Adding values to a Report when there is no Data in query SSRS Between Datasets

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-20 04:16:11


It is basically the same question I had in this thread: Adding values to a Report when there is no Data in query SSRS

The only difference now is that I want to extend the same functionality to different Datasets.

Imagine this: I have two Datasets. Dataset1, Dataset2.

Both have the same primary key, in this case: Sales Rep Category

Now in Dataset1 I have the following Data:

The idea in that thread was to put "0" Each time a Sales Representative Did not have all the categories, if you see for example Sales Rep on DataSet1, does not have G1,G2 Category so In those cases they have to put 0.

Thanks by the answer of the community this can be achieved by adding a Calculated Field on DataSet1:

=Fields!SalesRep.Value & "-" & Fields!Category.Value 

So that will give you for example 11-G1 for the 1st Row. and the expression for each Row (For each category) will be:

=iif(IsNothing(lookup(Fields!SalesRep.Value & "-" & ReportItems!Textbox62.Value,
lookup(Fields!SalesRep.Value & "-" & ReportItems!Textbox62.Value,

As you can see, the ReportItems!Textbox62.Value saves the value of the Category so If 11-G1 is nothing (dont exist) put "0".

The idea here is to do the same thing with DataSet2.

The tricky part is that we have to ask if 11-G1 equals 14-G1 because in DataSet2 the SalesRep does not exist for all the categories it must put "0". Both are grouped as SalesRep.

