
RS232/RS485转4-20ma、4路模拟信号 隔离D/A转换器

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-17 19:06:21
RS232/RS485信号转4路模拟信号 隔离D/A转换器 产品特点: ● RS-485/232接口,隔离转换成4路标准模拟信号输出 ● 可选型输出4-20mA或0-10V控制其他设备 ● 模拟信号输出精度优于 0.2% ● 可以程控校准模块输出精度 ● 信号输出 / 通讯接口之间隔离耐压3000VDC ● 宽电源供电范围:8 ~ 32VDC ● 可靠性高,编程方便,易于安装和布线 ● 用户可编程设置模块地址、波特率等 ● 支持Modbus RTU 通讯协议,自动识别协议 ● 低成本、小体积模块化设计 典型应用: ● 0-10V标准模拟信号输出 ● 智能楼宇控制、安防工程等应用系统 ● RS-232/485总线工业自动化控制系统 ● 灯光控制,LED智能调光控制 ● 设备运行调试与控制 ● 传感器信号的远程传输及信号还原 ● 工业现场执行器数据给定 ● 医疗、工控产品开发 ● 4-20mA信号输出 产品概述: IBF32系列产品实现主机RS-485/232接口信号隔离转换成标准模拟信号,用以控制远程设备。IBF32系列产品可应用在 RS-232/RS-485总线工业自动化控制系统,4-20mA,0-5V,0-10V等标准信号输出,用来控制工业现场的执行设备,控制设备以及显示仪表等等。 产品包括电源隔离,信号隔离、线性化,D/A转换和RS-485串行通信。每个串口最多可接255只


巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-17 18:01:49
8AI,4DI,4DO混合信号转RS-485/232,MODBUS数据采集模块 IBF30 产品特点: ● 八路4-20mA输入Modbus RTU通讯协议 ● 四路开关量输入,四路开关量输出 ● 通过RS-485/232接口可以程控校准模块精度 ● 信号输入 / 输出之间隔离耐压3000VDC ● 宽电源供电范围:8 ~ 32VDC ● 可靠性高,编程方便,易于应用 ● 标准DIN35导轨安装,方便集中布线 ● 用户可编程设置模块地址、波特率等 ● 支持Modbus RTU 通讯协议,自动识别协议 ● 低成本、小体积模块化设计 典型应用: ● 信号测量、监测和控制 ● RS-485远程I/O,数据采集 ● 智能楼宇控制、安防工程等应用系统 ● RS-232/485总线工业自动化控制系统 ● 工业现场信号隔离及长线传输 ● 设备运行监测 ● 传感器信号的测量 ● 工业现场数据的获取与记录 ● 医疗、工控产品开发 ● 4-20mA或0-5V信号采集 产品概述: IBF30产品实现传感器和主机之间的信号采集,用来检测模拟信号。IBF30系列产品可应用在 RS-232/485总线工业自动化控制系统,4-20mA / 0-5V信号测量、监测和控制,以及工业现场信号隔离及长线传输等等。 产品包括电源隔离,信号隔离、线性化,A/D转换和RS-485串行通信。每个串口最多可接255只

timeout on waiting for command from linear stage device using matlab

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-11 17:18:07
问题 I am trying to establish a full duplex serial communication between the RS485 port of a stepper motor controller and the COM port of my laptop. The cable I use connects to RS485 on the controller and to a USB port on my laptop. I am using a Matlab script to send and receive commands to the controller to move a stage block on a guided linear scale. While I can open the serial connection to the device and send commands to advance the stage block on the linear scale, I am unable to receive any

dsPic33E : RS485 Communication issue

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-11 08:02:00
问题 I am facing issue while communicating serially over RS485 port. I am using dsPic33E microcontroller with Max485. using breakpoint i analyzed that Whenever I send "0x00" to controller, "0xFF" is received. Then I sent "0x01" , "0xFD" is received on controller.and so on. Also i tried to use loop-back logic, means sending back the received character, but every time I receive "0x00" for any value sent. I am unable to get the issue. below is the snapshot of the code I am using : // RS485 TRISBbits

RS485 support in pxa255

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-08 04:32:30
问题 I want to use rs485 placed on my card. I'm working on arm-linux and with pxa255 processor. I have already checked "serial.h" located in arm-linux tool chain but unfortunately i couldn't find the appropriate rs485 settings struct although it is supported in some other environments like cris. So now, do i have to write a low-level driver to enable rs485 or is there any other easier way to do this? 回答1: I'd recommend reviewing this page about Linux RS-485 support. 回答2: There seems to be quite a

RS485 support in pxa255

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-06 22:53:39
I want to use rs485 placed on my card. I'm working on arm-linux and with pxa255 processor. I have already checked "serial.h" located in arm-linux tool chain but unfortunately i couldn't find the appropriate rs485 settings struct although it is supported in some other environments like cris. So now, do i have to write a low-level driver to enable rs485 or is there any other easier way to do this? I'd recommend reviewing this page about Linux RS-485 support . There seems to be quite a lot of confusion about serial ports with regards to RS485 mode support on Linux drivers. I think I might be able


谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-06 10:46:25
设备准备 PC机一个 网关一个 RS-485通信节点三个(三个M3主控模块,一个作为主机,两个从机) 火焰传感器一个 可燃气体传感器一个 USB转485调试器一个 一、云平台配置 二、节点固件下载 一路next到…… 三、硬件连线   实物连接图 代码分析 // 硬件抽象层初始化 HAL_Init(); // 系统时钟配置 SystemClock_Config(); // GPIO口初始化(包括LED,KEY1,KEY2,蜂鸣器) MX_GPIO_Init(); // 初始化USMART(函数控制管理初始化) usmart_dev.init(); // ADC初始化 MX_ADC1_Init(); // 定时器3初始化 MX_TIM3_Init(); // 初始化内部SRAM my_men_init(SRAMIN); // 初始化modbus16进制 mb_init(M_FRAME_CHECK_CRC16); // 传感器初始化,开机获取上次传感器保存状态 Sensor_Init(); while (1) { // modbus协议应用程序 getsensor_task(); // 获取传感器数值应用程序 app_modbus_slave(); } void getsensor_task(void) { static uint32

Calculating modbus RTU 3.5 character time

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-03 13:27:45
问题 am new to Modbus and developing an application using Modbus RTU. I would like to know how to find out the RTU message frame separation time. In the Modbus RTU specification, It mentions 3.5 chars time, but there is no more data about how i can decide this intervals. and wat are the steps to calculate the separation time? 回答1: Take a look at page 13 of the Modbus Serial Line Protocol and Implementation Guide V1.02 At the bottom you will find a remark explaining the inter-character time-out (t1

Sending hex over serial with python

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-03 03:50:25
This weekend I am going to make a little project. Got a solarcell inverter (Danfoss ULX 3600i) which I will try to connect to my linux machine, to see if I can grab the data from it, how much energy created eg for stats. There is an input for RJ45 connection on it, but with RS485. I got the cables to connect it through my usb port in the pc with an RS485 converter in between the pc and the inverter. I am then writing a small python code to make request. However I cant figure out how to send the data correctly. import serial import struct ser = serial.Serial( port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=19200