
Windows Vista RTM

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-04-07 09:14:03
一大早来到公司,习惯性的更新订阅的RSS。看到的一个最多的消息就是Windows Vista 正式版的发布。就跟以前16位操作系统到32位系统的变革一样,这次Vista的发布可以说是酝酿已久,内核也是革命性的变化。经过几年的开发,名称的更替,长期和测试和一再的跳水。正式版终于在今天得于出现在大家的面前,也有力的回击了各种传言。 最近一段时间以来,MS的动作频繁,在各个领域同时出击。在.NET Framework方面,前几天推出了.NET Framework 3.0。MS Ajax也在不断的前进,月初发布asp.net ajax beta1后,马上在不到两个星期的时间内就发布了beta2版本和其它周围开发包的更新。Office 2007也这段时间发布了RTM版本。还有好多的CTP版本产品也在不断的与用户和开发者见面。可谓是让人眼花缭乱啊!! 从这一年多以来看MS的产品发布时机的选择,似乎它更喜欢选择在年底的时候发布它们的新产品。去年的重头产品Visual Studio 2005和SQL Server 2005是在年底的时候发布。今天又是在这段时间,Vista,Office 2007,IE7,.NET Framework 3.0的RTM相继发布,以及传说中的在年底发布MS AJAX Extensions 1.0 RTM版本。要看这架势,今年的动作也不小啊! 明天还有好多的产品值得关注呢

How to use “unsafe” in JNI?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-20 05:52:09
问题 Let's say I have a value pointed to by a (base,offset) tuple. e.g. class Data{ int x = 0; } class Accessor{ public Data data; public Object base$x; public long off$x; public static final Unsafe unsafe; public void run(){ data = new Data(); base$x = data; off$x = 12; unsafe.putInt(base$x,off$x,1); assert(data.x == 1); } static{ try { Constructor<Unsafe> unsafeConstructor = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredConstructor(); unsafeConstructor.setAccessible(true); unsafe = unsafeConstructor.newInstance(); }

How to get claim inside Asp.Net Core Razor View

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-18 04:34:32
问题 I did it in my rc1 project like: User.Claims.ElementAt(#).Value But after I switched to rtm it wouldn’t work anymore. When I debug the Razor view the object looks the same but User.Claims is just empty. Any idea what the reason could be. 回答1: Assuming you have claims attached to the current principal. In your Razor view: @((ClaimsIdentity) User.Identity) This will give you access to the ClaimsIdentity of the current user. In an effort to keep your claims fetching clean you may want to create

Namespace reference in .NET MVC3 Razor view in VB?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-10 20:12:31
问题 How do I reference a Namespace in .NET MVC3 with the Razor view engine? I understand this can be done in C#: @using Namespace; However in VB this doesn't seem to work: @Imports Namespace (i'm talking about inside a .vbhtml file) 回答1: You're using the correct syntax for VB: @Imports My.Full.Namespace What I've found in a quick play around is: Sub namespaces of the MVC project will be picked up by intellisense once the @Imports statement is added - must be the complete namespace. If you're

Will visual studio 2015 projects and solutions be backward compatible with 2013?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-10 01:02:28
问题 Now that Visual Studio 2015 RC is out, has anyone installed it and opened Visual Studio 2013 projects/solutions? Does it ask the files to be changed? If yes, are the changes it makes backward compatible? 回答1: Take a look at the Porting, Migrating, and Upgrading Visual Studio Projects article for Visual Studio 2015. All of the various caveats are described there. 回答2: Not all types of project are supported. I tried the following 4 project types: Vb.net Class project, OK. Vb.net Web Services

building live555 library for iphoneos

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-08 10:39:48
问题 I read a lot of discussions about building live555 lib for iOS platform. I successfully built lib for simulator using ./genMakefiles iphone-simulator and then make , but can not build it for device. ./genMakefiles iphoneos did not warn me about anything, but running make after it fails. It always produces error like unknown type name … . I tried many times with freshest sources, and I also tried to make clean before doing make - not helped. From the log I see some weird stuff, like path to


孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-05 08:44:22
Alpha: 是内部测试版,一般不向外部发布,会有很多Bug。一般只有测试人员使用。 Beta :也是测试版,这个阶段的版本会一直加入新的功能。在Alpha版之后推出。 RC :(Release Candidate): 顾名思义么 ! 用在软件上就是候选版本。用在系统平台上就是发行候选版本。RC版不会再加入新的功能了,主要着重于除错。 GA :General Availability:正式发布的版本,在国外都是用GA来说明release版本的。 RTM :(Release to Manufacture)是给工厂大量压片的版本,内容跟正式版是一样的,不过RTM版也有出限制、评估版的。但是和正式版本的主要程序代码都是一样的。 OEM :是给计算机厂商随着计算机贩卖的,也就是随机版。只能随机器出货,不能零售。只能全新安装,不能从旧有操作系统升级。包装不像零售版精美,通常只有一面CD和说明书(授权书)。 RVL :号称是正式版,其实RVL根本不是版本的名称。它是中文版/英文版文档破解出来的。 EVAL :流通在网络上的EVAL版,与“评估版”类似,功能上和零售版没有区别。 RTL :Retail(零售版)是真正的正式版,正式上架零售版。在安装盘的i386文件夹里有一个eula.txt,最后有一行EULAID,就是你的版本。 比如简体中文正式版是EULAID:WX.4_PRO_RTL_CN

Will visual studio 2015 projects and solutions be backward compatible with 2013?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-04 23:41:07
Now that Visual Studio 2015 RC is out, has anyone installed it and opened Visual Studio 2013 projects/solutions? Does it ask the files to be changed? If yes, are the changes it makes backward compatible? Take a look at the Porting, Migrating, and Upgrading Visual Studio Projects article for Visual Studio 2015. All of the various caveats are described there. Kenneth Li Not all types of project are supported. I tried the following 4 project types: Vb.net Class project, OK. Vb.net Web Services project, OK. Cordova JS project, not OK, need to migrate manually, by moving the sources from root

How to use “unsafe” in JNI?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-02 09:51:22
Let's say I have a value pointed to by a (base,offset) tuple. e.g. class Data{ int x = 0; } class Accessor{ public Data data; public Object base$x; public long off$x; public static final Unsafe unsafe; public void run(){ data = new Data(); base$x = data; off$x = 12; unsafe.putInt(base$x,off$x,1); assert(data.x == 1); } static{ try { Constructor<Unsafe> unsafeConstructor = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredConstructor(); unsafeConstructor.setAccessible(true); unsafe = unsafeConstructor.newInstance(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException |

Does an aborted xbegin transaction restore the stack context that existed at the xbegin start?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-11-28 12:08:19
问题 I am interested in encapsulating a transactional xbegin and xend inside XBEGIN( ) and XEND( ) functions, in a static assembler lib. However I am unclear how (or if) the stack gets restored to the original xbegin calling state, given an xabort originating at some other stack level (higher or lower). In other words, is the dynamic stack context (including interrupts effects) managed and rolled back as just another part of the transaction? This assembler approach is needed for a VC++ 2010 build