

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-12-06 05:29:30
Linux命令学习 1.文件&目录处理 ls -a 全部文件 -l 详细信息 -r 递归显示子目录结构 ls -al 相当于 ls -a -l cd ..上级目录 .当前目录 ~家目录 cd + 回车直接到家目录 pwd 显示当前目录 mkdir 创建一个新的目录 rmdir 删除一个空的目录 cp 复制 -r 会递归复制目录下所有文件 cp 文件名 + 新文件的名字 cp 文件名 + 新文件路径 rm 移除 -r 删除目录下所有文件 -i 交互式删除 -ri 交互删除含多个子目录的目录 mv 移动 不指定目录可以实现重命名 mv 文件名 新文件名 2. 在命令后加 &,意思是将该命令放在后台运行 3.Tab键具有命令和文件名补全功能,按两下Tab可以列出所有未补全的命令 4.history 显示所有命令记录 !!重复上一命令 Ctrl + R 搜索匹配使用过的命令 ESC 再加 . 使用上一命令的参数 5.通配符 * 匹配零个或多个字符 ? 匹配任意一个字符 6.sudo + 命令 使用管理员权限运行命令 passwd 修改密码 7.管理后台作业 jobs 查看作业 bg 继续后台运行 fg 拉回进程 8.touch命令可以创建空白文件 也可更新文件时间 9.proc目录下的文件记录了系统当前状态信息,如:cpuinfo usr目录通常放应用软件 10.常用命令: date


旧街凉风 提交于 2020-08-07 04:35:31
表项 描述 Fast Ethernet... is up administratively down 表明接口的硬件当前是否是被激活的还是被管理员手工的 showdown 掉了。 line protocol is 标识该接口的线协议也就是软件进程是否可用,还是被管理员手工的给 shutdown 了。 Hardware 硬件类型 ( 例如 MCI Ethernet, SCI, cBus Ethernet) 和硬件地址 Internet address 带有子网信息的该接口的 IP 地址。 MTU 接口上的最大传输单元。 BW 接口的带宽,通常单位是 kb/s 。 DLY 端口的延迟,单位是 ms 。 rely 以 255 为参照数的接口的可靠性参数 (255/255 就是百分之百的可靠 ), 以 5 分钟的平均数来计算。 load 以 255 为参照数的接口的负荷 (255/255 就是百分之百的负荷量 ), 5 分钟的平均数来计算。 Encapsulation 接口的封装类型。 ARP type 接口配置的地址解析协议 (ARP) 的类型。 loopback 标识是否设置了接口回环。 keepalive 标识接口是否设置了发送存活 (keepalives) 信息 Last input 自从接口接受到最近的一个数据包后的时间。当该数据包是被 precess-switch


和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-04-07 04:12:24
showdown.js是一个javascript环境下markdown语法解释工具. new Showdown.converter().makeHtml('#hello markdown!'); 来源: oschina 链接:

How does one actually use Markdown with Meteor

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-20 09:03:13
问题 I'm working on a project with Meteor, and I want it to use markdown, and it was very nice to see that there is a package to do that with. So I meteor added showdown, it worked, and now I can do something like {{#markdown}} #This is a header this is a paragraph {{/markdown}} and it works just fine. But now I want to actually put something more interesting in there. First thought was to sync it up with a textarea. I tried three things. First, I tried this: $('.preview').html('{{#markdown}}'+$('

How to create a showdown.js markdown extension

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-19 09:44:26
问题 Using the following code, I get working output: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/showdown.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var converter = new Showdown.converter(); alert(converter.makeHtml('*test* abc')); </script> </body> </html> Returning <p><em>test</em> abc</p> I would now like to add an extension. The github page suggests this can be done with: <script src="src/extensions/twitter.js" /> var converter = new Showdown.converter({ extensions:

Customize {{#markdown}} behavior in Meteor

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-06 14:24:43
问题 I love Markdown. The concept is one of the most elegant and useful I've come across in my few years as a programmer. So I was excited to see Meteor implement a Showdown package and let me use it with the {{#markdown}} block helper. However, when I started using it, my least favorite gotcha of markdown suddenly appeared: Indented Code Blocks. Writing this: <template name="home"> {{#markdown}} Hello!!! Welcome to *My Site*!! {{/markdown}} </template> Results in this: My Hello!!! Welcome to *My

Customize {{#markdown}} behavior in Meteor

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-04 20:21:06
I love Markdown. The concept is one of the most elegant and useful I've come across in my few years as a programmer. So I was excited to see Meteor implement a Showdown package and let me use it with the {{#markdown}} block helper. However, when I started using it, my least favorite gotcha of markdown suddenly appeared: Indented Code Blocks. Writing this: <template name="home"> {{#markdown}} Hello!!! Welcome to *My Site*!! {{/markdown}} </template> Results in this: My Hello!!! Welcome to *My Site*!! Formatted as CODE!!!! I hate indented code blocks. They completely screw with attempts to

How does one actually use Markdown with Meteor

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-02 17:41:47
I'm working on a project with Meteor, and I want it to use markdown, and it was very nice to see that there is a package to do that with. So I meteor added showdown, it worked, and now I can do something like {{#markdown}} #This is a header this is a paragraph {{/markdown}} and it works just fine. But now I want to actually put something more interesting in there. First thought was to sync it up with a textarea. I tried three things. First, I tried this: $('.preview').html('{{#markdown}}'+$('#text').val()+'{{/markdown}}'); Where .preview is a div that I want to html to show up in, and #text is

How to create a showdown.js markdown extension

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-01 09:24:54
Using the following code, I get working output: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/showdown.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var converter = new Showdown.converter(); alert(converter.makeHtml('*test* abc')); </script> </body> </html> Returning <p><em>test</em> abc</p> I would now like to add an extension. The github page suggests this can be done with: <script src="src/extensions/twitter.js" /> var converter = new Showdown.converter({ extensions: 'twitter' }); However, modifying my code to: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js


房东的猫 提交于 2019-11-30 04:15:27
前言 我是一个掘金重度用户,不仅经常在掘金上挖掘含金量高的文章,偶尔还在掘金上创作技术文章。相信读者们也对掘金非常满意,尤其是它的文章编辑器,不仅支持Markdown编辑,而且还支持代码高亮、分屏预览、自动保存等等。本文将用React+CodeMirror+Showdown实现一个类似于掘金编辑器的单页应用。 动图效果 先不说那么多,先上动图效果吧。 布局 下面是掘金文章编辑器的布局。 可以看到,编辑器主要由5个部分组成: 顶部栏 左侧Markdown编辑器 左侧底部 右侧预览 右侧底部 我们首先需要做的是将各个位置摆放出来。 创建一个文件叫 Demo.tsx ,输入以下内容。(我们先不管怎么构建一个React+Typescript应用,这里只看逻辑) import React from 'react'; // 引入样式 import style from './Demo.scss'; const Demo: React.FC = () => { return ( <div className={style.articleEdit}> <div className={style.topBar}> 顶部栏 </div> <div className={style.main}> <div className={style.editor}> <div className={style