
iPhone - UIWindow rotating depending on current orientation?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-17 17:30:59
问题 I am adding an additional UIWindow to my app. My main window rotates correctly, but this additional window I have added does not rotate. What is the best way to rotate a UIWindow according to the current device orientation? 回答1: You need to roll your own for UIWindow. Listen for UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarFrameNotification notifications, and then set the the transform when the status bar changes. You can read the current orientation from -[UIApplication statusBarOrientation] , and

How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-17 12:42:56
问题 I have a Registration screen where user enters all the registration details and when user clicks on the "Register" button i am showing the progress bar(Progress bar begins to spin) and then takes the user to the home screen.If the user rotates the phone when progress bar is spinning, the progress bar gets dismissed.I want the orientation not to change from potrait to landscape and vice versa,when a progress bar is visible(meaning it is spinning).How to stop the orientation change when

iphone/ipad orientation handling

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-17 08:16:25
问题 This is more of a general question for people to provide me guidance on, basically Im learning iPad/iPhone development and have finally come across the multi-orientation support question. I have looked up a fair amount of doco, and my book "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" has a nice chapter on it. But my question is this, if I was to programatically change my controls (or even use different views for each orientation) how on earth to people maintain their code base? I can just imagine so many

iphone/ipad orientation handling

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-17 08:16:01
问题 This is more of a general question for people to provide me guidance on, basically Im learning iPad/iPhone development and have finally come across the multi-orientation support question. I have looked up a fair amount of doco, and my book "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" has a nice chapter on it. But my question is this, if I was to programatically change my controls (or even use different views for each orientation) how on earth to people maintain their code base? I can just imagine so many

How do I get the CURRENT orientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_*) of an Android device?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-17 04:23:26
问题 I would like to find out the detailed orientation of a device, preferably one of SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE , SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT , SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE , SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT from ActivityInfo or equivalent. Some of the answers here on StackOverflow included getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation() but this doesn't really tell me whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode, only how it's turned with reference to its natural

How do I get the CURRENT orientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_*) of an Android device?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-17 04:22:04
问题 I would like to find out the detailed orientation of a device, preferably one of SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE , SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT , SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE , SCREEN_ORIENTATION_REVERSE_PORTRAIT from ActivityInfo or equivalent. Some of the answers here on StackOverflow included getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation() but this doesn't really tell me whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode, only how it's turned with reference to its natural

Avoid reloading activity with asynctask on orientation change in android

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-17 03:09:21
问题 How do I avoid reloading the activity with asynctask class in activity when the user changes orientation, in android? Can anybody give an example? 回答1: Chirag have already correctly pointed out the solution. I just want to add that, restart of Activity has nothing to do with the AsyncTask in it. By default, when there are any config changes,the activity is restarted UNLESS the config change is explicitly handled by the Activity. This is done by making an entry in manifest file. Go through

Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-17 01:33:29
问题 I would like tablets to be able to display in portrait and landscape (sw600dp or greater), but phones to be restricted to portrait only. I can't find any way to conditionally choose an orientation. Any suggestions? 回答1: Here's a good way using resources and size qualifiers. Put this bool resource in res/values as bools.xml or whatever (file names don't matter here): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <bool name="portrait_only">true</bool> </resources> Put this one in res

orientation android

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-13 22:19:40
问题 I want to add orientation on my app but I need that--> when my phone on PORTRAIT style works A activity and when I change PORTRAIT style as LANDSCAPE style A activity stops and B activity starts.How can I handle this? Thanks... 回答1: if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { } if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation ==Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { } 回答2: do this @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration

How to rotate a view from different angles?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-13 19:36:31
问题 I am trying to rotate an ImageButton by 180 degrees so it matches the reverse portrait orientation. When I did this the same way as the other orientation changes, the result was perfect, but not the animation. public void onOrientationChanged(int DeviceAngle) { float MyButtonCurrentAngle = MyButton.getRotation(); //Gets portrait rotation (0) if(DeviceAngle > 350 || DeviceAngle < 10) { //Portrait MyButton.animate().rotationBy(- MyButtonCurrentAngle).setDuration(100).start(); } else if