
Unwanted SplitView on modal view displayed on iPad

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-02-11 05:57:27
问题 Testing my first SwiftUI app on iPad, I discovered that the modal views I display from my ContentView are displayed as Split views on the iPad, with the UI being truncated on the master side and the detail side is empty. I did check both posts here : Unwanted SplitView and, What's the equality of the UISplitView controller But their solution of applying the .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle) to the NavigationView does not work for me : I display my modals through user input (tap

Slide over and split view in iPad simulator

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-12-28 09:59:46
问题 iOS 9 introduced slide over and split view for iPad. How do I simulate these features on an iPad simulator? I have tried swiping from right on iPad Air 2 simulator with no luck. 回答1: To simulate slide over: drag from the right edge (starting from a point very close to the edge). To simulate split view: tap on the small white bar on the left edge of the slide-over app. See this WWDC video. EDIT (Thanks to @qix, @Bogdan Weidmann, @Solomon) Supported devices: iPad Air+, Mini 2+ for slide over

Enable SplitView and MultiTask iPad hybrid app. Drop interaction

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-06-09 07:07:51
问题 We have on ionic iPad app, using cordova / capacitor platform. We enabled the split view for iPad 13 using following link https://en.gg/enable-ipad-split-screen-feature-in-an-ionic-or-cordova-app/ its working fine. We are checking to give support for drag and drop feature like https://support.apple.com/library/content/dam/edam/applecare/images/en_US/iOS/ios13-ipad-pro-multitasking-drag-drop-animation.gif We just want to receiver end alone, here our question how we achieve this in cordova /

SplitView - reload data in master tableView based on detail changed in swift

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-10 11:04:40
问题 I create splitView with tableView in master View and tableView with static cells in two details view (see on picture). App Structure Names of view controllers are: DocsTableViewController - master view (on the left) DocDetailTableViewController - detail view (on the top right) DocEditTableViewControler - second detail view (on the bottom right) DocsTVC is list of doctors, DocDetailTVC is detail of doctor user selected in DocsTVC and on DocEditTVC user can edit data of doctor showed in

SplitView - reload data in master tableView based on detail changed in swift

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-06 09:16:47
I create splitView with tableView in master View and tableView with static cells in two details view (see on picture). App Structure Names of view controllers are: DocsTableViewController - master view (on the left) DocDetailTableViewController - detail view (on the top right) DocEditTableViewControler - second detail view (on the bottom right) DocsTVC is list of doctors, DocDetailTVC is detail of doctor user selected in DocsTVC and on DocEditTVC user can edit data of doctor showed in DocDetailTVC or add completely new one (based user clicked on edit or add button). All these things are