
IIF IsNothing expression example

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-02-08 10:50:46
问题 I'm using SSRS 2008 and am trying to create an expression where if date field A is greater than date field B or date field A is NULL then this filter will select this record. How do I do this? I tried this expression to select NULL date fields, but it is not working. I set the datatype to "Text" for now--should I set this to boolean instead? If so, then how can I modify this expression? =iif(isnothing(Fields!A_date.Value),"yes","no") 回答1: =IIF((CDATE(Fields!A_date.Value)>CDate(Fields!B_date

isnull in SSRS expressions

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-22 09:35:45
问题 How to use this formula in ssrs-expression =NOT(isnull({Command.AAID})) or NOT(isnull({Command.HDomain})) or NOT(isnull({Command.Adomain})) Thanks. 回答1: I think what you're trying to do is display data based on whether or not a field has data in it or not? You can always use an IIF statement with ISNOTHING. See below for the expression. =IIf(IsNothing(Field!Whatever),0,Field!Whatever) If that doesn't answer your question, let me know. 回答2: So to convert Crystal formula to SSRS-Expression ,

Adding values to a Report when there is no Data in query SSRS Between Datasets

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-20 04:16:11
问题 It is basically the same question I had in this thread: Adding values to a Report when there is no Data in query SSRS The only difference now is that I want to extend the same functionality to different Datasets. Imagine this: I have two Datasets. Dataset1 , Dataset2 . Both have the same primary key, in this case: Sales Rep Category Now in Dataset1 I have the following Data: The idea in that thread was to put "0" Each time a Sales Representative Did not have all the categories, if you see for

Dynamic matrix width to always equal chart width

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-13 16:47:36
问题 Most things are dynamic in SSRS i.e you can create a custom expression for most formatting. I have a report with a matrix tool. This matrix will vary in width depending on how many columns are included. Above the matrix is a chart. How do I make the column width dynamic so that is always the same width as the matrix? 回答1: Sorry, but it's not possible . The width of columns in a matrix can't be set with an expression: Q: Will the width property of a column be able to be set at run-time A: This

SSRS divide by zero error expression

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-12 17:18:06
问题 Hope your well. I am working on a report and seem to get a #error. Seems like it is a divide by zero error but I can not work out a solution. The expression: =( Sum(Fields!Line_Sell.Value) - Sum(Fields!Line_Cost.Value) ) / Sum(Fields!Line_Sell.Value) I am relatively new to RS but have tried ISNULL( ) but with no success. Any help, I would be greatful. Thanks 回答1: Let's say you have an expression set to x / y, where y has the potential to be zero. As you experienced, SSRS will change this

SSRS - Conditional Text Formatting (Expressions using Switch)

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-12 13:35:09
问题 I will open this up by stating that the expressions do work within the report. The problem is they aren't working together. I currently have a column header formatted based on the values of two columns. Italics and underlined based on the value of Column1. Bold and a specific color based on the value of Column2. I am doing this by using Switch expressions in the text properties. Here is what I have for each: =Switch(Fields!Column1.Value <> "Specific Value","Italic",Fields!Column1.Value =

SSRS Expression for IF, THEN ELSE

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-12 08:21:44
问题 I am creating a field from tables with our shoretel phone system and i am intergrating reports via SSRS and i need some assisstance with an expression. =if(Fields!ExitReason.Value 7, then if (Fields!ExitReason.Value 1, else if (Fields!ExitReason.Value 0,))) Definition results should be: =if(Fields!ExitReason.Value) = 7 then 1 else 0 I am try to get the field to give me 7, 1 else 0. Any assistance would be great. Thanks, Arron 回答1: You should be able to use IIF(Fields!ExitReason.Value = 7, 1,

SSRS Cell Colour Dependent on Another Cell Value

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-11 15:42:33
问题 I'm trying change a cell background colour depending on another cell value, or if the cell value has zero I want a dash like this "-". This is the formula I'm using, and currently the cell I want to have the dash in when the other cell is at Zero is showing 0.00 =IIF(Fields!RateAmount.Value = 0,"-",(switch(Fields!PercentageDifference.Value <= -10, "Red", Fields!PercentageDifference.Value >= 10, "Red", True, "Green"))) When searching on here all I can find is an answer for googlesheets, if you

SSRS Reporting Services - Bold Word in String

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-10 20:45:17
问题 Publication - How to bold author name from within a string? It would be something like this if 1 value was returned but it is a string (=iif(Fields!Author.Value = Parameters!5aAuthor.Value, "Bold", "Normal"). Example: Authors + Year + Title + Journal + PMCID . Authors = Miter, MH, Owens, R, Thompson etc… I only want to bold the Author that matches the parameter value. I need to break apart the string – find the author – bold it – and leave the others as default. Like an array…. Problems:

Expression in SSRS not working as expected

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-10 15:12:21
问题 I have an SSRS report which I want to sum values of a field, but only if the value of another field is equal to 1, as I have made the report output a row number for each row. Bascially, I'm trying to sum the distinct values to come up with a total. Screenshot below. I'm getting an error for orders with more than 1 item. My expression used to calculate the Ship Cost (red text) is as follows =SUM(IIF(Fields!RowNumber.Value = 1, Fields!WEIGHT.Value, 0)) But I'm getting the #Error. The cell that