
How do I recompile Flex 4 Framework RSLs?

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-25 02:47:24
问题 Does anyone know how to recompile Adobe Flex 4 framework RSLs? I'm using the compiler directive -dump-config to get the build config file that the FlashBuilder IDE is using for compiling my application. I then pass that config file into the mxmlc compiler so I can build from the command-line. The results of the command-line build are output to a folder other than bin-debug. bin-debug is a localtrust path, and it will an application will run from there without error. A Flash application in any

RSL used in FLEX

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-13 03:33:52
问题 How to use RSL(Runtime shared library) in flex ? how can decrease loading time of swf using rsl? please give answer 回答1: The SDK default setting of the project is RSL. check here Goto Project->Properties choose the Library path from the tab where you can see the framework linkage . The thing is It is one of the way to reduce the size of the application and the library files are downloaded and saved to cache file in browsers. so when you run the application again, the library files are taken

Flex RSL Understanding

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-08 12:13:16
问题 Till now I was using "Merged into code" for "Framework Linkage" in Flex Builder. Now, I changed it to "Runtime shared library". On doing a release build I got myapp.swf which is roughly 260 KB which was earlier close to 350 KB. It also generated framework.swz and framework.swf. But I copied only myapp.swf on my web site and not framework.swz . Still the website works just fine. I also cleared the flash player cache from here. It works just fine without the .swz file. So my questions are: Is

“Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be found” while trying to use Runtime Shared Library

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-05 19:32:20
I've made a runtime shared library for my project, let's call it ResourceLibrary. It contains all of the embedded assets for my project (images, sounds, movie clips) and it's used as a singleton in a lot of other bits of code. I am compiling it using this batch (Windows unfortunately): SET normalstuff=--namespace+=,${flexlib}/mxml-2009-manifest.xml --namespace+=,${flexlib}/mxml-manifest.xml --namespace+=library://,${flexlib}/spark-manifest.xml -external-library-path lib -external-library-path+=${flexlib}/libs

loading an RSL without using flex?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-05 07:35:21
问题 If I have rolled my own RSL, and I want to use it in my pure as3 apps, is there documentation or an example of how to do this? Or do I need to traverse the flex source code to figure out what adobe's engineers have done? 回答1: This is a very tricky one, with lots to go into I'm afraid. Some pointers: To get a class from an externally loaded SWF use the getDefinition method on an application domain e.g. public function loadHandler(evt:Event):void { var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as

loading an RSL without using flex?

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-03 21:27:28
If I have rolled my own RSL, and I want to use it in my pure as3 apps, is there documentation or an example of how to do this? Or do I need to traverse the flex source code to figure out what adobe's engineers have done? This is a very tricky one, with lots to go into I'm afraid. Some pointers: To get a class from an externally loaded SWF use the getDefinition method on an application domain e.g. public function loadHandler(evt:Event):void { var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo; var clazz:Class = loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition("your.external.class"); } This will