Adding a plane to scatterplot3d
问题 x <-rnorm(500,50,2) y <-rnorm(500,5,1) z <-rnorm(500,6,1) s3d <- scatterplot3d(x[z<6], y[z<6], z[z<6], zlim=range(z), color="darkgrey", col.axis="blue",col.grid="lightblue", main="scatterplot3d - 1", pch=20) s3d$plane3d(6,0,0) s3d$points3d(x[z>=6], y[z>=6], z[z>=6], pch=20) The above code tells me how to add a plane 'z=6' to the 3d scatter plot. The first question is: I'm wondering how to add a plane such as 'x=3' or 'y=2'. R help file explains that plane3d(Intercept, x.coef = NULL, y.coef =