Oracle Pro*C Bulk Merge of records in C using host arrays degrading performance with increased volume
问题 Using Oracle 11g Pro*C in C, I am using host arrays for managing bulk merge into DB table as per following example: merge into TBL_NM A using (select 1 from dual) B on (col1 = to_date(:v,'YYMMDD') and col2 = :v and col3 = :v and col4 = :v) when matched then update set col5 = :v, col2 = col2+ :v, col3 = col3 + :v when not matched then insert (col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8) values (to_date(:v,'YYMMDD'),:v,:v,:v,:v,:v,:v,:v) My first Question is: whether this way of bulk merge