

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-03-01 00:26:47
Cesium中文网: | 国内快速访问: Camera CesiumJS中的Camera控制场景的视图。有很多方法可以操作Camera,如旋转(rotate)、缩放(zoom)、平移(pan)和飞到目的地(flyTo)。CesiumJS有鼠标和触摸事件用来处理与Camrea的交互,还有API来以编程方式操作摄像机。了解如何使用Camera API和自定义相机控制(Camera controls)。 默认Camera行为 打开Sandcastle中的 Hello World 样例用来体验默认的相机控制。默认操作方式如下: 鼠标操作 3D 2D Columbus视角 Left click + drag Rotate around the globe Translate over the map Translate over the map Right click + drag Zoom in and out Zoom in and out Zoom in and out Middle wheel scrolling Zoom in and out Zoom in and out Zoom in and out Middle click + drag Tilt the globe No


喜欢而已 提交于 2020-02-29 22:20:50
Cesium中文网: | 国内快速访问: 本教程将教读者如何使用Cesium的实体(Entity)API绘制空间数据,如点、标记、标签、线、模型、形状和物体。不需要Cesium的先验知识,但是如果读者完全没有这方面的经验,那么读者可能希望从 “新手入门中文教程(原创)” 开始学习。 什么是实体(Entity)API? Cesium具有丰富的用于空间数据的API,可以分为两类:面向图形开发人员的低级API(通常称为原始(Primitive)API)和用于数据驱动的可视化的高级API(称为实体(Entity)API)。 原始API的主要目标是暴露手头执行任务所需的最小抽象量。它希望我们像图形程序员一样思考,并使用图形术语。它的结构是为给定的可视化类型提供最有性能和灵活性的实现,而不是为了API的一致性。加载一个模型不同于创建一个广告牌,两者都与创建多边形完全不同。每种类型的可视化都有其独特的特征。此外,它们各自具有不同的性能特征,并且需要遵循不同的最佳实践。虽然它功能强大且灵活,但大多数应用程序都比Primitive API提供的抽象级别更高。原始API的主要目标是开放手头当前研发工作的所需的最小抽象量。它希望我们像图形程序员一样思考,并使用图形术语。


时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-02-29 22:20:31
Cesium中文网: | 国内快速访问: CesiumJS支持对与水流相关的海洋、湖泊和河流以及全球高分辨率地形进行流式处理和可视化。查看山峰、山谷和其他地形特征,并拥抱三维数字地球。使用 Cesium ion 流式化您自己的切片地形数据或高分辨率管理地形,如 Cesium World Terrain 。 Quick Start 快速入门 打开Sandcastle的 Hello World 示例。默认情况下,地球球体是 WGS84 ellipsoid 。通过将 terrainProvider 选项传递给 Viewer ,指定不同的地形提供器。让我们使用Cesium世界地形: Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = 'your_access_token'; var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', { terrainProvider : Cesium.createWorldTerrain() }); NOTE: 创建Cesium账号 NOTE: 本教程使用Cesium ion提供的地形。创建一个帐户以获取访问令牌(access token),以便在本教程中使用地形。 在这里注册

Including a PDF file in SHFB generated .chm (Html Helpfile 1)

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-02-25 08:37:26
问题 I need to include a pdf file in my sandcastle documentation. The user should be able to navigate to the pdf on clicking it in the .chm file. Is it possible to do this? I've been searching all forums with no proper answer. I have tried using href tag in the xml comment and providing the url of the pdf file. But it opens the browser instead of the pdf file. Has anyone done this before? 回答1: I have a download link for you: This is

Sandcastle doesn't output everything from a F# assembly

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-14 14:28:29
问题 It only recognizes top-level non-function value declarations. e.g. let a = 2 and doesn't produce documentation for functions or type definitions. I've checked the xml documentation file and it has all the /// comments I put in the source, but none of them (except for the top level values) show up in the resulting html. 回答1: Yes, using C#-centric tools for F# documentation generation is usually pretty horrible. We started an alternative project a while ago, but it is not yet as mature as

Can I programmatically export class diagrams from Visual Studio 2008?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-01-04 09:18:32
问题 I can export a class diagram as an image from Visual Studio by right-clicking on the surface and choosing "Export Diagram as Image..." Is there a way to do this through command line? I'd like to be able to generate all of my class diagrams as images so I can include it in the .chm I am building w/ Sandcastle. 回答1: Found it after a full day of searching. In case anyone ever comes across this again: Two ways to do this: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram.CreateBitmap() lets you

What's the syntax to inherit documentation from another indexer?

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-01-04 05:40:49
问题 In my implementation I have this: /// <inheritdoc cref="IInterface{T} this[,]"/> public T this[long row, long column] { ... } The XMLdoc is already present in the IInterface . How can I pick it up from there (like I do for other things)? I get a compiler warning: Warning 108 XML comment on 'XXX.YYY.this[long, long]' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute 'IInterface this[,]' I tried removing the this from the cref but that didn't work either. What syntax do I need? 回答1: Use this: cref=

Generate HTML / Help files from VS 2010 C# XML documentation

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-30 01:38:27
问题 I am looking for a good tool creating HTML / Help files from my VS2010 XML documentation. I have found some commercial tools, such as .Net documentation tool VSDocman I am sure there are more, I just list these two as examples. Also there are simple XSLT stylesheets around to convert the XML to HTML documentation. What are you using, e.g. is there a free tool to do the conversion, maybe as Add-In. Just to clarify, basically I have found two types of tools: The ones converting the XML

How to get Sandcastle to include inherited properties

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-24 17:14:38
问题 I have 2 POCO classes for my view model: public class BaseView { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } and public class FullView : BaseView { public string Reference { get; set; } public bool IsActive { get; set; } } When I generate a CHM help file using Sandcastle (2014.5.31.0) both are included but the FullView only shows it's 2 properties. How can I get it to include the BaseView properties that it is inheriting? 回答1: Right click the Sandcastle project > Properties

Hide methods inherited from Object from Sandcastle-generated documentation?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-24 14:28:28
问题 How can I hide methods that are inherited from the Object class (such as Equals, Finalize, GetHashCode, GetType, etc...) from Sandcastle-generated documentation. I have a class called LicenseManager that has a single method, and the Object inherited methods are clogging the display. I am using the latest version of Sandcastle + Sandcastle Help File Builder. 回答1: Found an option in "Sandcastle Help File Builder" that does this. Set