ActionController::Parameters()

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-04 01:24:21
I'm rendering a model and it's children Books in JSON like so: {"id":2,"complete":false,"private":false, "books" [{ "id":2,"name":"Some Book"},..... I then come to update this model by passing the same JSON back to my controller and I get the following error: ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch (Book (#2245089560) expected, got ActionController::Parameters(#2153445460)) In my controller I'm using the following to update: @project.update_attributes!(project_params) private def project_params params.permit(:id, { books: [:id] } ) end No matter which attributes I whitelist in permit I can't

Strong parameters with nested hash

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-03 18:01:17
I have the following params and cannot get the strong parameters to work. Here's my basic code, runnable in the Rails console for simplicity: json = { id: 1, answers_attributes: { c1: { id: "", content: "Hi" }, c2: { id: "", content: "Ho" } } } params = Everything I've read says the following should work, but it only gives me the id and an empty hash of answers_attributes : params.permit(:id, answers_attributes: [:id, :content]) => { "id"=>1, "answers_attributes"=>{} } If I instead manually list c1 and c2 (like below) it works, but this is really stupid

Rails 4 strong parameters without required parameters

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-03 15:14:00
问题 I'm using Rails 4 and I don't know what is the best way to use strong parameters without required parameters. So, that's what I did: def create device = ................. end private def device_params if params[:device] params.require(:device).permit(:notification_token) else {} end end My device model does not validate presence of anything. I know I could do something like that too: device = device.notification_token = params[:device][:notification_token]

Dynamic hash field in Mongoid using strong parameters

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 15:10:23
So there doesn't appear to be any clean way to generically allow Hash field with strong parameters. This may of course be a strong parameters issue but I'm curious if there is a workaround. I have a model with some fields... field :name, type: String field :email, type: String field :other_stuff, type: Hash, default: {} Now I could just permit everything: params.require(:registration).permit! But that isn't really a great idea and what I'd like to do is something like... params.require(:registration).permit(:name, :email, { other_stuff: {} }) However this doesn't seem to be possible with

Why slicing the params hash poses a security issue on mass-assignment?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-03 10:26:41
The official way of preventing security risks with mass-assignment is using attr_accessible . However, some programmers feel this is not a job for the model (or at least not only for the model). The simplest way of doing it in a controller is slicing the params hash: @user = User.update_attributes(params[:user].slice(:name)) However the documentation states: Note that using Hash#except or Hash#slice in place of attr_accessible to sanitize attributes won’t provide sufficient protection. Why is that? Why a whitelist-slicing of params does not provide enough protection? UPDATE: Rails 4.0 will

CanCan load_and_authorize_resource triggers Forbidden Attributes

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-03 10:02:46
I have a standard RESTful controller that uses strong parameters. class UsersController < ApplicationController respond_to :html, :js def index @users = User.all end def show @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def new @user = end def edit @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def create @user = if redirect_to @user, notice: t('users.controller.create.success') else render :new end end def update @user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.update_attributes(safe_params) redirect_to @user, notice: t('users.controller.update.success') else render :edit end end

Rails 4 Strong Params has_many with JSON

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-03 09:13:58
I'm attempting to pass json up on the client side and have rails take care of handling the object creation. Here are my models: class Order < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :order_items, :autosave => true belongs_to :menu_session end class OrderItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :order has_one :menu_item end Controller class OrderController < ApplicationController #POST /order/create def create @order = end private def order_params params.require(:order).permit(:comments, :menu_session_id, :order_items => [:menu_item_id]) end end The json data: {'order': {

Strong_parameters not working

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-03 08:37:20
With Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.13, Strong_parameters 0.2.1: I have followed every indication in tutorials and railscasts, but I can not get strong_parameters working. It should be something really simple, but I can not see where is the error. config/initializers/strong_parameters.rb: ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection) config/application.rb config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = false app/models/product.rb class Product < ActiveRecord::Base end app/controllers/products_controller.rb: class ExpedientesController < ApplicationController ... def create

Strong Parameters: How to permit parameters using conditions

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-03 08:28:34
I wan't to permit certain parameters depending on the current user's role. E.g: only permit the role attribute if the user is an administrator. Is this possible? Yes, it's possible. You can do something like this : def user_params # List of common params list_params_allowed = [:email, :title, :last_name, :first_name, :phone] # Add the params only for admin list_params_allowed << :role if current_user.admin? params.require(:user).permit(list_params_allowed) end This way, if later you have new params, you only have to add in one list (avoids error). If you have more than one param to add for the

Rails 4 + Devise Login with email or username and strong parameters

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-03 07:32:44
问题 I'm new to RoR and stuck with this devise problem. I want to allow users to sign in with email OR username (registration with username is already ok). I followed these articles: Article 1 and Article 2 and you can see the result below: application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery with: :exception before_filter :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? protected def configure_permitted_parameters devise_parameter_sanitizer