

Deadly 提交于 2021-01-10 02:30:41
感谢流利阅读,感谢雪梨老师 今日导读 数据中心在网络基础设施上传递、加速、展示、计算和存储数据信息方面发挥着举足轻重的作用,但因为要考虑到安全、成本以及冷却等因素,“数据中心到底该建在哪儿”一直是让互联网企业十分头疼的问题。最近 BBC 新闻爆出微软公司做出了一个开创性的尝试,他们把数据中心沉入了海底。这样做有什么好处呢?专家们对此又有怎样的看法? Microsoft sinks data centre off Orkney 在奥克尼海域附近,微软将数据中心沉海 注: 为了凸显时效性,动词用一般现在时,表示过去已经发生的事情;为了新闻语言凝练,常常省略冠词,a data centre;off在这里相当于near,next to表示距离某地附件或不远 Microsoft has sunk a data centre in the sea off Orkney to investigate whether it can boost energy efficiency. The data centre, a white cylinder containing computers, could sit on the sea floor for up to five years. 日前,微软公司将一个数据中心沉入了奥克尼群岛附近的海域,以此来检测是否能提高能源效率


China☆狼群 提交于 2020-04-21 03:22:12
前言 最近高德地图APP完成了一次启动优化专项,超预期将双端启动的耗时都降低了65%以上,iOS在iPhone7上速度达到了400毫秒以内。就像产品们用后说的,快到不习惯。算一下每天为用户省下的时间,还是蛮有成就感的,本文做个小结。 (文中配图均为多才多艺的技术哥哥手绘) 启动阶段性能多维度分析 要优化,首先要做到的是对启动阶段的各个性能纬度做分析,包括主线程耗时、CPU、内存、I/O、网络。这样才能更加全面的掌握启动阶段的开销,找出不合理的方法调用。 启动越快,更多的方法调用就应该做成按需执行,将启动压力分摊,只留下那些启动后方法都会依赖的方法和库的初始化,比如网络库、Crash库等。而剩下那些需要预加载的功能可以放到启动阶段后再执行。 启动有哪几种类型,有哪些阶段呢? 启动类型分为: Cold:APP重启后启动,不在内存里也没有进程存在。 Warm:APP最近结束后再启动,有部分在内存但没有进程存在。 Resume:APP没结束,只是暂停,全在内存中,进程也存在。 分析阶段一般都是针对Cold类型进行分析,目的就是要让测试环境稳定。为了稳定测试环境,有时还需要找些稳定的机型,对于iOS来说iPhone7性能中等,稳定性也不错就很适合,Android的Vivo系列也相对稳定,华为和小米系列数据波动就比较大。 除了机型外,控制测试机温度也很重要,一旦温度过高系统还会降频执行

How can I do a Twitter Reverse Auth In Scala Play Framework?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-22 18:27:26
问题 I'm writing a play application (in scala) and I'm trying to perform the reverse-auth step that is outlined by twitter here: The step sounds like an ordinary RetrieveRequestToken to with the additional parameter of setting the x_auth_mode=reverse_auth THe play framework makes use of Sign-Post ( and I was wondering how I can leverage the WS library and Sign

How to send an image to a Javascript client using JSON from a Java server

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-22 11:29:29
问题 I am working on Google Contacts API and I received all data and sending as string to JSON (javascript) but when I get an image from contacts I can receive image. How can I send it to JSON? How can send the image file to a URL? (Can I use signpost?) if (photoLink.getEtag() != null) { GDataRequest request = myService.createLinkQueryRequest(photoLink); request.execute(); // No Authentication header information InputStream stream = request.getResponseStream(); Image image=; }

Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-21 05:06:09
问题 Okay, so, I am making a Tumblr client for Android, I've been trying and failing to get OAuth working for about a week now. Here's how its going: User fires up the app. Main activity's onCreate does this: settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0); authToken=settings.getString("OauthToken", "none"); authTokenSecret=settings.getString("OauthSecret", "none"); if(authToken=="none" || authTokenSecret=="none"){ Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),Authentication.class); startActivity(i

Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-18 03:45:21
问题 Does anyone have a working example of OAuth authentication for twitter with Android? I have tried to use both Twitter4J and SignPost, but I get very strange errors, saying is an unknown host. I have understod that there is a problem (under Google Android) with the SignPost library and Android and according to the project's home-page, the CommonsHttpOAuth* classes shall work. Here is my SignPost: private void getReqTokenAndAuthenticateUsingSignPost() { String callbackUrl = "twitter

Getting 401 when requesting access token with signpost within android

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-12 12:12:52
问题 Here is my code, i keep getting an exception "Authorization failed (server replied with a 401). This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match." on this line 'provider.retrieveAccessToken(consumer, verifier);'. I have triple checked my consumer key and secret and my twitter application is set as a Browser and tried setting provider.setOAuth10a(true), i have been struggling on this for 2 days!! I am using signpost (core & commonshttp4), If anyone

fail to retrieve request token for yahoo integration in android?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-11 02:05:09
问题 I am trying to integrate yahoo in my app. I am trying, private static final String YAHOO_CALLBACK_URI = "MyApp://oauth"; public static final String YAHOO_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = "";// public static final String YAHOO_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = ""; public static final String YAHOO_AUTHORIZE_URL = ""; CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer = new

Twitter API status update always returns “Incorrect signature”

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-11 01:34:47
问题 I'm using Signpost as OAuth implementation for posting to Twitter. And implemented the GoogleAppEngineOAuthConsumer and GoogleAppEngineOAuthProvider classes, but since they're pretty trivial, so I'm not providing their sources here (yet). Here's my authentication part, which seems to work just fine. // fetching the request token OAuthConsumer consumer = new GoogleAppEngineOAuthConsumer(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET); OAuthProvider provider = new GoogleAppEngineOAuthProvider

OAuth with Android

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-10 22:03:41
问题 I am attempting to access the Yelp API. I have obtained my keys and have read about 40 articles explaining what I need to do and I have attempted everything. The key and what not are valid. I am getting the following: 05-16 17:39:54.955: E/AndroidRuntime(538): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oauth.signpost.commonshttp.CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer I have imported the commons-codec-1.6 jar, the signpost-commonshttp4-, and the signpost-core- I am still getting the error