
How do I write an if else statement in Reporting Services expression language?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-09 17:07:20
问题 I would like to write a Reporting Services "Expression" that basically behaves as the following (pseudo code)... if ([Fields!StateProvinceId.Value] == 1) { return "Ontario"; } else if ([Fields!StateProvinceId.Value] == 2) { return "Quebec"; } else if ([Fields!StateProvinceId.Value] == 3) { return "Manitoba"; } // ... // more cases same pattern I don't see this type of logic do I have to nest a bunch of IIF? =IIF(Fields!StateProvinceId.Value = 1, "Ontario", IIF(Fields!StateProvinceId.Value = 2


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-08 10:04:32
问题 Please see attached images. On the light blue row I need total percentages next to the total days. There are 3 classifications : Project, RFC and Support, each has two sub colums (Days and Total%) I have included a sum for total days added up which is =Sum(Fields!Days.Value) I now need the TOTAL percentage for each of the 3 classes 回答1: You can add a scope to the SUM to specify which Group to sum. =Sum(Fields!Days.Value,"classification") for example. 来源:

Use a summary field in an expression in SSRS reports

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-08 05:24:46
问题 I have the details of my report being summed up in a summary expression, all works fine. The fields are decimal values of hours worked. Thus, the summary value is also a decimal value. I'd like to access the summary value and convert it to hours / minutes. I've labeled the express as "WorkTimeSum", but can't seem to get a handle to it, however. Fields! obviously won't work since it is a summary expression. I was thinking ReportItems! should work, but to no avail. How can I use this expression

If value = null then “ ” else value SSRS EXPRESSION issues

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-07 02:21:58
问题 value 1 is a retail price decimal value 2 is the difference between 2 retail costs both are decimals =IIF(Fields!Prorated.Value is null,"",Fields!Prorated.Value)-Fields!Retail.Value fixxed !!! Fixxed ^^ =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!Prorated.Value),"",(Fields!Prorated.Value-Fields!CurrentRetailPrice.Value)/Fields!Prorated.Value) Failed ^^ this one is shown as a % difference this has not worked what would be another way around this 回答1: Try this: =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!days_Prorated.Value),"",Fields

SSRS Formula or expression to change NaN to 0

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-06 22:14:07
问题 I am using the following expression to work out a percentage: =Fields!Days.Value/Sum(Fields!Days.Value, "Date_month_name") Days.Value is showing as 0 however in a few of my results instead of reading 0% in my percentage column it is actually reading NaN (Not a Number). Does anyone know the exact expression forumla i need and where I should paste it in my current expression to say "Where NaN is showing, put a '0' instead?" (See image) 回答1: How about =IIF(Fields!Days.Value > 0,Fields!Days.Value

isnull in SSRS expressions

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-06 03:31:45
How to use this formula in ssrs-expression =NOT(isnull({Command.AAID})) or NOT(isnull({Command.HDomain})) or NOT(isnull({Command.Adomain})) Thanks. I think what you're trying to do is display data based on whether or not a field has data in it or not? You can always use an IIF statement with ISNOTHING. See below for the expression. =IIf(IsNothing(Field!Whatever),0,Field!Whatever) If that doesn't answer your question, let me know. So to convert Crystal formula to SSRS-Expression , You need to write expression like below, =IIF(Not(IsNothing(Field!AAID)) OR Not(IsNothing(Field!HDomain)) OR NOt

If value = null then “ ” else value SSRS EXPRESSION issues

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-05 07:51:33
value 1 is a retail price decimal value 2 is the difference between 2 retail costs both are decimals =IIF(Fields!Prorated.Value is null,"",Fields!Prorated.Value)-Fields!Retail.Value fixxed !!! Fixxed ^^ =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!Prorated.Value),"",(Fields!Prorated.Value-Fields!CurrentRetailPrice.Value)/Fields!Prorated.Value) Failed ^^ this one is shown as a % difference this has not worked what would be another way around this Try this: =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!days_Prorated.Value),"",Fields!Prorated.Value-Fields!Retail.Value) For your comment try this: =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!Prorated.Value),"",

SSRS Formula or expression to change NaN to 0

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-05 02:26:22
I am using the following expression to work out a percentage: =Fields!Days.Value/Sum(Fields!Days.Value, "Date_month_name") Days.Value is showing as 0 however in a few of my results instead of reading 0% in my percentage column it is actually reading NaN (Not a Number). Does anyone know the exact expression forumla i need and where I should paste it in my current expression to say "Where NaN is showing, put a '0' instead?" (See image) general exception How about =IIF(Fields!Days.Value > 0,Fields!Days.Value/Sum(Fields!Days.Value, "Date_month_name"),0) I didn't have luck with the above answers.

Count expression SSRS Report

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-04 09:00:21
问题 Trying to count all rows in a column where column=Yes I have two columns in my report Accepted and rejected. I'm trying to count the rows where accepted=Yes and do the say thing for rejected. I've tried these: =COUNT(IIF(Fields!accepted.Value="Y",1,0)) =COUNT(IIF(Fields!rejected.Value="Y",1,0)) =COUNT(FIELDS!accepted.value="Y") =COUNT(FIELDS!rejected.value="Y") this expression is counting every row as opposed to just the ones that are "Y" 回答1: You can do this a couple of ways: SUM(IIF(Fields

How do I write an if else statement in Reporting Services expression language?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-04 03:34:19
I would like to write a Reporting Services "Expression" that basically behaves as the following (pseudo code)... if ([Fields!StateProvinceId.Value] == 1) { return "Ontario"; } else if ([Fields!StateProvinceId.Value] == 2) { return "Quebec"; } else if ([Fields!StateProvinceId.Value] == 3) { return "Manitoba"; } // ... // more cases same pattern I don't see this type of logic do I have to nest a bunch of IIF? =IIF(Fields!StateProvinceId.Value = 1, "Ontario", IIF(Fields!StateProvinceId.Value = 2, "Quebec", IFF(Fields!StateProvinceId.Value = 3, "Manitoba", "Unknown Province"))) Have you tried a